6.01. Prehistory and Early History
- 060005 SV Selected topics of the Early Bronze Age in Western Europe
- 060006 UE+EX Archaeological Research on Medieval and Post-Medieval Castles - 2-tägige Exkursion
- 060007 UE General Archaeobotany
- 060008 PV Exclusive Tutorial
- 060009 PS Proseminar Palaeolithics
- 060010 EX Excursion: Stone Raw Materials in the Area of Vienna - 5-tägig
- 060011 SE Seminar for Doctoral Students
- 060012 UE Europe and the New World during the medieval and early post medieval period
- 060013 SE [ de en he ] The Währinger Jewish Cemetery - Jewish Places of Remind in Vienna?
- 060016 PV Exclusive tutorial I
- 060017 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060022 LG Practical fieldwork 1/2, on the late hallstatt Fürstensitz on the Mont Lassois in Vix (Burgundy) - 3-weeks
- 060026 PS Proseminar Medieval Archaeologie: Medieval Settlements
- 060027 SE Costume und dressing in medieval times
- 060028 LG Practical fieldwork I: Gold-melting place at Bad Hofgastein - 2 weeks
- 060029 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060030 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060031 EX Excursion: The Medieval Places in the Waldviertel - 4-tägig
- 060035 UE+VO Practice to determine Palaeolithic Finds
- 060036 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060039 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060043 UE Combustion Plants in the Middle Ages. Construction and Reconstruction
- 060075 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060076 EX Excursion: Field survey in Rain/Styria - 4-tägig
- 060077 EX Excursion to prehistoric sites and collections in Styria - 2-tägig
- 060081 EX Excursion to prehistoric sites in Burgundy
- 060086 LG Practical fieldwork for Advanced - Gars/Thunau - 3 weeks
- 060087 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060091 UE Fotografic documentation for archaeologists
- 060092 UE Aerial archaeology, practical part II
- 060093 SE Seminar Excursion to Croatia
- 060095 UE Surveying for archaeologists
- 060096 UE Photogrammetrical applications in archaeology
- 060097 UE Experimental Archaeology
- 060099 PS Proseminar Early History
- 060100 BU Practice to determine finds from early historic periods (roman times and late antique)
- 060103 LG Practical fieldwork 1/2 in the oppidum Bibracte on Mont Beuvray (Burgundy) - 4 weeks
- 060104 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060105 LG Practical fieldwork 1/2 Hillforts along the Danube (Linz-Göttweig) - 3 weeks
- 060109 LG Practical fieldwork for Beginners - Wartmannsstetten (NÖ) - 3 weeks
- 060110 SE History of the prehistory at the time of prof. Hoernes and Menghin
- 060113 EX Excursion to sites from early historic period in Austria - 4-tägig
- 060114 PV Exclusive tutorial for graduates
- 060137 UE Geophysical Prospecting
- 060147 EX Excursion to the exhibition: Roma i barbari (Rom and the barbarians)
- 060149 PV Exclusive tutorial II
- 060154 PS Proseminar Neolithic Period
- 060155 BU Practice to determine Neolithic Finds
- 060157 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060164 UE Archaeozoological field methods
Last modified: We 09.08.2023 01:17