2.01. Protestant Theology
2.01. Protestant Theology
- 020015 VO-L Old Testament Hermeneutics
2.03 b Diplomstudium Unterrichtsfach Evangelische Religion
Diplomstudium Unterrichtsfach Evangelische Religion StEOP
- 020035 UE Bible Survey - STEOP
- 020049 VO-L STEOP: Theological Encyclopedia - für BA evang. Fachtheologie und BA Religionspädagogik
Diplomstudium Unterrichtsfach Evangelische Religion: Lehrveranstaltungen
- 020001 VU Rights of Religions and Religious Communities in Europe
- 020003 SE [ en ] Political Theology and Philosophy in the 20th Century
- 020007 SE The Century of Reformation in Vienna
- 020009 VO Introduction to Homiletics
- 020013 VO-L Old Testament Theology I: God and Violence in the Old Testament
- 020016 VO-L Old Testament Exegesis: Ijob
- 020021 VO-L Introduction to Religious Education
- 020024 SE Religious Diversity in Vienna
- 020027 VO-L History of Israel
- 020036 VO-L Introduction to Dogmatics in the Classical Protestant Tradition
- 020037 VO-L Ethics II: Protestant social ethics
- 020041 VO Exegetical Lectures: The Gospel of John
- 020042 VO-L Exegetical Lectures: The Gospel of John
- 020050 VO History of Theology and Philosophy in the 19. and 20. Century
- 020054 UE Compulsory Optional Subject: Personal Growth and Self-Experience II
- 020058 VU New Testament Theology and History of the Early Church - (für Lehramtsstudierende)
- 020059 VO+UE Homosexuality and Religious Faith - Course of Lectures and Discussions
- 020052 SE A new doctor-patient-interaction? - Zum Umgang mit PatientInnenrechten mit Schwerpunkt Selbstbestimmung
- 020057 UE Rhetorical Communication I
- 020029 EX Excursion
2.01. Protestant Theology
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39