DAM Diploma Thesis Module
- 010034 FS Themes in Old Testament research
- 010035 DS Titel
- 010040 FS Current trends and topics in historical theology
- 010042 DS The experience of corporeity in Hildegard von Bingen. A historical analysis
- 010043 DS Church and marriage in the middle ages - Kirchenrechtliche und kirchengeschichtliche Aspekte
- 010044 FS Thomas Nagel: "Mind and Cosmos"
- 010046 FS Christianity as a Contribution to a new civitas - FS für Dissertanten/innen, Diplomanden/innen und Interessierte
- 010047 SE Apocalypse
- 010050 FS New Humanism
- 010064 DS How do we want to die?
- 010065 FS Administrative law of the Church
- 010070 FS Aspects of Theological Anthropology
- 010098 FS The Fundamental Issues in Moral Theology
- 010100 FS Genetics, Epi-Genetics and the Physiology of Brain - Anthropologische und ethische Fragen zur Komplexität des Menschen
- 010101 FS Is there a Future for the traditional Family?
- 010118 DS Qualitative- empirical research in theological context: introduction
- 010123 FS Science of Logic
- 040040 FK KFK ORPE: Solidary Economic
Last modified: Sa 26.02.2022 02:01