Erster Studienabschnitt
877757 UE 0 ECTS exercise course in introductory physics II - exercise course in introductory physics IIKrexner
877758 UE 0 ECTS exercise course in introductory physics II - exercise course in introductory physics IITröster
804712 VO 0 ECTS Principles of Modern Physics - Principles of Modern Physics: Special Relativity and Elementary Quantum MechanicsBaumgartner
814154 VO 0 ECTS Theoretical Physics for Teacher Students L1 - Theoretical Physics for Teacher Students L1: Mechanics and ElectrodynamicsBaumgartner
814155 UE 0 ECTS Excercises: Theoretical physics/Teacher Students 1 - Theoretical Physics for Teacher Students - practical work
814256 SE 0 ECTS Physics under the Teaching Aspect - Physics under the Teaching Aspect: Concepts and UnderstandingKühnelt
804968 UE 0 ECTS Übungen zur Vektor- und Tensorrechnung II - Übungen zur Vektor- und Tensorrechnung IIWagner
804972 VO 0 ECTS Einführung in die Vektor- und Tensorrechnung II - Einführung in die Vektor- und Tensorrechnung IIWagner
802048 VO 0 ECTS Mathematical Foundations for Studying Physics III - Mathematical Foundations for Studying Physics IIISchmitt
902468 PS 0 ECTS PS to Math. Foundations for Studying Physics III - Proseminar to Mathematical Foundations for Studying Physics IIISchmitt
Last modified: Fr 04.03.2022 01:29