Universität Wien

SPL 29 - Geography

29.01. Bachelor Degree Programme in Geography (Curriculum 2007)

B1. Group of Required Modules - Orientation Period (STEP)

B1.1. Basics and Concepts of Physical Geography

B1.2. Basics and Concepts of Human Geography

B1.3. Introduction to Cartography and Geographic Information Science

B1.4. Basics and Concepts of Regional Planning

B.1.5. Basic Techniques in Geography

B1.6. Introductory Field Trip I

B2. Group of Required Modules - Physical Geography

B2.1. Basic Module - Physical Geography

B2.3. Advanced Module - Physical Geography

B2.3. In-Depth Studies Module - Physical Geography

B3. Group of Required Modules - Human Geography

B3.1. Population Geography

B3.2. Social and Economic Geography

B3.3. Political Geography and Human Ecology

B3.4. Geography in Urban and Rural Areas

B4. Group of Required Modules - Cartography and Geographic Information Science

B4.1. Basics of Cartography

B4.2. Applied Geographic Information Science

B5. Group of Required Modules - Regional Research and Regional Planning

B5.1. Regional Research and Regional Planning

B6. Group of Required Modules - Methods

B6.1. Methods of Geographic Information Science

B6.2. Methods of Physical Geography

B6.3. Methods of Human Geography

B6.4. Statistics and Regional Analysis I

B6.5. Statistics and Regional Analysis II

B7. Additional Required Modules

B7.1. Bachelor Seminars

B7.2. Field Trips II - Abroad

B7.3. Field Trips III - Austria

29.02. Master Degree Programmes in Geography, Regional Research and Regional Planning, Cartography and Geographic Information Science

1. Master Degree Programme "Geography"

MG1. Specialisation Modules

MG1.1. Specialisation Module - Geomorphology and Risk Research
MG1.2. Specialisation Module - Geoecology and Quaternary Research
MG1.3. Specialisation Module - Social and Economic Geography
MG1.4. Specialisation Module - Population and Urban Research
MG1.5. Specialisation Module - Focus on Europe
MG1.6. Specialisation Module - Focus on Asia

MG2. Elective Modules

MG2.1. Elective Module - Regionale Development
MG2.2. Elective Module - Regional Tourism and Leisure Research
MG2.3. Elective Module - Methods of Physical Geography

MG3. Field Trips

MG4. Master's Thesis

2. Master Degree Programme "Regional Research and Regional Planning"

MR1. Advanced Methods of Regional Research

MR2. Concepts, Tools and Legal Basics of Regional Planning

MR3. Processes of Spatial Development and Opportunities for Social Control

MR4. Theoretical and Applied Regional Research and Regional Planning I

MR5. Theoretical and Applied Regional Research and Regional Planning II

MR6. Elective Modules

MR7. Field Trips

MR8. Master's Thesis

3. Master Degree Programme in "Cartography and Geographic Information Science"

MK1. Elective Modules

MK1.1. Geodatea Acquisition and Processing
MK1.2. Analysis and Modelling in Geographic Information Processing
MK1.2. Theory of Cartographic Design
MK1.4. Geo-Multimedia
MK1.5. Additional Elective Modules

MK2. Special Issues in Cartography and Geographic Information Science

MK3. Field Trips

MK4. Seminars

MK5. Master's Thesis

29.03. Teacher Training Programme in "Geography and Economics"

First Stage of the Degree Programme (Curriculum 2002)

1.1. Basics of Physiogeography

1.2. Basics of Human Geography (including Economic Geography)

1.3. Basics of Cartography and Geographic Information Science

1.4. Methodical Basics

1.5. Basics of Economics

1.6. Introduction to Didactics of Geography and Economics

Second Stage of the Degree Programme (Curriculum 2002)

2.1. Physiogeography and Landscape Ecology

2.2. Human Geography (including Economic Geography)

2.3. Basics of Regional Research and Regional Planning

2.4. Austria, the EU and Selected World Regions - Regional Structure and Problems of Regional Development

2.5. Economics

2.6. Didactics of Geography and Economics

Recommended Electives (Second Stage of Degree Programme)

Field Trips

1. Field Trips in Austria

2. Field Trips Abroad (incl. Preparatory Seminars)

Additional Courses

29.01. Geography

A. Branches of Study: "Theoretical and Applied Geography", "Regional Research and Regional Planning" and "Cartography and Geographic Information Science"

First Stage of the Degree Programme (compulsory for all threee branches of study) (2002 Curriculum)

1.1. Basics of Physical Geography
1.2. Basics of Human Geography
1.3. Basics of Cartography and Geographic Information Science
1.4. Basic Methods and Concepts in Geography

Second Stage of the Degree Programme

2. Branch of Study: "Theoretical and Applied Geography" (according to the 2002 Curriculum)
2.2.1. Advanced Methods in Geography
2.2.2. Basics of Regional Research and Regional Planning
2.2.3. Contemporary Research Issues in Physical and Human Geography
2.2.4. Electives: Designed to Enhance In-Depth Specialisation and Scientific Project Work Skills
2.2.5. Electives
3. Branch of Study: "Regional Research and Regional Planning" (2002 Curriculum)
2.3.1. Advanced Methods
2.3.2. Processes of Spatial Development and Opportunities for Social Control
2.3.3. Concepts and Tools of Regional Planning
2.3.4. Electives
4. Branch of Study: "Cartography and Geographic Information Science" (2002 Curriculum)
2.4.1. Geodata Acquisition
2.4.2. Geographic Information Processing
2.4.3. Theory of Cartographic Design
2.4.4. Methods and Techniques of Geo-communication
2.4.5. Special Research Issues in Cartography and Geographic Information Science
2.4.6. Recommended Elective Courses

Field Trips

1. Field Trips in Austria
2. Field Trips Abroad (incl. Preparatory Seminars)

Additional Courses

29.02. Doctoral programme (Branch "Geography", including Physical and Human Geography, Regional Science and Regional Planning, Cartography and Geographic Information Science)

1. Required Course (D1 to D4)

2. Elective Course (D5)

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34