MA SE - Advanced Sociology Module (Theories, Methods, Research) Specialisation): Recommended Lectures of other Departments
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Friesl, Fr 11:30-14:45 (7×), Fr 18.03. 13:15-14:45
Roubekas, We 16:45-18:15 (13×)
Filipovic, Mo 16:45-18:15 (14×)
020052 SE 5 ECTS Seminar: Medicine and Nursing Ethics - Zukunftsvision Patient Safety - aktuelle rechtliche Herausforderung der Patient:innensicherheitDoppler
Ausserladscheider, Tu 16:45-18:15 (15×)
Müller, Tu 16:45-20:00 (2×), Tu 15:00-18:15 (4×)
Kalleitner, Fr 13:15-16:30 (6×), Fr 24.06. 09:45-13:00
Klaus, Mo 13:15-14:45 (13×), Mo 07.03. 15:00-16:30
Domnanovich, We 18:30-20:00 (16×)
Glauninger, Mo 18:30-20:00 (13×)
Kriegleder, Tu 18:30-20:00 (13×)
Grimm, Mo 13:15-14:45 (14×)
Löffler, Tu 16:45-18:15 (13×)
Prainsack, Tu 17:30-19:00 (14×)
233021 VO 4 ECTS [ en ] Techno-Science and Society: Communicating and Interacting - Central Issues, Questions and ConceptsDavies, Mo 09:30-11:30 (10×)
Davies, Mo 07.03. 09:30-11:30, Tu 09:30-11:30 (5×)
233030 VO 4 ECTS [ en ] Politics of Innovation and its Institutional Dimensions: Central Issues, Questions and Concepts - Central Issues, Questions and ConceptsFelt, Tu 14:15-16:15 (6×), Th 09:15-11:15 (4×)
Felt, Tu 14:15-16:15 (5×), Th 09:15-11:15 (2×)
Delvenne, Tu 12:00-14:00 (11×)
Sepehr, Th 16:00-18:00 (6×), Tu 03.05. 10:00-12:00, Th 05.05. 14:00-18:00, Fr 27.05. 15:00-17:00
233043 SE 5 ECTS [ en ] The Politics of Thing-Power - New Materialism and the Ontological Turn in STSAllhutter, We 09:30-11:00 (2×), We 09:30-13:00 (5×), We 04.05. 11:15-13:15, We 11.05. 09:30-15:00
233044 SE 5 ECTS [ en ] Digital Health Governance - Exploring digital practices and governance in the context of health, medicine, and the bodyMager, Mo 14:45-16:45 (9×), Mo 16.05. 14:45-17:45
Calvert, Mo 20.06. 14:00-17:00, Tu 21.06. 14:00-17:00, Th 23.06. 10:00-13:00
240057 VO 4 ECTS Commodities and Development: Current Issues and Historical Context - Globale Warenketten und ungleiche EntwicklungStaritz, Mo 15:00-16:30 (13×)
280250 SE 2 ECTS [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Transitions Towards Sustainability: Possibilities and Pitfalls - Environmental Engagements: talks (PI)Hofmann, We 17:00-18:30 (6×)
Humer, We 18:15-19:45 (8×)
Schipper, Tu 15:00-16:30 (14×)
Millesi, Th 11:30-13:00 (13×)
Filipovic, Tu 09:45-11:15 (15×)
Last modified: Th 02.02.2023 12:16