Master Jewish Studies (839 [2] - Version 2015)
Curricula und Informationen zum Masterstudium Judaistik sieheür die Teilnahme an den Lehrveranstaltungen ist eine online-Anmeldung erforderlich.Die Lehrveranstaltungen finden, sofern nicht anders angegeben, in den Hörsälen (HS 1 und HS 2 im Erdgeschoß) und im Besprechungsraum (2.Stock) des Instituts für Judaistik statt (Wien IX., Spitalgasse 2, Hof 7.3 des Universitätscampus).
1. Compulsory Module Hebrew and Aramaic (10 ECTS)
2. Compulsory Module Hebrew and Aramaic Texts (24 ECTS)
060006 SE 6 ECTS "If you will it, it ist no dream": Texts about "Zion" from the Bible to the presentLanger, Tu 16:00-17:30 (13×)
Wiebe, Tu 12:00-13:30 (13×)
060026 SE 6 ECTS Between Rewritten Bible and Commentary - The Pre-Rabbinic Reception History of the Jewish ScripturesLange, Th 10:00-11:30 (11×)
Cordoni de Gmeinbauer, Th 10:00-11:30 (2×), Th 10:00-11:45 (4×), Th 11:45-13:00 (4×), Th 03.05. 10:00-13:00
3. Group of Elective Modules: 3 Epoch Modules (33 ECTS)
3a. Epoch Module Antique Period (11 ECTS)
Lange, We 10:00-11:30 (13×)
3b. Epoch Module Rabbinic Period (11 ECTS)
Langer, Tu 10:15-11:45 (12×)
Langer, Tu 06.03. 13:45-14:15
3c. Epoch Module Medieval Period (11 ECTS)
Ragacs, Th 14:00-15:30 (12×)
Colella, Mo 09:30-11:00 (13×)
Akrap, Fr 10:00-11:30 (16×)
3d. Epoch Module Modern Period (11 ECTS)
060046 VO 3 ECTS Philosophy and Kabbalah - Jewish Thought from the Middle Ages up to the early Modern PeriodDavidowicz, Mo 14:15-15:45 (11×)
4. Compulsory Module Special Topics (12 ECTS)
060011 VO 3 ECTS Alt-Neuland on the Screen: 70 years of Israeli Fiction Film - in Cooperation with the Embassy of the State of Israel and METRO-KinokulturhausStern
Ferdinaro, Fr 09:30-11:00 (11×)
Ragacs, Th 14:00-15:30 (12×)
Langer, Tu 10:15-11:45 (12×)
060006 SE 6 ECTS "If you will it, it ist no dream": Texts about "Zion" from the Bible to the presentLanger, Tu 16:00-17:30 (13×)
060046 VO 3 ECTS Philosophy and Kabbalah - Jewish Thought from the Middle Ages up to the early Modern PeriodDavidowicz, Mo 14:15-15:45 (11×)
Davidowicz, Mo 12:30-14:00 (12×)
Füzessy, Mo 16:00-17:30 (12×)
Füzessy, Mo 13:30-14:30 (12×), We 13:30-14:30 (15×)
Lange, We 12:00-13:30 (13×)
Roubekas, Th 11:30-13:00 (13×)
5. Compulsory Final Module Master (8 ECTS)
Last modified: Fr 29.06.2018 00:29