BA T2 - Specific Sociological Theories and Societal Diagnoses (15 ECTS)
Die Vorlesung "Ausgewählte Paradigmen soziologscher Theorein " kann nur im Wintersemester angeboten werden.
Bogner, Th 13:15-14:45 (14×)
230120 SE 5 ECTS Selected Paradigms: "Culture" over "Society"? - The potentials and pitfalls of the "cultural turn" in sociological theoryParzer, We 12:45-15:45 (7×)
230121 SE 5 ECTS [ en ] Selected Paradigms: Social Inequality, from Marx and Weber to Piketty and AtkinsonVerwiebe, We 11:00-12:30 (14×)
Schlembach, We 09:00-10:30 (13×)
230123 SE 5 ECTS Selected Paradigms: Modern society and individualization - Theoretical and empirical perspectivesWeber, Tu 12:30-14:00 (12×), Tu 29.05. 12:30-15:30
Pelikan, Fr 16:30-18:30 (4×), Fr 22.06. 10:00-17:30, Sa 23.06. 10:00-17:30, Su 24.06. 10:00-17:30
Alpagu, Tu 11:15-12:45 (13×)
230126 WS 4 ECTS Diagnosis of Society: Presence Effects - Body and Experience-centred Practices in Contemporary SocietiesAntony, We 15:00-18:10 (7×)
230127 WS 4 ECTS [ de en ] Diagnosis of Society: Political Sociology and Comparative Welfare State AnalysisEisfeld, Th 13:15-15:00 (12×)
230128 WS 4 ECTS Diagnosis of Society: Political autonomy and/or institutionalism - Current debates and challenges within feminist activismHansal, Th 15:15-16:45 (12×)
Mayrhofer-Deak, Fr 02.03. 15:00-16:30, Sa 09:00-17:00 (2×), Sa 21.04. 09:45-17:15
Last modified: Fr 29.06.2018 00:29