A. Bachelor Degree Programme
BAK1 STEOP - Orientation Period
- 210160 VO STEOP: BAK1.2 Subject-specific introduction - (BA 1.3 Fachspezifische Einführung)
- 210161 VO STEOP: BAK1.2 Propeadeuticum Political Science - (BA 2.1 Orientierungsveranstaltung)
- 230002 VO STEOP: VO Basics of Methodology in Social Sciences
BAK2 - Basic of Social Sciences
- 210162 VO BAK 2.2 Social sciences and social change
- 210163 VO BAK2.4 Policy and Economy
- 210164 VO BAK2.5 Policy and Law
- 230014 VO Social Sciences and Social Change
BAK 3 - Introduction to Scientific Work
- 210165 PS BAK 3 Introduction to scientific work
- 210166 PS BAK 3 Introduction to scientific work
- 210167 PS BAK 3 Introduction to scientific work
- 210168 PS BAK 3 Introduction to scientific work
- 210169 PS BAK 3 Introduction to scientific work
- 210170 PS BAK 3 Introduction to scientific work
- 210171 PS BAK 3 Introduction to scientific work
- 210173 PS BAK 3 Introduction to scientific work
BAK4 - Methods
- 210174 VO BAK 4.1 Qualitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210175 UE BAK4.1 Qualitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210176 UE BAK4.1 Qualitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210177 UE BAK4.1 Qualitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210178 UE BAK4.1 Qualitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210179 UE BAK4.1 Qualitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210180 UE BAK4.1 Qualitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210181 UE BAK4.1 Qualitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210182 UE BAK4.1 Qualitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210183 UE BAK4.1 Qualitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210184 UE BAK4.1 Qualitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210185 UE BAK4.1 Qualitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210186 UE BAK4.1 Qualitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210187 UE BAK4.1 Qualitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
BAK5 to BAK8 - Required Modules
BAK5 - Core Area of Political Science: History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210188 VO BAK 5 History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210189 LK BAK5 History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210190 LK BAK5 History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210191 LK BAK5 History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210192 LK BAK5 History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210193 LK BAK5 History of Theory and Debates on Theory
BAK6 - Core Area of Political Science: The Austrian Political System and the EU
- 210194 VO BAK6 The Austrian Political System and the EU
- 210195 LK BAK6 The Austrian Political System and the EU
- 210196 LK BAK6 The Austrian Political System and the EU
- 210197 LK BAK6 The Austrian Political System and the EU
- 210198 LK BAK6 The Austrian Political System and the EU
- 210199 LK BAK6 The Austrian Political System and the EU
BAK7 - Core Area of Political Science: Comparative Analysis of Politics
- 210200 VO BAK7 Comparative Analysis of Politics
- 210201 LK BAK7 Comparative Analysis of Politics
- 210202 LK BAK7 Comparative Analysis of Politics
- 210203 LK BAK7 Comparative Analysis of Politics
- 210204 LK BAK7 Comparative Analysis of Politics
BAK8 - Core Area of Political Science: International Politics
- 210206 VO BAK8 International Politics
- 210207 LK BAK8 International Politics - Innerstaatliche Konflikte, Konflikttransformation und internationale Akteure
- 210208 LK BAK8 International Politics - Lateinamerika und Entwicklungstheorien
- 210209 LK BAK8 International Politics - Neogramscianische Internationale Politische Ökonomie
- 210210 LK BAK8 International Politics
- 210211 LK [ en ] BAK8 International Politics - An Introduction to American Politics
- 210212 LK BAK8 International Politics - Konflikte im Mittleren Osten und Nordafrika im Gefolge des Arabischen Frühlings
- 210213 LK BAK8 International Politics - Lateinamerika, Peacebuilding und Menschenrechte
- 210214 LK BAK8 International Politics - Europäische Security Governance
- 210215 LK BAK8 International Politics - Neogramscianische Internationale Politische Ökonomie
- 210216 LK BAK8 International Politics
BAK9 to BAK16 - Alternative Required Modules: Specialisation Modules
BAK9 - Political Theories and Research on Theories
- 210217 SE BAK9 Political Theories and Research on Theories - Failed States - Staatszerfall - Ursachen und Konsequenzen
- 210218 SE BAK9 Political Theories and Research on Theories - Ideologie Hegemonie Diskurs
- 210219 SE BAK9 SE Occupy Democracy - Soziale Bewegungen und Demokratie
- 210323 SE BAK9 Political Theories and Research on Theories
BAK10 - International Politics and Development
- 210220 VO [ en ] BAK11 European Union and Europeanisation - Problems of global Governance (engl.)
- 210221 SE BAK10 International Politics and Development - SE Internationale Beziehungen aus feministischer Perspektive
- 210222 SE BAK10 International Politics and Development - SE Staatsbildung und Machtteilung im multiethischen Irak?
- 210223 SE BAK10 International Politics and Development - SE Marx lesen: Kritik der politischen Ökonomie
- 210224 SE BAK10 International Politics and Development - SE Paradigmawechsel in der internationalen EZA
- 210225 SE BAK10 International Politics and Development - SE Adam Smith gelesen in Zeiten der Globalisierung
- 210325 VO [ en ] BAK10: VO Theories of crises and business cycles in economics
BAK11 - European Union and Europeanisation
- 210226 SE BAK11 European Union and Europeanisation - SE Die innere und äußere Sicherheit der Europäischen Union
- 210227 SE BAK11 European Union and Europeanisation - SE EU Nachbarschafts- und Erweiterungspolitik
- 210228 SE BAK11 European Union and Europeanisation - SE Grundprobleme der europäischen Integration
- 210229 SE BAK11 European Union and Europeanisation - SE Rechtspopulistische Parteien in Europa
BAK12 - Austrian Politics
- 210230 SE BAK12 Austrian Politics
- 210231 SE BAK12 Austrian Politics - SE Parteien und Parteienwettbewerb
- 210232 SE BAK12 Austrian Politics - SE Demokratie und Populismus
- 210233 SE BAK12 Austrian Politics - SE Entnazifizierung in Österreich
BAK13 - State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses
- 210234 VO BAK13 State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses
- 210235 SE BAK13 State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses - SE Regieren im modernen Staat
- 210237 SE BAK13 State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses - SE Policy Analysen durchführen forschen mit, forschen über
- 210238 SE [ en ] BAK13 State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses - SE Political economy of European integration: Current lessons from past crises (engl.)
- 210328 SE BAK13 State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses - SE Ethik, Recht und Politik: Frame: Analyse von Policy-Kontroversen
BAK14 - Gender and Politics
- 210239 SE BAK14 Gender and Politics - SE Border Crossings. Feministische Perspektiven auf Multikulturalismus und Postkolonialismus
- 210288 SE M8 a: Gender and Politics - Kontinuitäten und Kontroversen
BAK15 - East European Studies
- 210240 VO BAK15 East European Studies
- 210242 SE BAK15 SE Central and Eastern Europe: politics, economies, societies - SE Parteien in den Demokratien Ostmitteleuropas im Vergleich
- 210243 SE BAK15 SE Central and Eastern Europe: politics, economies, societies - SE Osteuropa im Vergleich: Einführung in die Vergleichende Regierungslehre
BAK16 - Culture and Politics
- 210244 VO BAK16 Culture and Politics
- 210245 SE BAK16 Culture and Politics - Schwerpunkt visuelle Daten und Fotobefragung
- 210246 SE BAK16 Culture and Politics
- 210247 SE [ en ] BAK16 Culture and Politics - (engl.)
- 230150 VO (Self)Responsibility - acting in a complex world
BAK17 - Consolidation
- 210249 UE BAK17b.1 Political Science in practice - Einführung in das historiografisches Arbeiten für Politikwissenschafterinnen
- 210250 UE Political Science And Scientific Writing (Mentoring)
- 210251 UE BAK17b.1 Political Science in practice
- 210300 UE BAK17b.1 Political Science in practice
BAK18 - Bachelorseminar
- 210252 SE BAK18 Bachelor's Seminar
- 210253 SE BAK18 Bachelor's Seminar
- 210254 SE BAK18 Bachelor's Seminar
- 210255 SE BAK18 Bachelor's Seminar
- 210256 SE BAK18 Bachelor's Seminar
- 210257 SE BAK18 Bachelor's Seminar
- 210258 SE BAK18 Bachelor's Seminar
- 210259 SE BAK18 Bachelor's Seminar
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38