MA History
1. Required Modules Orientation Period
- 070268 VO Schwerpunkt-Einführung - Einführung in den Schwerpunkt Osteuropäische Geschichte
PM Advanced Module Historical Thinking and Working
- 070176 KU Practice of Scientific Communication
- 070193 VO Theory of Science and History - Logic of Science - Logic of History
- 070228 KU [ en ] Practice of Scientific Communication
- 070233 KU Practice of Scientific Communication
- 070234 VO [ en ] Theory of Science and History - Logic of Science - Logic of History
- 090078 KU Practice of Scientific Communication
PM Foreign Languages in Historical Science
- 070178 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - History of the United States of America, 1800-1950
- 070196 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - Readings in Anglo-American history and historical anthropology (focus: Middle Ages)
- 070197 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - Themes in the history of the British Empire
- 070198 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - Civil Wars in 20th Century Europe, Grece, Spain, Ireland and Austria in Comparison
- 070219 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - European Migration, Identity and Diversity from 19th to 20th Century
- 070272 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - The American Revolution 1763-1789
2. Alternative Required Modules
APM Complementary Courses
APM Preparation for Specialisation
- 070009 GR Guided Reading - European History
- 070018 GR Guided Reading - Geschichte der Antike
- 070034 GR Guided Reading - History of the Ancient World
- 070041 GR [ en ] Guided Reading - -- Medieval Survey -- Sources
- 070042 GR Guided Reading - British and American Historiography, 18.-20. Cent.
- 070043 GR Guided Reading - British and American Political Thought, 16.-20. Cent.
- 070044 VO Austrian History II
- 070051 GR [ de en ] Guided Reading - Rulers and Authority in Western European Medieval Societies
- 070052 GR Guided Reading - Religion, Politik und soziale Ordnung im Mittelalter
- 070060 GR Guided Reading - Language and languages in early modern Europe
- 070095 VO Modern History
- 070108 GR Guided Reading - Historiographische Konzepte und Kontroversen der Modernen Afrikanischen Geschichte
- 070118 GR [ de en ] Guided Reading
- 070119 GR Guided Reading - Sources, theories and methods of historical research on the early modern and modern period
- 070136 GR Guided Reading - From the first (1515) to the second Congress of Vienna (1814-1815)
- 070137 GR Guided Reading - Sources and Methods of Russian History
- 070145 VO Medieval Austrian Constitutional History and History of Administration
- 070159 VO Medieval Austrian Constitutional History and History of Administration
- 070167 GR Guided Reading - Economic Inequality in Historical Perspective
- 070169 VO History of Science - History of Bibliography as History of Knowledge
- 070215 VO Austrian History II
- 070239 VO Modern History
- 070293 GR Guided Reading - Gedächtnis - Form - Identität
3. Alternative Group of Required Modules - Specialisations in MA History
3.1. APMG Ancient History and Archaeology
PM Theories, Sources and Methods of Ancient History and Archaeology
PM Specialisation 1: Greek History
- 090079 VO Lecture in Greek History - Geschichte Griechenlands von der Hohen Kaiserzeit bis zum Ausgang der Spätantike
- 090229 SE Greek History Seminar: Greek Festivals
PM Specialisation 2: Roman History
- 090028 SE Seminar in Roman History - Die Expansion Roms zur Zeit der Republik
- 090043 VO Lecture in Roman History - Caesar bis Augustus
PM Applied History of the Ancient World: Excursion(s)
- 070185 EX Excursion into the Waldviertel (Northern Lower Austria)
- 090040 KU Field Trip Preparation
PM Archaeology
PM Research Module Ancient History and Archaeology
3.2. APMG Medieval History
- 070146 VU Exercises in Interpreting Sources of Medieval and Early Modern Constitutional History
- 070151 VU Manuscript Studies and History of the Book
- 070153 VU Auxiliary Sciences: Heraldry, Sigillography and Genealogy
- 070154 VO Numismatics
- 070161 KU Exercises in Primary Source Studies (in general)
PM Theories, Sources and Methods: Analysis and Interpretation of Sources for Medieval History
PM Specialisation 1: Medieval Age I (to approx. 1200)
- 070145 VO Medieval Austrian Constitutional History and History of Administration
- 070159 VO Medieval Austrian Constitutional History and History of Administration
- 070187 SE Specialisation 1: Medieval Age I (to approx. 1200) - The Vikings
- 070189 SE Specialisation 1: Medieval Age I (to approx. 1200) - Anglo-Saxon England: a new look at the sources
- 090048 SE The Chronicon Paschale from the Period of Emperor Heraclius
- 090054 VO Byzantium and the British Isles - a Story of Political, Economic and Cultural Interaction (9th-16th Cent.)
PM Specialisation 2: Medieval Age II (approx. 1200 to approx. 1500)
- 010013 VO Church History - Part III - Church from the late Middle Ages to the Age of Enlightment
- 010045 FS Ecumenical Councils. History, theology, organization
- 060040 SE Using and accounting money in later medieval and modern times - Geldverwendung, Zahlungspraxis und Rechnungslegung in Spätmittelalter und früher Neuzeit
- 070051 GR [ de en ] Guided Reading - Rulers and Authority in Western European Medieval Societies
- 070145 VO Medieval Austrian Constitutional History and History of Administration
- 070156 SE Seminar: Austrian Constitutional History and History of Administration - Sozial ungleiche Städte: Bürgerbücher in vergleichender Sicht. Der Typ Bürger und die Erlangung des Bürgerrechtes
- 070159 VO Medieval Austrian Constitutional History and History of Administration
- 070203 SE Graduate Seminar - Kinship and Gender. Entangled Relations in late medieval and early modern Europa
- 070277 VO Specialisation Eastern European History I - South-Eastern Europe between Byzantine and Ottoman Empires (1299-1402): From Kings to Local Rulers and Vassals
- 090054 VO Byzantium and the British Isles - a Story of Political, Economic and Cultural Interaction (9th-16th Cent.)
PM Research Module Medieval History
- 070206 FS Research Seminar - University - Place of investigation and teaching
PM Applied Medieval History
- 070155 UE Technique of Calendaring Charters
PM Historical Ancillary Sciences of Medieval History with Excursions
- 060036 KU Describing and identifying numismatic items of medieval and modern times
- 070393 EX Excursion - Diplomatie und Gesandtenwesen (14.-16. Jh.)
- 090067 UE Paleography of Charters I
3.3. APMG Modern History
PM Theories, Sources and Methods of Modern History
- 070273 LK Lektürekurs - Neuzeit
- 070275 VO Schwerpunkt-Einführung
PM Specialisation 1: Early Modern History (approx. 1500 to approx. 1800)
- 010013 VO Church History - Part III - Church from the late Middle Ages to the Age of Enlightment
- 010045 FS Ecumenical Councils. History, theology, organization
- 060040 SE Using and accounting money in later medieval and modern times - Geldverwendung, Zahlungspraxis und Rechnungslegung in Spätmittelalter und früher Neuzeit
- 070135 VO [ en ] Rise and Descent of the British Empire - British global power from 1500
- 070156 SE Seminar: Austrian Constitutional History and History of Administration - Sozial ungleiche Städte: Bürgerbücher in vergleichender Sicht. Der Typ Bürger und die Erlangung des Bürgerrechtes
- 070172 VO Specialisation - University of Vienna 1365 to 2015
- 070191 SE Early Modern History (approx. 1500 to approx. 1800) - The European Expansion and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (1500 - 1800)
- 070192 SE Early Modern History (approx. 1500 to approx. 1800) - Strategies and Careers of the Nobility in Europe (1500-1800)
- 070203 SE Graduate Seminar - Kinship and Gender. Entangled Relations in late medieval and early modern Europa
- 070223 VO Advanced Module 1: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Europa in der Welt
- 070281 VO Early Modern History (approx. 1500 to approx. 1800) - The Habsburgs 1477-1780
PM Specialisation 2: Late Modern History (Contemporary History) (approx. 1800 to present)
- 010045 FS Ecumenical Councils. History, theology, organization
- 040066 VO [ en ] Business and Economic History: Multinational firms
- 070062 VO Specialisation Eastern European History I - Poland's Cultural History in the 19th century
- 070135 VO [ en ] Rise and Descent of the British Empire - British global power from 1500
- 070165 SE Specialisation 1: Questions and Issues of Contemporary History - Staged anniversaries? Austrian radio and television broadcasting since 1924
- 070172 VO Specialisation - University of Vienna 1365 to 2015
- 070177 SE Specialisation Eastern European History I and II - Gender History of the Russian Empire (18th c. - 1917)
- 070214 SE Specialisation 1 or 2 - The Fall of the Wall: The End of Communism and the German Unification 1989/90
- 070266 VO [ en ] Specialisation Eastern European History I - History of the Soviet Union
- 070267 SE Specialisation Eastern European History I - The Revolutions of 1989 and Austria
- 070270 SE [ en ] Specialisation 1 or 2 - Austrian intellectual history since the 18th century
- 070280 SE Specialisation Eastern European History I - Sports and politics in Eastern and Western European and American societies from 1894 to the present day
- 070281 VO Early Modern History (approx. 1500 to approx. 1800) - The Habsburgs 1477-1780
- 070394 SE [ en ] Specialisation Eastern European History I - The Budapest-Vienna Special Seminar - Revolution as a historical phenomenon
- 070223 VO Advanced Module 1: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Europa in der Welt
- 070290 SE Schönheit in Kunst, Kultur und Alltag (18.-20. Jahrhundert) - Seminar findet an der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien statt!
- 070291 SE Körperbilder, Körpergeschichte, Körperdiskurse. - Darstellung des menschlichen Körpers durch Kunst und Wissenschaft (18.-20. Jahrhundert) - Seminar findet an der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien statt!
- 040067 FK [ fr ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - French 3
- 070171 VO Issues, Theories and Controversies of the History of Science - Science and Scholarship in the National Socialist Regime
PM Excursion and Transdisciplinary Opening
- 030263 KU [ de en ] From the protection of persecuted co-religionist to the protection of universal human rights - Theory and practice of humanitarian intervention in historcial perspective
- 030393 SE History of international law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030500 VO [ de en ] Comparative History of Empires: - Imperial Management from the Holy Roman Empire and other "Old Empires" to the United States of America and the European Union
- 030589 VO [ de en ] The history of jewish rights between the state and the international community
- 070138 EX Excursion - Mauthausen Memorial - Gusen - Learning- and Memorial Castle Hartheim - Tunnel of Remembrance Steyer
- 070172 VO Specialisation - University of Vienna 1365 to 2015
- 070185 EX Excursion into the Waldviertel (Northern Lower Austria)
- 070393 EX Excursion - Diplomatie und Gesandtenwesen (14.-16. Jh.)
PM Applied Modern History
- 070204 PK Applied Women's and Gender History - Women´s biographies - contextualized for the public
- 070208 PK Applied Historical-Cultural European Research - Imaginations of Europe. Newsreels as aaudio-visual source in European Studies
- 070241 PK [ de en ] Project Course Global History of Food - Food in the City
PM Research Module Modern History
- 070170 FS Research Seminar - Alexander Bach - state and public administration during the neoabsolutist era
- 070173 FS Research Module - Botanical gardens asl multifunctional spaces of knowledge
- 070201 FS Research Module Women's and Gender History - Impotence in Early Modern Europe. Definitions. Evidence. Consequences
- 070206 FS Research Seminar - University - Place of investigation and teaching
- 070209 FS Research Module Contemporary History - The consequences of war and psychiatry
3.4. APMG Austrian History
- 070160 VU History of Public Administration
PM Theories, Sources and Methods of Austrian History
PM Specialisation 1: Austrian History during the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times
- 070145 VO Medieval Austrian Constitutional History and History of Administration
- 070156 SE Seminar: Austrian Constitutional History and History of Administration - Sozial ungleiche Städte: Bürgerbücher in vergleichender Sicht. Der Typ Bürger und die Erlangung des Bürgerrechtes
- 070159 VO Medieval Austrian Constitutional History and History of Administration
- 070172 VO Specialisation - University of Vienna 1365 to 2015
- 070192 SE Early Modern History (approx. 1500 to approx. 1800) - Strategies and Careers of the Nobility in Europe (1500-1800)
PM Specialisation 2: Austrian History since the 19th Century
- 070172 VO Specialisation - University of Vienna 1365 to 2015
- 070267 SE Specialisation Eastern European History I - The Revolutions of 1989 and Austria
PM Research Module Austrian History
- 070170 FS Research Seminar - Alexander Bach - state and public administration during the neoabsolutist era
PM Applied Austrian History
PM Excursion and Transdisciplinary Opening
- 070138 EX Excursion - Mauthausen Memorial - Gusen - Learning- and Memorial Castle Hartheim - Tunnel of Remembrance Steyer
- 070185 EX Excursion into the Waldviertel (Northern Lower Austria)
- 070393 EX Excursion - Diplomatie und Gesandtenwesen (14.-16. Jh.)
3.5. APMG History of Science
PM Theories, Sources and Methods of History of Science
- 070171 VO Issues, Theories and Controversies of the History of Science - Science and Scholarship in the National Socialist Regime
- 070174 KU Sources and Methods of the History of Science - Tiere und Geschlecht. Wissenschaftliche Diskurse vom 18. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert
PM Specialisation 1: Problems and Issues of History of Science
- 010043 SE "The Galilei Affair. Church and science in conflict
- 040100 SE [ en ] Philosophy-Politics-Economics - The debate of methods (Methodenstreit) in the social sciences(MA)
- 070188 SE Problems and Issues of the History of Science - Modern and Recent Approaches to the Historiography of Science
- 070270 SE [ en ] Specialisation 1 or 2 - Austrian intellectual history since the 18th century
- 070291 SE Körperbilder, Körpergeschichte, Körperdiskurse. - Darstellung des menschlichen Körpers durch Kunst und Wissenschaft (18.-20. Jahrhundert) - Seminar findet an der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien statt!
PM Specialisation 2: Problems of History of Science and Transdisciplinary Opening
- 040100 SE [ en ] Philosophy-Politics-Economics - The debate of methods (Methodenstreit) in the social sciences(MA)
- 070188 SE Problems and Issues of the History of Science - Modern and Recent Approaches to the Historiography of Science
- 070291 SE Körperbilder, Körpergeschichte, Körperdiskurse. - Darstellung des menschlichen Körpers durch Kunst und Wissenschaft (18.-20. Jahrhundert) - Seminar findet an der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien statt!
PM Issues of History of Science with Excursions
PM Applied History of Science
PM Research Module History of Science
- 070173 FS Research Module - Botanical gardens asl multifunctional spaces of knowledge
- 070209 FS Research Module Contemporary History - The consequences of war and psychiatry
4. Master-Module
- 070061 SE Master Seminar
- 070125 SE Master Seminar
- 070126 SE Master Seminar
- 070127 SE Master Seminar
- 070128 SE Master Seminar
- 070140 SE Master Seminar
- 070143 SE Master Seminar
- 070222 SE Master Seminar
- 070261 SE Master Seminar
- 070269 SE Master Seminar - Colloquium in East European History
- 070279 SE Master Seminar
- 070284 SE Master Seminar
- 070288 SE Master Seminar
- 070300 SE Master Seminar
- 070307 SE Master Seminar
- 070335 SE Master Seminar
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39