Studies Programme 27 - Chemistry
27.01. Chemistry
27.02. Diploma Degree Programme in Chemistry
- 270080 SE [ en ] Current aspects of Homogeneous Catalysis
- 270285 SE Seminar Materials Chemistry
27.03. Teacher Training Programme: Chemistry
- 270090 VO High-Performance Separation Methods - how to control selectivity - Hochleistungstrennmethoden I - Optimierung der Selektivität
- 270093 VO Chiral separation - Chiral analysis by chromatographic and electrophoretic methods
- 270108 SE Engrossing Seminar in addition to the Lecture Didactics of Chemistry
- 270110 SE Summer School on Methods in Science Education Research
- 270188 UE Fundamentals of Environmental Chemistry for students for teaching posts - Lab course
27.04. Doctoral Degree Programme in Chemistry
- 260026 VO [ en ] Phenomena & properties of nanostructured materials
- 260027 SE Experimental materials science - nanostructured materials - Present progress of the Initiative College "Experimental materials science - nanostructured materials"
- 270010 VO Introduction into carbohydrates - Introduction into carbohydrate chemistry and biological chemistry
- 270018 SE (Seminar on) Femto-PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY - Femto-Physical Chemistry (Seminar)
- 270022 SE Molecular Modelling
- 270025 SE [ de en ] Seminar for Physical and Materials Chemistry
- 270047 SE Instrumental Techniques in Bioanalytical Chemistry
- 270056 SE Special Didactics Chemistry - for Diploma and PhD students
- 270061 VO Computer-assisted literature research - for natural scientists
- 270062 SE [ de en ] Physicochemical methods in the femtosecond and nanometer range
- 270064 VO+UE Simulation methods for (macro)molecular systems
- 270072 SE Selectivity principles and their application in LC, CE and MS
- 270073 SE [ en ] Chemical sensors for detection of complex analytes
- 270080 SE [ en ] Current aspects of Homogeneous Catalysis
- 270083 VO Bioinorganic Chemistry
- 270095 SE Seminar in Analytical Chemistry - Lecture and discussion forum of diverse topics in Analytical Chemistry
- 270099 SE Special problems of bio- and cheminformatics
- 270108 SE Engrossing Seminar in addition to the Lecture Didactics of Chemistry
- 270110 SE Summer School on Methods in Science Education Research
- 270153 UE Practical exercises on literature research - Practical exercises on computer assisted literature research for natural scientists
- 270157 UE Examples for research in materials science
- 270165 PR Practical training in theoretical and computational materials chemistry and polymer chemistry
- 270180 SE Seminar on theoretical and computational materials chemistry and polymer chemistry
- 270201 SE Seminar Theoretical Chemistry - current topics - for PhD Students
- 270202 SE Seminar Quantum Chemistry and Chemical Dynamics - for PhD Students
- 270220 SE Current aspects of Environmental Chemistry
- 270223 SE Seminar: Electrostatics of Biomolecules - Seminar: Electrostatics of Biomolecules
- 270234 UE+VO Computers in materials chemistry - UNIX (LINUX), graphics, test processing with LATEX, creation of homepages with HTML
- 270236 VO Metallic and ceramic materials
- 270252 SE Seminar on modern methods - Seminar on moderne methods in asymmetric synthesis
- 270254 SE Current aspects of Bioinorganic Chemistry - Current aspects of Bioinorganic Chemistry
- 270258 SE Current aspects of Radiochemistry incl. Excursion
- 270267 VO Proteintransport and organelle biogenesis - Proteintransport and organelle biogenesis
- 270272 SE Advanced Mol. Cell Biology Seminar
- 270280 SE Methods in biochemical analytics - Selected Topics
- 270284 UE Modern Techniques for Materials' Characterization
- 270285 SE Seminar Materials Chemistry
- 270287 VO Introduction to Structural Chemistry
- 270292 UE+VO Chemical bonding and properties of solids
- 270294 UE [ de en ] Research project in Femto- and Nano-Science
- 270295 VO [ de en ] Physicochemical methods in the femtosecond and nanometer range
- 270305 SE+UE Modern Techniques in Materials and Solid State Chemistry
- 270314 SE Application of separation methods in bioanalysis
- 300342 SE Cellbiological Approaches using Model Cell Culture Systems
- 300437 SE Experimental Studies on the control of gen expression
- 300438 SE Methods in Molecular Genetic
- 300439 SE Methods in medical biochemistry
- 300512 SE [ de en ] Seminar in plant biochemistry and physiology - Seminar about current topics in plant biochemistry and physiology
- 300592 SE Research-proposal Submission and Assessment
- 300680 VO Presentation skills Science
27.05. Optional Courses
- 270181 VO Organic Chemistry for Highschool Teachers - -Chemistry
- 270183 VO Inorganic Technology
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35