4. Journal Clubs
- 300125 SE Literature Seminar, Part IV
- 300131 SE [ en ] Journal Club: Recent literature on autophagy and membrane biology II
- 300138 SE [ en ] Population Genetics Journal Club
- 300149 SE [ en ] Recent Literature in Bioinformatics II
- 300173 SE [ en ] Literature Seminar Neuroclub I
- 300177 SE [ en ] Chromatin and Transcription III
- 300181 SE [ en ] Journal Club: Selected topics in Molecular Biophysics I
- 300184 SE [ en ] Journal Club: Recent literature on cnetrosomes and cilia III
- 300206 SE [ en ] Hot topics in mitochondrial medicine
- 300217 SE [ en ] Journal Clubs II - DK Structure and Interaction of Biological Macromolecules
- 300224 SE [ en ] Journal Club and Work in Progress Seminar II - DK Chromosome Dynamics
- 300392 SE [ en ] Projects on light reception, biological rhythms and hormone biology - Research Report
- 300502 SE [ en ] RNA Journal Club I - DK RNA Biology
- 300574 SE [ en ] Chromosome Dynamics - Current Topics
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38