Studienprogrammleitung 30 - Biologie
30.01. Biologie
B. Teacher Training Programme: Biology and Environmental Studies (LA-BU)
30.03. Wahlmodulgruppe Wiss. Zusatzqualifikationen für BiologInnen (für Bachelor, alle biol. Masterstudien und für das Lehramt). Zusätzlich können auch Lehrveranstaltungen mit fachspezifischen Themen absolviert werden (vgl. Curriculum).
- 300018 SE [ en ] Scientific Literature and Communication for Biologists
- 300022 SE Lab Safety - Fundamental Principles of Lab Safety: preventive measures and appropriate behaviour
- 300035 VO+UE Practise in Basics of Patenting and Licensing
- 300036 UE Internship Austria Wirtschaftsservice - in the Life Science Industry
- 300037 VO [ en ] Processes and methods in the Life Science Industry
- 300038 SE Seminar in Presentation Technics - (gemeinsam mit Mag. Dr. Anton Lamboj)
- 300040 UE [ en ] Business in Biotech I - Business in Biotech I
- 300075 VO Basic lecture for starting graduands
- 300085 SE Zoological Colloquium
- 300139 SE Financing, communication & management of projects - Financing, communication and management of projects - Practices and techniques for project holders
- 300142 UE Computer-assisted presentation techniques
- 300147 SE SE: Topics in morphometrics
- 300158 UE Scientific Illustration - Scientific Illustration
- 300164 EX Exkursion in mediterrane Randgebiete - Interdisziplinäre ökologische Exkursion nach Marokko
- 300191 VO+UE IT-supported methods for biologists - recommendable for all studies
- 300201 SE [ en ] Scientific English: Research reports, talks, style and grammar
- 300240 UE Computer Training to Applied Statistics for Biologists
- 300254 UE Computer applications in biology
- 300260 VO History of Parasitology. Pt. I - II - Develpment of parasitology as a own science. What knew the former cultures about parasites?
- 300285 SE+UE Light and video microscopy in practice
- 300287 VO+UE Analogue and digital photography for scientific documentation
- 300302 VO+UE Laboratory safety: bio-safety, bio-security, radiation safety and safe handling of chemicals
- 300349 VO+UE Project Management for Ecologists - Planning, Executing and Evaluating interdisciplinary Projects
- 300432 VO Fields of Problems in Molecular Biology
- 300453 VO+UE Management and Evaluation of Multifactorial Experiments - including Statistics , advanced Graphics Software, Production of Presentations and Web Content
- 300517 SE+UE Theory and Application of Confocal Microscopy
- 300528 SE Environmental protection and didactics of biology - Environmental protection and didactics of biology
- 300576 SE Gender in Science
- 300602 VO+UE Data base in place of datachaos-Access for biologists
- 300667 VO Applied Statistics for Biologists
- 300680 VO Presentation skills Science - (gemeinsam mit Mag. Silvia Lamboj)
- 300681 VO Practical Physical Chemistry for Molecular Biologists
- 300682 UE Anthropological-Palaeontological field school - (bear cave in Slovakia) part 1
- 300691 SE Current discussions on the life sciences from the perspective of the theory of science resp.
- 300692 SE+EX Marin tertiary practical course
- 300693 UE+EX Marin mesozoic eco-systems and fossil sites
- 300711 VO [ en ] Writing and Speaking Scientific English
- 300729 UE Scientific Communication in the Laboratory - "Hands on - Minds on"
- 300734 VO [ en ] Forensic Palynology
30.04. Doktoratsstudium Biologie (nach Verfügbarkeit von Plätzen auch wählbar für Master-Studiengänge und Diplom-Studiengang)
- 070538 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates - Sciences in Historical Context
- 270272 SE Advanced Mol. Cell Biology Seminar
- 270280 SE Methods in biochemical analytics - Selected Topics
- 280339 VO Moleculare evolution of fossil and extant vertebrates
- 280340 SE Popolationsdynamic and adaption of fossil and extant species
- 300003 SE initiation and repair of meiotic DSBS - initiation and repair of meiotic DSBS
- 300013 SE [ en ] MFPL-Research Seminars II
- 300014 SE Seminar for Masters, Diploma and PhD-students in Anthropology
- 300016 SE chromosome pairing and nuclear architecture - chromosome pairing and nuclear architecture
- 300017 SE Doppelsträngige RNA: Erkennung durch Proteinmotive
- 300021 SE [ en ] Seminar for Master, Diploma and doctoral-students - this seminar gives students a chance to present their research plan or results, and to hear similar talks by other students or scientists, it also provides continous assessment of their work
- 300044 VO [ en ] Population Genetics
- 300052 UE Course in fluorescence/confocal microscopy - for diploma, PhD and advanced students
- 300070 SE [ en ] Advanced Seminar in Molecular Genetics
- 300073 SE Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology - Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology
- 300274 SE Seminar for Masters, Diploma and PhD-students - Seminar for Masters, Diploma and PhD-students
- 300309 SE [ en ] Advanced Seminar in Microbiology
- 300328 SE [ en ] Mouse genetics and development II
- 300437 SE Experimental Studies on the control of gen expression
- 300438 SE Methods in Molecular Genetic
- 300439 SE Methods in medical biochemistry
- 300446 SE [ en ] Advanced signal transduction seminar
- 300505 SE [ en ] Literature Seminar, Part I
- 300506 VO [ en ] VBC Lecture, Part I
- 300596 SE Epigenetics: research news and journal club
- 300604 SE [ en ] Advances in Symbiosis Research - Seminar zum Initiativkolleg "Symbiotic Interactions", verpflichtend für alle Teilnehmer des Iniatiativkollegs
- 300620 SE Novel developments in chromosome research chromosome research
- 300621 SE Molecular Chromosombiology
- 300624 SE Seminar for Masters, Diploma and PhD-students in Population Ecology
- 300711 VO [ en ] Writing and Speaking Scientific English
- 300722 SE Frontiers in Microbial Ecology II
- 300724 SE Seminar for Masters, Diploma and PhD-students in Genetics in Ecology
- 300726 VO [ en ] Infection and antimicrobial immune response
- 300001 SE Seminar for Masters, Diploma and PhD-students in Biology of Cognition
- 300072 SE Seminar for Masters, Diploma and PhD-students in comparative anatomy and morphology
- 300076 SE Seminar for Master, Diploma and PhD-students in Neurobiology
- 300082 SE Seminar for Masters, Diploma and PhD-students
- 300086 SE Seminar for Masters, Diploma and PhD-students in histology
- 300103 SE Seminar for Masters, Diploma and PhD-students in ultrastructural research
- 300106 SE Selected topics of horticultural plant physiology - Selected topics of horticultural plant physiology and plant production: Stress physiology of photosynthesis, functional growth analysis and energy balances, applied ecology in horticulture and agriculture. Obligatory for diploma and PhD students.
- 300117 SE Ethologisches u. Ökoethologisches Seminar (Grünau) - Ethologisches u. Ökoethologisches Seminar (Grünau)
- 300202 SE Seminar for Masters, Diploma and PhD-students
- 300203 SE Seminar for Masters, Diploma and doctoral-students in Behavioural Biology
- 300215 SE Seminar for Masters, Diploma and PhD-students in Specific ecology of plants
- 300217 SE Seminar for Masters, Diploma and PhD-students
- 300219 SE Seminar for Masters, Diploma and PhD-students in Special cell physiology and scientific film - With the collaboration of Dr. I. Lang and Emer.O. Prof. W.G. Url and Dr. W. Adlassnig.
- 300226 SE Seminar for Masters, Diploma and PhD-students
- 300235 SE Seminar in Plant Systematics and Evolution - Seminar in Plant Systematics and Evolution
- 300243 SE Seminar for Masters, Diploma and PhD-students in eco system research
- 300261 SE SE f. Master-Studierende,DiplomandInnen u. DissertantInnen im Fachbereich Parasitologie u. Faunistik
- 300288 SE Seminar for Masters, Diploma and PhD-students
- 300297 SE Seminar for Masters, Diploma and PhD-students
- 300318 SE Seminar for Masters, Diploma and PhD-students - Seminar for Masters, Diploma and PhD-students
- 300613 SE Seminar for Master, Diploma and PhD-students in evolutionary biology and molecular systematics
- 300636 SE Seminar for Masters, Diploma and PhD-students in hydrobotany
- 300671 SE Seminar for Masters, Diploma and PhD-students in metazoan Relationships
- 300679 SE [ en ] Seminar for Master, Diploma and PhD-Students in sound communication
- 300687 SE Sensory Perception : Mind and Matter
- 300737 SE [ en ] The Basic Science of Sleep and Dreaming
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34