A [2]. Bachelor's degree Japanese studies (Version 2011)
Orientation Phase (STEOP)
BM1. Introduction to Japanese studies (STEOP)
Manzenreiter, Fr 11:30-13:00 (12×)
BM2. Introduction to Japanese language (STEOP)
Seidl, Mo 11:30-13:00 (16×), Mo 15:00-16:30 (16×), We 09:45-11:15 (15×)
BM2 - Practical Japanese 1
Maderdonner, Th 08:30-11:00 (14×), Tu 08:30-11:00 (15×)
Tochigi, Th 11:10-13:40 (14×), Tu 11:10-13:40 (15×)
Bacowsky, Th 13:50-16:20 (14×), Tu 13:50-16:20 (15×)
Kubo, Th 12:15-14:45 (14×), Tu 12:15-14:45 (15×)
Tochigi, We 13:30-16:00 (15×), Fr 13:30-16:00 (12×)
BM3 - Basics of Regional Studies & History of Japan
Bachmayer, Mo 18:30-20:00 (15×)
BM5 - Basic Training in Research and Paper Writing
BM6 - Japanese Grammar and Translation 2
BM7 - Practical Japanese 2
BM8 - Japanese Grammar and Translation 3
Seidl, Mo 16:45-19:30 (16×)
BM9 - Practical Japanese 3
Maderdonner, Fr 08:30-11:00 (12×)
Tochigi, We 09:00-11:30 (15×)
Kubo, Fr 11:15-12:45 (12×), Fr 12:45-13:45 (12×)
BM10 - Basic Knowledge of Japanese Culture & Society
Manzenreiter, Fr 15:00-16:30 (12×)
Hein, We 19:00-20:30 (14×)
BM11 - Basic Knowledge of Japanese Politics & Economy
BM12 - Intercultural Learning
Seidl, We 14:30-16:00 (15×)
Getreuer-Kargl, Tu 15:00-16:30 (15×)
BM13 - Advanced Training in Research and Paper Writing
Prochaska-Meyer, Mo 11:00-12:30 (16×)
Prochaska-Meyer, Mo 14:30-16:00 (16×)
Pernegger, Mo 11:00-12:30 (16×)
Pernegger, Mo 14:30-16:00 (16×)
Wilhelm, Tu 18:15-19:45 (15×)
BM14 - Japanese Grammar and Translation 4
BM15 - Practical Japanese 4
BM16 - Basic Knowledge, Extension
150097 UE 4 ECTS Minority groups in the focus of attention - counter models with redard to prevailing Japanese masculinityTakahashi
BM17 - Practical Training/ Internship
Kramer, Sa 09:00-15:00 (2×)
BM18 - Practical Japanese and Japanese Grammar and Translation 5
Seidl, Th 16:30-18:00 (14×)
Maderdonner, Tu 16:30-18:00 (15×)
Tochigi, Mo 09:15-10:45 (15×)
Tochigi, Mo 12:45-14:15 (15×)
BM19 - Independent Work in Japanese Studies - Advanced Studies
Getreuer-Kargl, Th 10:15-11:45 (14×)
Hein, Tu 16:45-18:15 (15×)
Wilhelm, Mo 12:45-14:15 (15×)
BM20 - Independent Work in Japanese Studies - Bachelor's Paper
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37