47 - Doctoral Directorate of Studies Life Sciences
Curriculum für das Doktoratsstudium der Naturwissenschaften sowie für das PhD-Studium der Naturwissenschaften aus dem Bereich der Lebenswissenschaften
- 300031 SE [ en ] Seminar for Masters, Diploma and PhD-students in Biology of Cognition
- 300041 SE Seminar for Masters, Diploma and PhD-students in Neurobiology
- 300057 SE [ en ] Cell Imaging and Ultrastructure Research (2) - Seminar for Master- and PhD Students
- 300059 SE Seminar f. Master, Diploma and PhDstudents of Anthropology with spec. respect to human life history
- 300069 SE [ en ] Human Evolution, human osteology and paleogenomics for Master and PhD Students
- 300082 SE Seminar for Masters, Diploma and PhD-students
- 300132 SE [ en ] Theoretical Biology - Seminar for Master- and PhD Students
- 300142 SE [ en ] Zoology and Evolution - Seminar for Master- and PhD Students
- 300158 SE [ en ] Journal Club - Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics
- 300168 SE Seminar for Master- and PhD-students in Human Behavioral Biology
- 300203 SE [ en ] Seminar for Masters, Diploma and doctoral-students in Behavioural Biology
- 300215 SE Seminar for Masters, Diploma and PhD-students in Specific ecology of plants
- 300217 SE Seminar for Masters, Diploma and PhD-students
- 300235 SE [ en ] Biosystematics and evolution of plants - Seminar for Master- and PhD-students
- 300243 SE [ en ] Ecosystem Ecology - Seminar for Master- and PhD Students
- 300261 SE Seminar for Master-, Diploma- & PHD-Students in Parasitology & Faunistics
- 300323 SE Thesis Seminar: Parasitology - Lectures on actual parasitological topics, lecture works english slides
- 300339 SE [ en ] Moleculare Evolution and Development - Seminar for Master- and PhD Students
- 300369 UE [ en ] Genomic approaches to variation and adaptation
- 300396 SE Seminar for Masters, Diploma and PhD-students in Morphometrics
- 300404 SE [ en ] Behavioural Ecology Seminar
- 300724 SE [ en ] Ecological Genetics 1- Seminar for Master- and PhD Students
- 470003 SE [ en ] PhD Seminar in Cognition and Communication
- 470004 VO+SE [ en ] Molecular Population Genetics: making sense of sequence data
Molecular Biology
- 320005 SE [ en ] Academic training and disscusion in Pharmacognosy - for doctoral students
- 320007 PRI [ en ] Interpretation of 1D and 2D-NMR-Spectra for Structure Eludication
- 320026 SE [ en ] Journal Club: phytochemistry and bioactive natural products
- 320027 SE [ en ] Journal Club: biochemistry
- 320029 SE Cell-biological Concepts and Techniques in Biological Research
- 320049 SE [ en ] Pharma Lectur Series
- 320050 VO Kinetics of chemical reactions - mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Enzymkinetik
- 320053 VO Pharmacology of Ion channels
- 320078 VO Alternative methods of animal experiments
- 320144 VO Pharmaceutical Technology in nuclear medicine - Pharmaceutical Technology and biopharmacy in nuclear medicine and pet
- 320148 SE [ en ] Chemical Genetics - practice and methods
- 322070 VO Cell Culture Models in Pharmaceutical Technology - Basics - M7/M14
- 322071 VU Cell Culture Models in Pharmaceutical Technology - M7/M14 - (2 Kurse)
- 470001 SE [ en ] Writing scientific publications in peer reviewed journals
- 470002 SE [ en ] Publication fraud and how to recognize and deal with it
Nutritional Sciences
- 270119 VO Free Radicals and Antioxidants - Relevance, Reactions and Analysis
- 330002 SE [ en ] Nutrition in Developing Countries
- 330003 VO Qualitymanagement in the food industry
- 330011 VO Cellular and Molecular Biology - for Nutrition Scientists
- 330022 VO Nutrient sociology
- 330025 VO+SE Evidence based methods in Nutrition Research
- 330033 VO [ en ] Global Nutrition
- 330110 VO Epidemiological Principles for the development of Public Health Strategies
Sports Science
Last modified: Fr 29.06.2018 00:29