Master Teacher Training Programme: Geography and Economic Education (196 049, 199 510)
MA UF GW 01 Subject Didactics (6 ECTS)
Jekel, Tu 16:45-20:00 (7×)
Fridrich, Tu 08:45-12:05 (8×)
290014 PS 3 ECTS PS Proseminar on Subject Specific Didactics: Migration & Diversity in Teaching Geography in AustriaHintermann, We 15:00-16:30 (7×)
290034 PS 3 ECTS Engaging Students with Theatre-based Methods: Techniques for Developing Dynamic TeachingSpindler, Fr 08:00-12:00 (6×)
Edlinger, Mo 13:15-14:45 (13×)
MA UF GW 02 Subject-Specific In-Depth Studies Geography (8 ECTS)
290018 SE 4 ECTS Bachelorseminar in Physical Geography: Selected Topics in Climatology and Hydrology - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Masterstudium)Maier, We 09:45-11:15 (14×)
290271 SE 4 ECTS Bachelorseminar Cartography and Geoinformation: Geo-Multimedia - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Masterstudium)Riedl, Tu 13:00-15:00 (16×)
Vandenberg, We 09:45-11:15 (12×), We 20.11. 09:45-13:00
Fröwis, Tu 18:30-21:45 (7×)
290077 SE 5 ECTS [ en ] Migration and Population Dynamics in the Context of Global Change and Development IISakdapolrak, Tu 09:45-11:15 (12×)
Kounadi, Tu 11:30-13:00 (16×)
290183 VO 3 ECTS ,Burning Rim Around Europe' - Geopolitical Crises, Conflicts and Phenomena from the Arctic Across South/Eastern Europe to the MediterraneanFelberbauer, Fr 09:45-11:15 (12×)
Barning, Tu 13:15-14:45 (15×)
Levin-Keitel, We 11:30-13:00 (15×)
Musil, Th 09:45-11:15 (13×)
Musil, Th 08:00-09:30 (14×)
Wesely, Tu 16:45-19:00 (14×)
290119 EX 1 ECTS Renewable energy: planning, talking about it and participating - a tour around ViennaStanzer, We 09.10. 17:00-18:15, Th 24.10. 08:00-18:00
290086 EX 1 ECTS [ en ] Physiogeographical Field Trip: Gravitational Mass Movements in Lower AustriaJimenez Donato
MA UF GW 03 Subject-Specific In-Depth Studies Economics (8 ECTS)
290120 SE 4 ECTS Seminar in Economics (Macroeconomics) - Effects of Climate Change and Climate Policy on IndustriesBaum, We 15:00-16:30 (14×)
290113 SE 4 ECTS Seminar in Economics (Macroeconomics) - Challenges due to Climate Change - a Comparison of Different CountriesBaum, We 16:45-18:15 (14×)
Weissenbacher, Th 15:00-17:00 (13×)
290021 SE 4 ECTS Seminar in Economics (Macroeconomics) - Mastering geopolitics and sustainable development - New paths for tourism and foreign tradeBurton, Fr 04.10. 13:15-14:45, Fr 13:15-16:30 (6×)
040049 SE 4 ECTS [ en ] Philosophy and Economics (MA) - Social Sciences and the Philosophy of the Vienna Circle: Selected ReadingsLinsbichler, Fr 13:15-14:45 (14×)
Duchateau, Fr 09:45-11:15 (14×)
Csulich, Mo 16:45-18:15 (14×)
290017 VU 4 ECTS Special Topics in Economics - Macroeconomics: Open Goods and Financial Markets from an Economics PerspectiveKerbl, Mo 09:45-11:15 (14×), We 15.01. 09:45-11:15
Lamprechter, Mo 07.10. 17:00-21:00, Tu 08.10. 09:00-13:00, We 09.10. 09:00-13:00, Sa 09:00-16:00 (2×), We 11.12. 17:00-20:00, Mo 20.01. 16:00-20:00
MA UF GW 04 Didactic Supervision of Teaching Practice (4 ECTS)
MA UF GW 05 Master Thesis Support (2 ECTS)
290032 SE 2 ECTS ( PH-WIEN ) Colloquium in Subject-specific Didactics in Geography and Economic EducationHintermann, We 09.10. 16:45-18:15, We 16:45-20:00 (3×)
290039 SE 2 ECTS [ de en ] Basics for Realizing the Master Thesis in the Field of Human Geography and Spatial Research - (gilt als Konversatorium zur Masterarbeit)Franz, We 09:45-11:15 (5×)
290117 SE 2 ECTS ( REMOTE ) Conversatory for the Writing of a Master's Thesis in the Field of Cartography and GeoinformationRiedl, Th 12:00-13:00 (14×)
450404 KO 4 ECTS [ de en ] PhD and MSc Seminar: Physical Geography, Geoecology, Geoinformation and Digital GeographyGlade, Mo 16:45-18:15 (4×), We 16.10. 09:30-12:00, We 27.11. 09:30-11:30, We 27.11. 12:00-14:00
Last modified: Fr 10.01.2025 00:43
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