2. History of Religion
2.1. Contemporary Religions
- 010065 VO Introduction to the Orthodox Spirituality and Liturgy
- 010067 VO Introduction to Christianity
- 010109 VO Westafrican Religions
- 020002 SE SE Religious Minorities in India
- 020004 VO Introduction to Islam - Religiöse Pflichten und Glaubensgrundlagen des Islam
- 060025 VO+UE Judaism as World-Culture (Introduction)
- 060026 VO History of heretic kabbalah
- 150032 VU [ en ] Introducing East Asian Religions
2.2. Special Courses in History of Religion
- 010004 VO Early Christian Literature - Patrology I
- 010013 VO Church History - Part I - The Origins of the Church and its Growth in Antiquity
- 010063 BA The Crusades - a Christian Djihad? - Controversial Issues in Church History II
- 010065 VO Introduction to the Orthodox Spirituality and Liturgy
- 020003 VO [ en ] History of Islam in Europe 1: Al-Andalus - Splendour and Fragility of the Encounter of Muslims, Jews and Christians in Medieval Spain
- 020007 VO History of Israel
- 020016 VO-L Early Christianity. Theology and History of Religion
- 020037 SE Religious Conversions in Middle Europe in the Modern Age (16th - 20th Century)
- 020044 VO History of the Ancient Church (Patristics)
- 020050 VO Middle Ages
- 060007 VO+UE Great Books of Judaism
- 060015 VO+UE Judaism under Islam - Egypt, Syria, Lebanon
- 060024 SE Autobiographies as a mirror of Jewish history
- 060038 SE Women in Ancient Judaism until the Arab Conquest
- 060042 VO [ en ] Introduction to Dead Sea Scrolls
- 060057 VO+UE Development of synagogal liturgy - texts and music
- 060071 VO+UE Medieval jewish philosophical texts
- 140006 VO+UE Islam Online
- 140011 VO Introduction into Modern Islamic Religious Discussions
- 140013 SE Modern Religious Discussions in Islam
- 140015 SE Islam in Europe
- 140022 VO Gender Studies / Muslim World
- 140042 UE Media Islam
- 140115 UE Culture and Religion in the Western Himalayas
- 140127 SE Islamic Law
- 140194 VO Introduction to Buddhist Hermeneutics
- 140223 PS Indian History of Religion from the Intercultural Perspective
- 140246 PS [ en ] Death in Tibetan Buddhism
- 140275 VO The Pancaratra Tradition
- 140308 SE History of Ideas in Islam - (Seminar on Classical Islam)
- 140345 PS [ en ] Buddhist Translation Studies (Khyentse Foundation Program)
- 240199 SE Anthropology of Christianity (P4)
2.3. Historical Religions
- 010141 VO "The Land and Its People" - Introduction into the Historical Topography of Syro-Palestine in Old Testament Times
- 060053 VO Religion of Ancient Egypt I
- 090039 VO [ en ] Ancient History and Classical Studies
- 240198 VO Basic Elements of Mesoamerican Religion (P3)
Last modified: Fr 28.02.2025 00:51