SPL 20 - Psychology
20.01. Psychology
20.02. Doctoral Studies -Psychology
- 200282 SE Research Seminar for Graduate Students - Economic Psychological Research at the Universities of Cologne and Vienna
- 200278 SE Research Seminar for Graduate Students
- 200280 SE Research Seminar for Graduate Students: Neurocognitive Approaches to Psychology
- 200279 SE Research Seminar for Graduate Students
- 200281 SE Research Seminar for Graduate Students: Elements of beauty: Theories and empirical approaches
- 200283 SE Doctoral Seminar
- 200284 SE Doctoral Seminar
- 200285 SE Doctoral Seminar
- 200286 SE Doctoral Seminar
- 200287 SE Doctoral Seminar
- 200288 SE Doctoral Seminar: Research in Economic Psychology, Educational Psychology and Evaluation
- 200289 SE Doctoral Seminar: Research in Economic Psychology, Educational Psychology and Evaluation
- 200290 SE Doctoral Seminar: Research in Economic Psychology, Educational Psychology and Evaluation
Elective Course Module (Psychology for Non-Psychologystudents)
- 200147 VO Elective Course: General Psychology II
- 200148 VO Elective Course: Developmental Psychology II
- 200149 VO Elective Course: Social Psychology II
- 200150 VO Elective Course: Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology II
- 200151 VO Elective Course: Research Projects in Economic Psychology II
- 200152 VO Elective Course: Educational Psychology II
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34