5.1. Quantitaive Social Research (E1)
210358 PS 6 ECTS E1: Analysis of Standardized Surveys - Short-Term Course: Introduction to the Methodology and Statistical Analysis of Standardized Surveys Based on Current Political Polls (E1)Salfinger
210366 PS 6 ECTS E1: LC Political Science Research & Empiric.Basis - Long-Term Course: Political Science Research and its Empirical Basis (E1)Müller, Mo 08:30-11:30 (12×)
210360 PS 6 ECTS E1: Introd. to Quantit.Politics & Opinion Research - Short-Term Course: Introduction to Quantitative Politics and Opinion Research (E1)Stefou, Fr 09:30-14:00 (2×)
210361 PS 6 ECTS E1: LC: Empirical Social Research - Long-Term Course: Introduction to Empirical Social Research. Design and Conduction of Surveys (continuation of the winter semester) (E1)Wroblewski
210146 PS 12 ECTS LK E1: Grundlagen d. politikwiss. Forschung - Grundlagen der politikwissenschaftlichen Forschung. Einführung in die statistische Analysemethode (E1)Schwarzer, Fr 18:00-19:30 (14×)
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34
Grundsätzlich ist ein Quereinstieg in laufende Langkurse (solche, die bereits im letzten Semester begonnen haben) nicht möglich.