Studienprogrammleitung 29 - Geographie
29.01. Geographie
A. Studienzweige "Theoretische und Angewandte Geographie", "Raumforschung und Raumordnung" und "Kartographie und Geoinformation"
Erster Studienabschnitt (alle drei Studienzweige) (Studienplan 2002)
1.1. Grundlagen der Physiogeographie
290173 VO 3 ECTS Scientific Principles of Physical Geography I - Scientific Principles of Physical Geography, Part IGlade
290147 VO 1.5 ECTS Introduction to the Geography of Climate - Introduction to the Geography of ClimateHolawe
1.2. Grundlagen der Humangeographie
290085 VU 3 ECTS Basic Concepts of the Social Sciences - Basic Concepts of the Social Sciences for Human GeographersWeichhart
290018 PS 4.5 ECTS Introduction to Population Geography, Group A - Undergraduate Course: Introduction to Population Geography, Group AHusa
290019 PS 4.5 ECTS Introduction to Population Geography, Group B - Undergraduate Course: Introduction to Population Geography, Group BWohlschlägl
290118 VU 4.5 ECTS Social Geography: Spatial Structures of Society - Social Geography: Spatial Structures of SocietyWeichhart
1.3. Grundlagen der Kartographie und Geoinformation
290072 VO 1.5 ECTS Principles of Cartography and Geo-Communication I - Principles of Cartography and Geo-Communication IKriz
290073 PS 1.5 ECTS Principles of Cartography and Geo-Communication I - Principles of Cartography and Geo-Communication I, Group AKriz
290074 PS 1.5 ECTS Principles of Cartography and Geo-Communication I - Principles of Cartography and Geo-Communication I, Group BKriz
290075 PS 1.5 ECTS Principles of Cartography and Geo-Communication I - Principles of Cartography and Geo-Communication I, Group CPucher
290076 PS 1.5 ECTS Principles of Cartography and Geo-Communication I - Principles of Cartography and Geo-Communication I, Group DPucher
290119 PS 3 ECTS Basics in Geoinformatics and Visualization II - Basics in Geoinformatics and Visualization II, Group ARiedl
290120 PS 3 ECTS Basics in Geoinformatics and Visualization II - Basics in Geoinformatics and Visualization II, Group BRiedl
290216 PS 3 ECTS Basics in Geoinformatics and Visualization II - Basics in Geoinformatics and Visualization II, Group CMittermaier
1.4. Methodische und konzeptionelle Grundlagen
290077 VU 3 ECTS Introduction Scientific Thinking and Method - Introduction to Scientific Thinking and the Scientific Method, Group AMühlgassner
290078 VU 3 ECTS Introduction Scientific Thinking and Method - Introduction to Scientific Thinking and the Scientific Method, Group BMühlgassner
290087 PS 1.5 ECTS Introduction into Qualitative Data Collection - Introduction into Qualitative Data CollectionMatznetter
290105 VU 1.5 ECTS Introduction Statistical Data Analysis I - Introduction into Statistical Data Analysis in Geography IHatz
290106 UE 1.5 ECTS Applied Statistical Data Analysis in Geography I - Applied Statistical Data Analysis in Geography I, Group AHatz
290107 UE 1.5 ECTS Applied Statistical Data Analysis in Geography I - Applied Statistical Data Analysis in Geography I, Group BHitz
290108 UE 1.5 ECTS Applied Statistical Data Analysis in Geography I - Applied Statistical Data Analysis in Geography I, Group CMusil
1.5. Regionale Geographie Österreichs und Mitteleuropas (nur für Studierende nach dem Studienplan 1996, dort Prüfungsfach e)
290166 VO 4 ECTS Regional/Political Geography of East-Central EU - Regional and Political Geography of East-Central EuropeJordan
290003 VO 4 ECTS Transformationsprozesse Neue Deutsche Bundesländer - Sozial- und wirtschaftsgeographische Transformationsprozesse in den Neuen Deutschen BundesländernPfaffenbach
Zweiter Studienabschnitt
1. Studienzweig "Geographie", Ein-Fach-Studium (Studienplan 1996; für Studierende, die nicht auf den Studienplan 2002 umsteigen)
2.1.1. Vergleichende Physiogeographie
290144 VO 4 ECTS Alpiner Permafrost - Alpiner Permafrost - Ökologie, Entwicklung, Degradation und GefahrenpotenzialeDamm
290088 UE 4 ECTS Introcuction Laboratory Methods Physical Geography - Introcuction to Laboratory Methods in Physical Geography, Group APeticzka
290122 UE 4 ECTS Introcuction Laboratory Methods Physical Geography - Introcuction to Laboratory Methods in Physical Geography, Group BPeticzka
290132 UE 4 ECTS Laboratory Methods: Chemical Analysis - Laboratory Methods in Physical Geography for Advanced Students I (Methods of Chemical Analysis)Peticzka
290011 UE 4 ECTS Conceptual Design: Applied Physical Geography - Conceptual Design of Projects in Applied Physical GeographyFuchs
290082 SE 6 ECTS Seminar: Land Use Change - Seminar (Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology): Geomorphological and Geoecological Effects of Land Use ChangeEmbleton-Hamann
290165 PRS 8 ECTS PSem./Physiogeo: Massenbewegungen Alpenostrand - Projektseminar aus Physiogeographie: Gravitative Massenbewegungen am Alpenostrand - Analysen zur Hangstabilität des Flysch im Wiener RaumDamm
2.1.2. Vergleichende Kultur- und Sozialgeographie
290118 VU 4.5 ECTS Social Geography: Spatial Structures of Society - Social Geography: Spatial Structures of SocietyWeichhart
290003 VO 4 ECTS Transformationsprozesse Neue Deutsche Bundesländer - Sozial- und wirtschaftsgeographische Transformationsprozesse in den Neuen Deutschen BundesländernPfaffenbach
290004 PS 4 ECTS PS Sozialgeographische Migrationsforschung - Proseminar Sozialgeographische MigrationsforschungPfaffenbach
290041 VO 4 ECTS Sustainable Development of society and economy - Sustainable Development of society and economyKanatschnig
290066 VU 4 ECTS Principles of Town Planning and Urban Management - Principles of Town Planning and Urban ManagementMatznetter
290053 SE 6 ECTS Seminar: Tourism and Development II - Seminar (Human Geography): Tourism and Development - Paradigms, Conflicts, Examples (Part II)Baumhackl
290035 SE 6 ECTS Seminar:Territorial Developm./Nation Building Asia - Seminar (Human and Regional Geography): Territorial Development and Nation Building in Asia in the 19th and 20th Century - Socioeconomic, Demographic, and Spatial ConsequencesHusa
290162 SE 6 ECTS Seminar: Geography of Poverty - Seminar (Humangeography / Economic Geography): Geography of Poverty. Spatial and Social DisparitiesWeichhart
290059 SE 8 ECTS Seminar: Post-war Suburbanization - Project Seminar (Applied Geography and Regional Planning): The Future of Post-war SuburbanizationFaßmann
290061 PRS 8 ECTS Seminar: Policies Concerning Natural Preserves - Project Seminar (Applied Geography and Regional Planning): Policies Concerning Natural Preserves and Regional DevelopmentWeixlbaumer
2.1.3. Vergleichende Wirtschaftsgeographie
290100 VO 4 ECTS Introduction into the Economics of Tourism - Introduction into the Economics of TourismBaumhackl
290041 VO 4 ECTS Sustainable Development of society and economy - Sustainable Development of society and economyKanatschnig
290162 SE 6 ECTS Seminar: Geography of Poverty - Seminar (Humangeography / Economic Geography): Geography of Poverty. Spatial and Social DisparitiesWeichhart
290028 SE 3.5 ECTS Seminar: Innovation and Economic Development - Seminar (Economic Geography): Innovation and Economic Development in a Globalizing WorldFischer
2.1.4. Thematische Kartographie
2.1.5. Regionale Geographie Europas und eines außereuropäischen Großraumes
290037 VO 2 ECTS "Cross-linked Europe" I - "Cross-linked Europe" - European Networks between Center and Periphery, Part I (Part II will follow in the summer term 2007)Faßmann
290166 VO 4 ECTS Regional/Political Geography of East-Central EU - Regional and Political Geography of East-Central EuropeJordan
290003 VO 4 ECTS Transformationsprozesse Neue Deutsche Bundesländer - Sozial- und wirtschaftsgeographische Transformationsprozesse in den Neuen Deutschen BundesländernPfaffenbach
290010 VO 4 ECTS Asia: Env.Problems/Resources/Sustain.Development - Environmental Problems, Use of Resources and Aspects of Sustainable Development in AsiaSpreitzhofer
290035 SE 6 ECTS Seminar:Territorial Developm./Nation Building Asia - Seminar (Human and Regional Geography): Territorial Development and Nation Building in Asia in the 19th and 20th Century - Socioeconomic, Demographic, and Spatial ConsequencesHusa
290169 PS 2 ECTS Preparatory Course Excursion South East Asia - Preparatory Course for the Scientific Excursion to South East Asia (Focus on Thailand)Vielhaber
2.1.6. Wahlfächer (Schwerpunktbildung)
2. Studienzweig "Theoretische und Angewandte Geographie" (Studienplan 2002)
2.2.1. Methodische Vertiefung
290121 VU 4 ECTS Advanced methods of statistical analysis - Advanced methods of statistical analysis (regional analysis)Vorauer-Mischer
290178 VO 4 ECTS Remote Sensing I - Remote Sensing I: Fundamentals and Possible Fields of ApplicationSteinnocher
290088 UE 4 ECTS Introcuction Laboratory Methods Physical Geography - Introcuction to Laboratory Methods in Physical Geography, Group APeticzka
290122 UE 4 ECTS Introcuction Laboratory Methods Physical Geography - Introcuction to Laboratory Methods in Physical Geography, Group BPeticzka
2.2.2. Grundlagen der Raumforschung und Raumordnung
2.2.3. Aktuelle Forschungsfragen der Physio- und Humangeographie
2.2.4. Wahlfach (Schwerpunktfach): Fachspezifische Vertiefung und wissenschaftliche Projektarbeit
290162 SE 6 ECTS Seminar: Geography of Poverty - Seminar (Humangeography / Economic Geography): Geography of Poverty. Spatial and Social DisparitiesWeichhart
290061 PRS 8 ECTS Seminar: Policies Concerning Natural Preserves - Project Seminar (Applied Geography and Regional Planning): Policies Concerning Natural Preserves and Regional DevelopmentWeixlbaumer
290004 PS 4 ECTS PS Sozialgeographische Migrationsforschung - Proseminar Sozialgeographische MigrationsforschungPfaffenbach
140313 VO 3 ECTS RV Internationale Entwicklung - Ringvorlesung Internationale Entwicklung: Probleme, Mechanismen und Theorien von Entwicklung und UnterentwicklungFischer, Tu 15:00-16:30 (14×)
140007 PS 4 ECTS Entwicklungstheorien - Entwicklungstheorien: Entwicklung als Idee, als Praxis und als ForschungsgegenstandGächter, Tu 16:00-18:00 (15×)
140008 PS 4 ECTS Entwicklungstheorien - Entwicklungstheorien: Entwicklung als Idee, als Praxis und als ForschungsgegenstandGächter, We 04.10. 13:00-15:00
140009 PS 4 ECTS Entwicklungstheorien - Entwicklungstheorien: Entwicklung als Idee, als Praxis und als ForschungsgegenstandGächter, We 15:00-17:00 (14×)
Schönpflug, Tu 10.10. 09:00-11:00
140316 VO 3 ECTS Einführung in die Entwicklungssoziologie - Einführung in die EntwicklungssoziologieKolland, Th 12.10. 09:00-11:00
290035 SE 6 ECTS Seminar:Territorial Developm./Nation Building Asia - Seminar (Human and Regional Geography): Territorial Development and Nation Building in Asia in the 19th and 20th Century - Socioeconomic, Demographic, and Spatial ConsequencesHusa
290010 VO 4 ECTS Asia: Env.Problems/Resources/Sustain.Development - Environmental Problems, Use of Resources and Aspects of Sustainable Development in AsiaSpreitzhofer
290144 VO 4 ECTS Alpiner Permafrost - Alpiner Permafrost - Ökologie, Entwicklung, Degradation und GefahrenpotenzialeDamm
290011 UE 4 ECTS Conceptual Design: Applied Physical Geography - Conceptual Design of Projects in Applied Physical GeographyFuchs
290082 SE 6 ECTS Seminar: Land Use Change - Seminar (Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology): Geomorphological and Geoecological Effects of Land Use ChangeEmbleton-Hamann
290165 PRS 8 ECTS PSem./Physiogeo: Massenbewegungen Alpenostrand - Projektseminar aus Physiogeographie: Gravitative Massenbewegungen am Alpenostrand - Analysen zur Hangstabilität des Flysch im Wiener RaumDamm
290132 UE 4 ECTS Laboratory Methods: Chemical Analysis - Laboratory Methods in Physical Geography for Advanced Students I (Methods of Chemical Analysis)Peticzka
290100 VO 4 ECTS Introduction into the Economics of Tourism - Introduction into the Economics of TourismBaumhackl
290053 SE 6 ECTS Seminar: Tourism and Development II - Seminar (Human Geography): Tourism and Development - Paradigms, Conflicts, Examples (Part II)Baumhackl
2.2.5. Wahlfächer
290037 VO 2 ECTS "Cross-linked Europe" I - "Cross-linked Europe" - European Networks between Center and Periphery, Part I (Part II will follow in the summer term 2007)Faßmann
290003 VO 4 ECTS Transformationsprozesse Neue Deutsche Bundesländer - Sozial- und wirtschaftsgeographische Transformationsprozesse in den Neuen Deutschen BundesländernPfaffenbach
290166 VO 4 ECTS Regional/Political Geography of East-Central EU - Regional and Political Geography of East-Central EuropeJordan
290063 RV 2 ECTS Cultures of Difference - Transformation Processes - Cultures of Difference - Transformation Processes in Central EuropeFaßmann
290010 VO 4 ECTS Asia: Env.Problems/Resources/Sustain.Development - Environmental Problems, Use of Resources and Aspects of Sustainable Development in AsiaSpreitzhofer
290035 SE 6 ECTS Seminar:Territorial Developm./Nation Building Asia - Seminar (Human and Regional Geography): Territorial Development and Nation Building in Asia in the 19th and 20th Century - Socioeconomic, Demographic, and Spatial ConsequencesHusa
290100 VO 4 ECTS Introduction into the Economics of Tourism - Introduction into the Economics of TourismBaumhackl
290041 VO 4 ECTS Sustainable Development of society and economy - Sustainable Development of society and economyKanatschnig
290028 SE 3.5 ECTS Seminar: Innovation and Economic Development - Seminar (Economic Geography): Innovation and Economic Development in a Globalizing WorldFischer
290162 SE 6 ECTS Seminar: Geography of Poverty - Seminar (Humangeography / Economic Geography): Geography of Poverty. Spatial and Social DisparitiesWeichhart
290066 VU 4 ECTS Principles of Town Planning and Urban Management - Principles of Town Planning and Urban ManagementMatznetter
290004 PS 4 ECTS PS Sozialgeographische Migrationsforschung - Proseminar Sozialgeographische MigrationsforschungPfaffenbach
290132 UE 4 ECTS Laboratory Methods: Chemical Analysis - Laboratory Methods in Physical Geography for Advanced Students I (Methods of Chemical Analysis)Peticzka
290144 VO 4 ECTS Alpiner Permafrost - Alpiner Permafrost - Ökologie, Entwicklung, Degradation und GefahrenpotenzialeDamm
290165 PRS 8 ECTS PSem./Physiogeo: Massenbewegungen Alpenostrand - Projektseminar aus Physiogeographie: Gravitative Massenbewegungen am Alpenostrand - Analysen zur Hangstabilität des Flysch im Wiener RaumDamm
290059 SE 8 ECTS Seminar: Post-war Suburbanization - Project Seminar (Applied Geography and Regional Planning): The Future of Post-war SuburbanizationFaßmann
290061 PRS 8 ECTS Seminar: Policies Concerning Natural Preserves - Project Seminar (Applied Geography and Regional Planning): Policies Concerning Natural Preserves and Regional DevelopmentWeixlbaumer
290130 SE 6 ECTS Seminar: Meta Data - Seminar on Methods and Techniques of Geocommunication: Meta DataKainz
290176 VO 4 ECTS Editorial Work and Cost Accounting in Cartography - Editorial Work and Cost Accounting in CartographyHackner
290049 VU 6 ECTS Multimediatechnology and Geocommunication I - Multimediatechnology and Geocommunication IRiedl
3. Studienzweig "Raumforschung und Raumordnung" (Studienplan 2002)
2.3.1. Methodische Vertiefung
290121 VU 4 ECTS Advanced methods of statistical analysis - Advanced methods of statistical analysis (regional analysis)Vorauer-Mischer
290178 VO 4 ECTS Remote Sensing I - Remote Sensing I: Fundamentals and Possible Fields of ApplicationSteinnocher
2.3.2. Räumliche Entwicklungsprozesse und gesellschaftliche Steuerungsmöglichkeiten
290059 SE 8 ECTS Seminar: Post-war Suburbanization - Project Seminar (Applied Geography and Regional Planning): The Future of Post-war SuburbanizationFaßmann
2.3.3. Konzepte und Instrumente der Raumordnung
290061 PRS 8 ECTS Seminar: Policies Concerning Natural Preserves - Project Seminar (Applied Geography and Regional Planning): Policies Concerning Natural Preserves and Regional DevelopmentWeixlbaumer
290066 VU 4 ECTS Principles of Town Planning and Urban Management - Principles of Town Planning and Urban ManagementMatznetter
2.3.4. Wahlfach
290004 PS 4 ECTS PS Sozialgeographische Migrationsforschung - Proseminar Sozialgeographische MigrationsforschungPfaffenbach
290181 KO 1 ECTS KO zum PS Migrationsforschung - Konversatorium für Fortgeschrittene zum Proseminar Sozialgeographische MigrationsforschungPfaffenbach
290003 VO 4 ECTS Transformationsprozesse Neue Deutsche Bundesländer - Sozial- und wirtschaftsgeographische Transformationsprozesse in den Neuen Deutschen BundesländernPfaffenbach
290111 KO 1 ECTS KO: Tranformationsprozesse Neue Dt. Bundesländer - Konversatorium zur Vorlesung: Sozial- und wirtschaftsgeographische Transformationsprozesse in den Neuen Deutschen BundesländernPfaffenbach
290162 SE 6 ECTS Seminar: Geography of Poverty - Seminar (Humangeography / Economic Geography): Geography of Poverty. Spatial and Social DisparitiesWeichhart
290100 VO 4 ECTS Introduction into the Economics of Tourism - Introduction into the Economics of TourismBaumhackl
290053 SE 6 ECTS Seminar: Tourism and Development II - Seminar (Human Geography): Tourism and Development - Paradigms, Conflicts, Examples (Part II)Baumhackl
290144 VO 4 ECTS Alpiner Permafrost - Alpiner Permafrost - Ökologie, Entwicklung, Degradation und GefahrenpotenzialeDamm
290049 VU 6 ECTS Multimediatechnology and Geocommunication I - Multimediatechnology and Geocommunication IRiedl
290176 VO 4 ECTS Editorial Work and Cost Accounting in Cartography - Editorial Work and Cost Accounting in CartographyHackner
290130 SE 6 ECTS Seminar: Meta Data - Seminar on Methods and Techniques of Geocommunication: Meta DataKainz
290140 KO 1 ECTS [ en ] Selected Subjects in Geovisualization - Selected Subjects in GeovisualizationDing
290160 PS 3 ECTS [ en ] Remote Sensing/Digital Image Processing - Applications of Remote Sensing and Digital Image ProcessingDing
290028 SE 3.5 ECTS Seminar: Innovation and Economic Development - Seminar (Economic Geography): Innovation and Economic Development in a Globalizing WorldFischer
290026 SE 4 ECTS Seminar: Growing Wealth / Increasing Poverty - Seminar in Economics: Growing Wealth versus Increasing PovertyBlaas
2.3.5. Zusätzliche Lehrveranstaltungen (nur für Studierende nach dem Studienplan 1996)
4. Studienzweig "Kartographie und Geoinformation" (Studienplan 2002)
2.4.1. Geodatenerfassung
290178 VO 4 ECTS Remote Sensing I - Remote Sensing I: Fundamentals and Possible Fields of ApplicationSteinnocher
2.4.2. Geoinformationsverarbeitung
2.4.3. Kartographische Gestaltungs- und Entwurfslehre
290176 VO 4 ECTS Editorial Work and Cost Accounting in Cartography - Editorial Work and Cost Accounting in CartographyHackner
2.4.4. Methoden und Techniken der Geokommunikation
290049 VU 6 ECTS Multimediatechnology and Geocommunication I - Multimediatechnology and Geocommunication IRiedl
2.4.5. Spezielle wissenschaftliche Fragestellungen in Kartographie und Geoinformation
290130 SE 6 ECTS Seminar: Meta Data - Seminar on Methods and Techniques of Geocommunication: Meta DataKainz
290036 SE 4 ECTS Research seminar for graduate degree students - Research seminar for graduate degree studentsKainz
290045 SE 4 ECTS Research seminar for graduate degree students - Research seminar for graduate degree studentsKretschmer
2.4.6. Empfohlene freie Wahlfächer
290141 VO 2 ECTS [ en ] Special Topics Geoinformatics/Asian Perspecitve - Special Topics in Geoinformatics from an Asian PerspectiveDing
290140 KO 1 ECTS [ en ] Selected Subjects in Geovisualization - Selected Subjects in GeovisualizationDing
290160 PS 3 ECTS [ en ] Remote Sensing/Digital Image Processing - Applications of Remote Sensing and Digital Image ProcessingDing
B. Lehramt "Geographie und Wirtschaftskunde (Unterrichtsfach)
Erster Studienabschnitt (soweit nicht anders angegeben, Studienplan 2002)
1.1. Grundlagen der Physiogeographie
290147 VO 1.5 ECTS Introduction to the Geography of Climate - Introduction to the Geography of ClimateHolawe
1.2. Grundlagen der Humangeographie (einschließlich Wirtschaftsgeographie)
290018 PS 4.5 ECTS Introduction to Population Geography, Group A - Undergraduate Course: Introduction to Population Geography, Group AHusa
290019 PS 4.5 ECTS Introduction to Population Geography, Group B - Undergraduate Course: Introduction to Population Geography, Group BWohlschlägl
1.3. Grundlagen der Kartographie und Geoinformation
290072 VO 1.5 ECTS Principles of Cartography and Geo-Communication I - Principles of Cartography and Geo-Communication IKriz
290073 PS 1.5 ECTS Principles of Cartography and Geo-Communication I - Principles of Cartography and Geo-Communication I, Group AKriz
290074 PS 1.5 ECTS Principles of Cartography and Geo-Communication I - Principles of Cartography and Geo-Communication I, Group BKriz
290075 PS 1.5 ECTS Principles of Cartography and Geo-Communication I - Principles of Cartography and Geo-Communication I, Group CPucher
290076 PS 1.5 ECTS Principles of Cartography and Geo-Communication I - Principles of Cartography and Geo-Communication I, Group DPucher
1.4. Methodische Grundlagen
290077 VU 3 ECTS Introduction Scientific Thinking and Method - Introduction to Scientific Thinking and the Scientific Method, Group AMühlgassner
290078 VU 3 ECTS Introduction Scientific Thinking and Method - Introduction to Scientific Thinking and the Scientific Method, Group BMühlgassner
290097 PS 3 ECTS Introduction Statistical Data Analysis, Group A - Introduction to Statistical Data Analysis for TA students, Group AAufhauser
290098 PS 3 ECTS Introduction Statistical Data Analysis, Group B - Introduction to Statistical Data Analysis for TA students, Group BAufhauser
1.5. Grundlagen der Wirtschaftskunde
290079 VO 3 ECTS Introductory Course: Basics Economics - Introductory Course: Basics in Economics and Business AdministrationMenschik
1.6. Grundlagen der Fachdidaktik GW
290080 PS 3 ECTS Introduction Teaching "Geography and Economics" - Introduction to the Teaching of the Subject "Geography and Economics"Dobler
290081 PS 3 ECTS Introduction Teaching "Geography and Economics" - Introduction to the Teaching of the Subject "Geography and Economics"Pichler
290204 PS 3 ECTS Didactic Concepts "Geography and Economics" - ntroductory Course in Didactics: Didactic Concepts and Contents of the Subject "Geography and Economics" in Secondary EducationHofmann-Schneller
290099 PS 3 ECTS Teaching Methods and the Use of Media - Proseminar Didactics of Teaching Geography II: Teaching Methods and the Use of Media in the Subject "Geography and Economics" in Secondary and Grammar SchoolsSitte
1.7. Regionale Geographie Österreichs und Mitteleuropas (nur für Studierende nach dem Studienplan 1996, dort Prüfungsfach d)
290166 VO 4 ECTS Regional/Political Geography of East-Central EU - Regional and Political Geography of East-Central EuropeJordan
290003 VO 4 ECTS Transformationsprozesse Neue Deutsche Bundesländer - Sozial- und wirtschaftsgeographische Transformationsprozesse in den Neuen Deutschen BundesländernPfaffenbach
Zweiter Studienabschnitt (Studienplan 2002)
2.1. Physiogeographie und Landschaftsökologie
290144 VO 4 ECTS Alpiner Permafrost - Alpiner Permafrost - Ökologie, Entwicklung, Degradation und GefahrenpotenzialeDamm
290082 SE 6 ECTS Seminar: Land Use Change - Seminar (Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology): Geomorphological and Geoecological Effects of Land Use ChangeEmbleton-Hamann
2.2. Humangeographie (einschließlich Wirtschaftsgeographie)
290118 VU 4.5 ECTS Social Geography: Spatial Structures of Society - Social Geography: Spatial Structures of SocietyWeichhart
290003 VO 4 ECTS Transformationsprozesse Neue Deutsche Bundesländer - Sozial- und wirtschaftsgeographische Transformationsprozesse in den Neuen Deutschen BundesländernPfaffenbach
290004 PS 4 ECTS PS Sozialgeographische Migrationsforschung - Proseminar Sozialgeographische MigrationsforschungPfaffenbach
290100 VO 4 ECTS Introduction into the Economics of Tourism - Introduction into the Economics of TourismBaumhackl
290041 VO 4 ECTS Sustainable Development of society and economy - Sustainable Development of society and economyKanatschnig
290066 VU 4 ECTS Principles of Town Planning and Urban Management - Principles of Town Planning and Urban ManagementMatznetter
290053 SE 6 ECTS Seminar: Tourism and Development II - Seminar (Human Geography): Tourism and Development - Paradigms, Conflicts, Examples (Part II)Baumhackl
290035 SE 6 ECTS Seminar:Territorial Developm./Nation Building Asia - Seminar (Human and Regional Geography): Territorial Development and Nation Building in Asia in the 19th and 20th Century - Socioeconomic, Demographic, and Spatial ConsequencesHusa
290162 SE 6 ECTS Seminar: Geography of Poverty - Seminar (Humangeography / Economic Geography): Geography of Poverty. Spatial and Social DisparitiesWeichhart
290028 SE 3.5 ECTS Seminar: Innovation and Economic Development - Seminar (Economic Geography): Innovation and Economic Development in a Globalizing WorldFischer
2.3. Grundlagen der Raumforschung und Raumordnung
290059 SE 8 ECTS Seminar: Post-war Suburbanization - Project Seminar (Applied Geography and Regional Planning): The Future of Post-war SuburbanizationFaßmann
290061 PRS 8 ECTS Seminar: Policies Concerning Natural Preserves - Project Seminar (Applied Geography and Regional Planning): Policies Concerning Natural Preserves and Regional DevelopmentWeixlbaumer
2.4. Österreich, die EU und ausgewählte Weltregionen - Regionalstruktur und Probleme der Regionalentwicklung
290037 VO 2 ECTS "Cross-linked Europe" I - "Cross-linked Europe" - European Networks between Center and Periphery, Part I (Part II will follow in the summer term 2007)Faßmann
290166 VO 4 ECTS Regional/Political Geography of East-Central EU - Regional and Political Geography of East-Central EuropeJordan
290003 VO 4 ECTS Transformationsprozesse Neue Deutsche Bundesländer - Sozial- und wirtschaftsgeographische Transformationsprozesse in den Neuen Deutschen BundesländernPfaffenbach
290010 VO 4 ECTS Asia: Env.Problems/Resources/Sustain.Development - Environmental Problems, Use of Resources and Aspects of Sustainable Development in AsiaSpreitzhofer
290035 SE 6 ECTS Seminar:Territorial Developm./Nation Building Asia - Seminar (Human and Regional Geography): Territorial Development and Nation Building in Asia in the 19th and 20th Century - Socioeconomic, Demographic, and Spatial ConsequencesHusa
2.5. Wirtschaftskunde
290092 VO 4 ECTS Basics monetary and financial systems - Basics of the Austrian and international monetary and financial systemsSkowronek
290026 SE 4 ECTS Seminar: Growing Wealth / Increasing Poverty - Seminar in Economics: Growing Wealth versus Increasing PovertyBlaas
290068 PS 4 ECTS Applied Didactics of Economics - Course in Didactics of "Geography and Economics": Applied Didactics of Economics within the Subject "Geography and Economics" in Secondary EducationHofmann-Schneller
290055 EX 2 ECTS Excursion in Economics and Business Administration - Excursion in Economics and Business AdministrationMenschik
2.6. Fachdidaktik (Geographie und Wirtschaftskunde)
290013 UE 4 ECTS How to Plan Teaching Units "Geography & Economics" - Preparatory Course: How to Plan Teaching Units in "Geography and Economics", Group AVielhaber
290020 UE 4 ECTS How to Plan Teaching Units "Geography & Economics" - Preparatory Course: How to Plan Teaching Units in Geography and Economics, Group BGraf
290042 PS 4 ECTS Maps, School Atlasses & Internet in Teaching Geo. - Proseminar for Didactics of Teaching Geography: Maps, School Atlasses and Internet in Teaching GeographySitte
290056 PR 4 ECTS Joint Univ. & School Proj. "Geogr. & Economics" - Course in Practical Didactics: A Joint University and School Project in "Geography and Economics"Vielhaber
290143 PS 4 ECTS Gender roles in the context of teaching geography - Gender roles in the context of teaching geography. A both theoretical and practical course in didactics.Schwarz
290214 KO 2 ECTS Discussion on the Latest Literature on Didactics - Discussion Course Focused on the Latest Literature on Didactics in "Geography and Economics"Vielhaber
Zweiter Studienabschnitt (Studienplan 1996)
2.1. Vergleichende Physiogeographie
290144 VO 4 ECTS Alpiner Permafrost - Alpiner Permafrost - Ökologie, Entwicklung, Degradation und GefahrenpotenzialeDamm
290082 SE 6 ECTS Seminar: Land Use Change - Seminar (Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology): Geomorphological and Geoecological Effects of Land Use ChangeEmbleton-Hamann
2.2. Vergleichende Humangeographie (einschließlich vergleichende Wirtschaftsgeographie)
290118 VU 4.5 ECTS Social Geography: Spatial Structures of Society - Social Geography: Spatial Structures of SocietyWeichhart
290004 PS 4 ECTS PS Sozialgeographische Migrationsforschung - Proseminar Sozialgeographische MigrationsforschungPfaffenbach
290003 VO 4 ECTS Transformationsprozesse Neue Deutsche Bundesländer - Sozial- und wirtschaftsgeographische Transformationsprozesse in den Neuen Deutschen BundesländernPfaffenbach
290100 VO 4 ECTS Introduction into the Economics of Tourism - Introduction into the Economics of TourismBaumhackl
290041 VO 4 ECTS Sustainable Development of society and economy - Sustainable Development of society and economyKanatschnig
290066 VU 4 ECTS Principles of Town Planning and Urban Management - Principles of Town Planning and Urban ManagementMatznetter
290053 SE 6 ECTS Seminar: Tourism and Development II - Seminar (Human Geography): Tourism and Development - Paradigms, Conflicts, Examples (Part II)Baumhackl
290035 SE 6 ECTS Seminar:Territorial Developm./Nation Building Asia - Seminar (Human and Regional Geography): Territorial Development and Nation Building in Asia in the 19th and 20th Century - Socioeconomic, Demographic, and Spatial ConsequencesHusa
290162 SE 6 ECTS Seminar: Geography of Poverty - Seminar (Humangeography / Economic Geography): Geography of Poverty. Spatial and Social DisparitiesWeichhart
290059 SE 8 ECTS Seminar: Post-war Suburbanization - Project Seminar (Applied Geography and Regional Planning): The Future of Post-war SuburbanizationFaßmann
290061 PRS 8 ECTS Seminar: Policies Concerning Natural Preserves - Project Seminar (Applied Geography and Regional Planning): Policies Concerning Natural Preserves and Regional DevelopmentWeixlbaumer
290028 SE 3.5 ECTS Seminar: Innovation and Economic Development - Seminar (Economic Geography): Innovation and Economic Development in a Globalizing WorldFischer
2.3. Regionale Geographie Europas und Außereuropas
290037 VO 2 ECTS "Cross-linked Europe" I - "Cross-linked Europe" - European Networks between Center and Periphery, Part I (Part II will follow in the summer term 2007)Faßmann
290166 VO 4 ECTS Regional/Political Geography of East-Central EU - Regional and Political Geography of East-Central EuropeJordan
290003 VO 4 ECTS Transformationsprozesse Neue Deutsche Bundesländer - Sozial- und wirtschaftsgeographische Transformationsprozesse in den Neuen Deutschen BundesländernPfaffenbach
290010 VO 4 ECTS Asia: Env.Problems/Resources/Sustain.Development - Environmental Problems, Use of Resources and Aspects of Sustainable Development in AsiaSpreitzhofer
290035 SE 6 ECTS Seminar:Territorial Developm./Nation Building Asia - Seminar (Human and Regional Geography): Territorial Development and Nation Building in Asia in the 19th and 20th Century - Socioeconomic, Demographic, and Spatial ConsequencesHusa
290169 PS 2 ECTS Preparatory Course Excursion South East Asia - Preparatory Course for the Scientific Excursion to South East Asia (Focus on Thailand)Vielhaber
2.4. Wirtschaftskunde
290026 SE 4 ECTS Seminar: Growing Wealth / Increasing Poverty - Seminar in Economics: Growing Wealth versus Increasing PovertyBlaas
2.5. Vorprüfungsfach: Theorie und Methoden der Geographie
2.6. Fachdidaktik
290204 PS 3 ECTS Didactic Concepts "Geography and Economics" - ntroductory Course in Didactics: Didactic Concepts and Contents of the Subject "Geography and Economics" in Secondary EducationHofmann-Schneller
290013 UE 4 ECTS How to Plan Teaching Units "Geography & Economics" - Preparatory Course: How to Plan Teaching Units in "Geography and Economics", Group AVielhaber
290020 UE 4 ECTS How to Plan Teaching Units "Geography & Economics" - Preparatory Course: How to Plan Teaching Units in Geography and Economics, Group BGraf
290068 PS 4 ECTS Applied Didactics of Economics - Course in Didactics of "Geography and Economics": Applied Didactics of Economics within the Subject "Geography and Economics" in Secondary EducationHofmann-Schneller
290042 PS 4 ECTS Maps, School Atlasses & Internet in Teaching Geo. - Proseminar for Didactics of Teaching Geography: Maps, School Atlasses and Internet in Teaching GeographySitte
290056 PR 4 ECTS Joint Univ. & School Proj. "Geogr. & Economics" - Course in Practical Didactics: A Joint University and School Project in "Geography and Economics"Vielhaber
290143 PS 4 ECTS Gender roles in the context of teaching geography - Gender roles in the context of teaching geography. A both theoretical and practical course in didactics.Schwarz
Empfohlene Freifächer bzw. Freie Wahlfächer (Zweiter Studienabschnitt, Studienplan 2002 und 1996)
290048 PS 2 ECTS Career Guidance for the School of 10-14-Year-Olds - The obligatory subject "Career Guidance for the School of Ten- to Fourteen-Year-Olds" and PREPARATION for CHOICE of STUDY and OCCUPATION at higher schoolsRathmanner
290214 KO 2 ECTS Discussion on the Latest Literature on Didactics - Discussion Course Focused on the Latest Literature on Didactics in "Geography and Economics"Vielhaber
1. Inland
290103 EX 1.5 ECTS Excursion: Lake Neusiedl/Guenser Mountains - Scientific Excursion (Human Geography): Regional Economic Upgrading by Means of Large Scale Preservation Areas - Lake Neusiedl / Seewinkel, Guenser Mountains (Burgenland)Weixlbaumer
290040 EX 1 ECTS Excursion: Supply/Disposal Infrastructure Vienna I - Scientific Excursion (Human Geography and Urban Planning): Supply and Disposal Infrastructure in the Vienna Region IMühlgassner
290054 EX 1 ECTS Excursion:Supply/Disposal Infrastructure Vienna II - Scientific Excursion (Human Geography and Urban Planning): Supply and Disposal Infrastructure in the Vienna Region IIMühlgassner
290055 EX 2 ECTS Excursion in Economics and Business Administration - Excursion in Economics and Business AdministrationMenschik
2. Ausland
290170 EX 3 ECTS Excursion: South East Asia (Thailand) - Scientific Excursion: South East Asia (Focus on Thailand)Vielhaber
Sonstige Lehrveranstaltungen
290037 VO 2 ECTS "Cross-linked Europe" I - "Cross-linked Europe" - European Networks between Center and Periphery, Part I (Part II will follow in the summer term 2007)Faßmann
290063 RV 2 ECTS Cultures of Difference - Transformation Processes - Cultures of Difference - Transformation Processes in Central EuropeFaßmann
290111 KO 1 ECTS KO: Tranformationsprozesse Neue Dt. Bundesländer - Konversatorium zur Vorlesung: Sozial- und wirtschaftsgeographische Transformationsprozesse in den Neuen Deutschen BundesländernPfaffenbach
290181 KO 1 ECTS KO zum PS Migrationsforschung - Konversatorium für Fortgeschrittene zum Proseminar Sozialgeographische MigrationsforschungPfaffenbach
290064 KO 2 ECTS Colloquium on Geography and Regional Research - Colloquium on Geography and Regional ResearchWohlschlägl
290031 VO+KO 4 ECTS Interuniversity-Colloquium - Interuniversity-Colloquium on Geography, Economic Geography, Regional Planning, Regional Development and Environmental EconomicsWohlschlägl
290169 PS 2 ECTS Preparatory Course Excursion South East Asia - Preparatory Course for the Scientific Excursion to South East Asia (Focus on Thailand)Vielhaber
290044 PV 2 ECTS Research seminar for graduate degree students - Research seminar for graduate degree studentsFaßmann
290168 PV 2 ECTS Research seminar for graduate degree students - Research seminar for graduate degree studentsWohlschlägl
290067 SE 2 ECTS Research seminar for graduate degree students - Research seminar for graduate degree studentsFischer
290123 PV 2 ECTS Research seminar for graduate degree students - Research seminar for graduate degree studentsBauer
290024 PV 2 ECTS Research seminar for graduate degree students - Research seminar for graduate degree studentsBaumhackl
290005 PV 2 ECTS Research seminar for graduate degree students - Research seminar for graduate degree studentsEmbleton-Hamann
290025 PV 2 ECTS Research seminar for graduate degree students - Research seminar for graduate degree studentsHusa
290211 PV 2 ECTS Research seminar for graduate degree students - Research seminar for graduate degree studentsNissel
290029 PV 2 ECTS Research seminar for graduate degree students - Research seminar for graduate degree studentsVielhaber
290052 PV 2 ECTS Research seminar for graduate degree students - Research seminar for graduate degree studentsWeixlbaumer
29.02. Doktoratsstudium (Dissertationsgebiet Geographie)
290185 SE 4 ECTS Research Seminar - Research Seminar (for Graduate Students who will receive a doctorate)Weichhart
290186 SE 4 ECTS Seminar for Graduate Students - Seminar for Graduate Students (Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology)Embleton-Hamann
290187 SE 4 ECTS Seminar for Graduate Students - Seminar for Graduate Students (Human Geography and Regional Geography)Husa
290188 SE 4 ECTS Seminar for Graduate Students - Seminar for Graduate Students (Applied Geography and Regional Planning)Faßmann
290037 VO 2 ECTS "Cross-linked Europe" I - "Cross-linked Europe" - European Networks between Center and Periphery, Part I (Part II will follow in the summer term 2007)Faßmann
290063 RV 2 ECTS Cultures of Difference - Transformation Processes - Cultures of Difference - Transformation Processes in Central EuropeFaßmann
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34