A.3.1 Recommanded Lectures of other Departments
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- 040641 EK STEOP: Industrial Sociology (EK)
- 140227 KU KS 2 Introduction to Development Sociology - Social Movements and Social Change
- 140250 KU KS 2 Introduction to Development Sociology - Methods in Sociology
- 140255 KU KS 2 Introduction to Development Sociology
- 140274 KU KS 2 Introduction to Development Sociology - Soziologische Grundbegriffe der Entwicklungsforschung
- 210016 VO BAK16 Culture and Politics
- 230126 UK Science, Publics, Democracy
- 230128 UK Body, Knowledge, Society
- 230129 UK Science, Institutions, Politics
- 230164 TR Communication Culture at Universities and at Work II
- 230165 KU Basics of Social Network Analysis II
- 230167 KU Job Orientation II
- 350172 VLV BC2I - Deepening Course Sport Sociology
- 140140 VO Internationalisms - International politics and international organization and the transformation of global inequality
- 140142 VO Feminist Approaches to Development - Critical Perspectives / Political Interventions / Global Challenges
- 140162 SE T I - T III - VM1 - VM3 Social Protection and Social Policy in Developing and Transition Countries - und Transformationsländern
- 140195 VO KG1- KV - International Development in Historical Context
- 140200 VO STEOP: Development Policies and Development Co-operation: Lecture Class
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38