Universität Wien


Das Vorlesungsverzeichnis ist NOCH in Bearbeitung - Lehrveranstaltungen, Unterrichtszeiten, Hörsäle, etc. können noch verändert werden !!!

Genaue Informationen zu den Lehrveranstaltungen und zum Studium allgemein siehe: https://sss-sinologie.univie.ac.at/

Anmeldung zu prüfungsimmanenten Lehrveranstaltungen über U:FIND:
(Registrierung für Vorlesungen = VO ab 01.02.2024 bis 30.06.2024)
ANMELDEPHASE: 12.02.2024, 10:00 Uhr bis 28.02.2024, 10:00 Uhr
ABMELDEFRIST für prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltungen: bis 31.03.2024, 23:59 Uhr

Bachelor Chinese Studies ( 611 [5] - Version 2022)

Introductory and Orientation Period (StEOP) (17 ECTS)

M01 Introduction to Modern Chinese 1 (9 ECTS)

M02 Introduction to Chinese Cultural History 2 (4 ECTS)

M03 Introduction to Chinese Political History 2 (4 ECTS)

M04 Introduction to Modern Chinese 2 (6 ECTS)

M1 Elementary Chinese (14 ECTS)

M1-1 Elementary Chinese 1 (8 ECTS)

M1-2 Elementary Chinese 2 (6 ECTS)

M2 Pre-Intermediate Chinese (30 ECTS)

M2-1 Pre-Intermediate Chinese 1 (10 ECTS)

M2-2 Pre-Intermediate Chinese 2 (20 ECTS)

M3 Intermediate Chinese (31 ECTS)

M3-1 Intermediate Chinese 1 (16 ECTS)

M3-2 Intermediate Chinese 2 (15 ECTS)

M4 Basic Knowledge (11 ECTS)

M5 Basics of Academic Research and Writing (10 ECTS)

M6 Applied Methods of Chinese Studies (8 ECTS)

M7 Research Topics in Chinese Studies (12 ECTS)

M8 Bachelor (11 ECTS)

M8 Bachelor (11 ECTS)

Bachelor Sinology (611 [3] - Version 2016) - discontinued

Introductory and Orientation Period (20 ECTS)

M 01 Introduction to Modern Chinese 1 (9 ECTS)

M 02 Introduction to Modern Chinese 2 (6 ECTS)

M 03 Introduction to Chinese History, Literature and Politics (5 ECTS)

Compulsory Modules (130 ECTS)

M 1 Language Acquisition Basic (15 ECTS)

M 2 Advanced Language Acquisition (30 ECTS)

M 3 Language Acquisition Intermediate (30 ECTS)

M4 Basic Knowledge (11 ECTS)

M 5 Research Methods and Academic Writing (9 ECTS)

M 6 Extended Knowledge (12 ECTS)

M 7 Applied Research Methods and Academic Writing (12 ECTS)

M 8 Bachelor Module (11 ECTS)

Elective Module Sinology International (15 ECTS)

EM Elective Subject Sinology Abroad (15 ECTS)

Further Elective Courses (e.g. for Alternative Extensions)

Master Sinology (811)

Scientific Track

M1 Module Advanced Language Acquisition (20 ECTS)

M2 Basic Module Topics in China Studies (18 ECTS)

M3 Advanced Module - Topics in China Studies (35 ECTS)

M4 Methods of China Studies (22 ECTS)

Teaching Track

MU1 Module Advanced Language Acquisition (26 ECTS)

MU2 Module Linguistics (12 ECTS)

MU3 Module Topics in China Studies (10 ECTS)

MU4 Module Teaching Methodology (29 ECTS)

MU5 Module Introduction to Schoolpedagogy and Theory of School (5 ECTS)

MU6 Module Pedagogy (6 ECTS)

MU7 Module Master (7 ECTS)

Extension Curriculum Understanding China (156 [2] - Version 2022)

M1 Basic Knowledge (12 ECTS)

M2 Advanced Knowledge (4 ECTS)

Last modified: Fr 28.06.2024 00:39