0.06 Center for Doctoral Studies
- 980001 TS Info Session: Doctoral Study at the University of Vienna
- 980003 TS Info Session for Master Students: Doctoral Study at the University of Vienna
- 980004 TS From the research question to the right literature
- 980005 TS [ en ] From research question to literature - Finding and using information resources for your PhD project
- 980006 TS Research strategies and library research (Humanities)
- 980007 TS Research strategies and library research (Historical Science)
- 980008 TS [ en ] Introduction to the multidisciplinary database Web of Science
- 980009 TS [ en ] Introduction to SciVerse Scopus - A multidisciplinary access to knowledge
- 980010 TS Introduction to Introduction to reference management and knowledge organization: Endnote
- 980011 TS Introduction to reference management and knowledge organization: Citavi
- 980012 TS [ en ] Introduction to Reference Management & Knowledge Organization: Citavi
- 980013 TS Introduction to the Reference Management Tool Zotero
- 980014 TS Copyright and Plagiarism
- 980015 TS Good Scientific Practice - Scientific Misconduct
- 980016 TS Funding Possibilities for First Stage Researchers - An Introduction
- 980017 TS Funding Possibilities for First Stage Researchers - An Introduction
- 980018 TS Info Session: Marietta Blau Scholarship
- 980020 TS [ en ] How to Approach Proposal Writing
- 980021 TS [ en ] Exposé Writing in English - How to write and present a doctoral thesis proposal
- 980022 TS Outline and exposé writing - Erfolgreiches Schreiben und Konzipieren eines Exposés für das Dissertationsprojekt
- 980023 TS Wissenschaftliches Konzipieren, Schreiben und Präsentieren in der Anfangsphase - Der letzte Schliff des Exposès und Präsentationsvorbereitung
- 980025 TS Follow-Up: Academic Writing - Journalistic Writing
- 980026 TS Academic Writing - Journalistic Writing - Techniken für einen flüssigen und verständlichen Stil (in der Wissenschaft)
- 980029 TS [ en ] Publication Strategies in the Academic "Publish or Perish" Competition
- 980030 TS [ en ] Academic Writing in English (Part 2)
- 980031 TS [ en ] English Pronunciation and Typical Mistakes
- 980033 TS [ en ] Presentations in English
- 980034 TS [ en ] Professional Presentation of Research Results
- 980035 TS Presenting research results
- 980038 TS SPSS - An Introduction
- 980039 TS SPSS Advanced
- 980040 TS Introduction to Atlas.ti
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38
PhD candidates are advised to choose those workshops which best support their research project. Workshops concerning exposé writing are open to all doctoral students. The acceptance of the exposé is a necessary requirement for all workshops. Please note, that the choice of workshops is constantly extended.Participation takes place on a voluntary basis. For any application, please use the UNIVIS online system. ( http://univis.univie.ac.at )After application attendance of the whole course is compulsory.
Further information can be obtained from: http://doktorat.univie.ac.at