Bachelor’s programme in History of Art and Architecture (635 [3] - Version 2018)
Das Studium ist abgeschlossen, wenn 120 ECTS-Punkte gemäß den Bestimmungen in den Pflichtmodulen erworben und Erweiterungscurricula im Ausmaß von 60 ECTS-Punkten erfolgreich absolviert wurden.
Introductory and Orientation Period (15 ECTS)
PM 1 Introduction to History of Art: Selected Studies (5 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE COMM Modul exam: STEOP Introduction to Art History: Selected Studies
Rosenberg, Mo 17:15-19:15 (13×)
PM 2 Introduction to Iconography (5 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE COMM Modul exam: STEOP Introduction to Iconography
Goldarbeiter-Liskar, Mo 15:00-17:00 (12×)
PM 3 Introduction to Architectural Terminology and Morphology (5 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE COMM REMOTE Modul exam: Introduction to Architectural Terminology and Morphology
Hub, Fr 13:15-15:15 (11×)
History of Art Survey (20 ECTS)
PM 4 History of Art Survey I (5 ECTS)
PM 5 History of Art Survey II (5 ECTS)
Rosenberg, Tu 16:45-18:15 (14×)
PM 6 History of Art Survey III (5 ECTS)
PM 7 History of Art Survey IV (5 ECTS)
Case Studies (20 ECTS)
PM 8 Case Study I (10 ECTS)
Pichler, We 09:00-10:30 (16×)
080017 PS 10 ECTS Case Study I: Nation and History: The Past Represented and Constructed - Myths, Staging, Fiction and FactualityCsanda, Tu 10:45-12:45 (3×), Tu 10:45-12:15 (9×), Tu 22.06. 09:15-12:15
Hindriks, Tu 12:30-14:00 (15×)
Albl, Mo 11:45-13:15 (15×)
Chen, Fr 13:00-14:30 (14×)
080035 PS 10 ECTS Case Study I: Roman Art and Architecture under the Popes of the High and Middle AgesHinterholz, Th 11:00-12:30 (13×)
Reisinger, We 12:30-14:00 (15×)
Gargova, Th 16:30-18:00 (13×)
Mang, Th 17:00-18:30 (12×)
Widorn, Mo 17:00-18:30 (14×)
PM 9 Case Study II (5 ECTS)
Compagnon, Th 09:00-10:30 (13×)
080024 PS 5 ECTS Case St. II/III: Albrecht Dürer's Oeuvre and its Reception in the Early Modern PeriodSailer, Tu 10:00-11:30 (15×)
Wedekind, Mo 15:00-16:30 (15×)
080037 PS 5 ECTS Case Study II/III: Behind the Canon - Visualizing the hidden in Collections and ExhibitionsReitstätter, Fr 11:30-14:30 (7×)
Mazzetti Di Pietralata, Mo 15:00-17:00 (3×), Mo 15:00-18:00 (6×)
Göloglu, Tu 13:00-14:30 (14×)
Gargova, Tu 11:00-12:30 (14×)
Hinterholz, We 13:00-14:30 (16×)
PM 10 Case Study III (5 ECTS)
Compagnon, Th 09:00-10:30 (13×)
080024 PS 5 ECTS Case St. II/III: Albrecht Dürer's Oeuvre and its Reception in the Early Modern PeriodSailer, Tu 10:00-11:30 (15×)
Wedekind, Mo 15:00-16:30 (15×)
080037 PS 5 ECTS Case Study II/III: Behind the Canon - Visualizing the hidden in Collections and ExhibitionsReitstätter, Fr 11:30-14:30 (7×)
Mazzetti Di Pietralata, Mo 15:00-17:00 (3×), Mo 15:00-18:00 (6×)
Göloglu, Tu 13:00-14:30 (14×)
Gargova, Tu 11:00-12:30 (14×)
Hinterholz, We 13:00-14:30 (16×)
Special Topics (30 ECTS)
PM 11 Special Topics (30 ECTS)
Ritter, Th 13:15-14:45 (13×)
Nieslony, Th 15:00-16:30 (12×)
Körner, We 15:00-16:30 (12×)
Emphasis (10 ECTS)
PM 12 Methods in History of Art and Architecture / Art Theory (5 ECTS)
080067 UE 5 ECTS Course: Andrea Palladio (1508-1580), Vincenzo Scamozzi (1548-1616) and their Followers. - Treatises and Architectural Practice in Venice.Sanvito, Tu 10:00-11:30 (15×)
Speidel, Sa 20.03. 12:00-13:30, Sa 11:00-17:00 (4×)
PM 13 Practical Applications of History of Art and Architecture (5 ECTS)
Brantl, Tu 10:00-11:30 (15×)
080097 UE 5 ECTS Course: Modern Material - Materials of Modernity. - Materials and Techniques in the Decorative Arts of the Viennese Modernity 1890-1930Franz, Th 14:00-16:00 (9×)
Final Phase (25 ECTS)
PM 14 Art in Vienna (5 ECTS)
Göloglu, Th 13:00-14:30 (12×)
PM 15 Seminar I (10 ECTS)
080015 SE 10 ECTS Seminar: Basic Concepts of the Architectural Theory of the 18th, 19th and 20th Centuries: - From "Character" to "Atmosphere"Hub, Fr 10:00-12:00 (14×)
080022 SE 10 ECTS SE: Vasari & his Co-Authors: Artist, Historiographer, Architect - and the Rise of the Mod. Art WorldBlum, Fr 05.03. 10:00-13:00, Fr 10:00-18:00 (2×), Sa 10:00-18:00 (2×), Th 01.07. 10:00-18:00, Su 04.07. 10:00-13:00
080023 SE 10 ECTS Seminar: The Pope wrote: "the way Michelangelo wants it" - Decision-making Processes and the Determination of Meaning in Early Modern ArtRosenberg, Th 13:00-16:00 (12×)
080028 SE 10 ECTS Seminar: Culture of Construction and Building Operation: Examples from the Middle AgesSchedl, Th 17:30-19:00 (13×)
Karner, Tu 18:00-19:30 (14×)
080039 SE 10 ECTS Seminar: Site Specificity. Emergence and Transformations of a Paradigm of Contemporary ArtEgenhofer, We 16:00-18:00 (16×)
Nieslony, We 11:00-12:30 (15×)
Dachs, We 17.03. 18:00-19:30
Koos, Sa 11:00-13:00 (2×), Th 01.04. 10:00-14:00, Sa 10:00-14:00 (2×), Su 10:00-14:00 (2×)
080060 SE 10 ECTS Seminar: Giuseppe Castiglione (1668-1776) and the Reception of European Art in East AsiaNickel, Mo 15:15-16:45 (15×)
Mazzetti Di Pietralata, Tu 15:00-17:00 (2×), Tu 15:00-18:00 (6×)
Telesko, Fr 10:45-12:15 (14×)
Pichler, Th 09:00-10:30 (13×)
Pippal, Tu 09:00-10:30 (6×), Sa 09:00-14:00 (2×), Su 09:00-14:00 (2×)
Körner, Fr 04.06. 09:30-18:00, Sa 05.06. 09:30-18:00, Mo 07.06. 09:30-18:00
Ritter, Mo 10:00-11:30 (15×)
080104 SE 10 ECTS Seminar: From the Byzantine Exarchate to the Leading Maritime Power of the Mediterranean - The Birth and Rise of Venice up to the Fall of Constantinople in 1453, as portrayed in its Art and ArchitectureTheis, Tu 16:00-17:30 (14×)
PM 16 Seminar II (10 ECTS)
080015 SE 10 ECTS Seminar: Basic Concepts of the Architectural Theory of the 18th, 19th and 20th Centuries: - From "Character" to "Atmosphere"Hub, Fr 10:00-12:00 (14×)
080022 SE 10 ECTS SE: Vasari & his Co-Authors: Artist, Historiographer, Architect - and the Rise of the Mod. Art WorldBlum, Fr 05.03. 10:00-13:00, Fr 10:00-18:00 (2×), Sa 10:00-18:00 (2×), Th 01.07. 10:00-18:00, Su 04.07. 10:00-13:00
080023 SE 10 ECTS Seminar: The Pope wrote: "the way Michelangelo wants it" - Decision-making Processes and the Determination of Meaning in Early Modern ArtRosenberg, Th 13:00-16:00 (12×)
080028 SE 10 ECTS Seminar: Culture of Construction and Building Operation: Examples from the Middle AgesSchedl, Th 17:30-19:00 (13×)
Karner, Tu 18:00-19:30 (14×)
080039 SE 10 ECTS Seminar: Site Specificity. Emergence and Transformations of a Paradigm of Contemporary ArtEgenhofer, We 16:00-18:00 (16×)
Nieslony, We 11:00-12:30 (15×)
Dachs, We 17.03. 18:00-19:30
Koos, Sa 11:00-13:00 (2×), Th 01.04. 10:00-14:00, Sa 10:00-14:00 (2×), Su 10:00-14:00 (2×)
080060 SE 10 ECTS Seminar: Giuseppe Castiglione (1668-1776) and the Reception of European Art in East AsiaNickel, Mo 15:15-16:45 (15×)
Mazzetti Di Pietralata, Tu 15:00-17:00 (2×), Tu 15:00-18:00 (6×)
Telesko, Fr 10:45-12:15 (14×)
Pichler, Th 09:00-10:30 (13×)
Pippal, Tu 09:00-10:30 (6×), Sa 09:00-14:00 (2×), Su 09:00-14:00 (2×)
Körner, Fr 04.06. 09:30-18:00, Sa 05.06. 09:30-18:00, Mo 07.06. 09:30-18:00
Ritter, Mo 10:00-11:30 (15×)
080104 SE 10 ECTS Seminar: From the Byzantine Exarchate to the Leading Maritime Power of the Mediterranean - The Birth and Rise of Venice up to the Fall of Constantinople in 1453, as portrayed in its Art and ArchitectureTheis, Tu 16:00-17:30 (14×)
Last modified: Fr 25.06.2021 02:04