B. Master Degree Programme in Development Studies
- 140169 SE [ de en ] Dissertation Course
- 140170 SE [ de en ] Dissertation Course - Preparatory Course for the Public Presentation of the Dissertation Project
- 140319 PR Lecture: Applied Fields
01. Compulsory Module 1: Principles of Development Research
- 140369 VO GM1 Principles of Development Research
- 140375 KU GM2 Development Policy and Development Cooperation Architecture
- 140377 KU GM2 Development Policy and Development Cooperation Architecture - Post-2015-Agenda Neuanfang oder Ende der EZA-Diskussion?
- 140108 KU GM2 Development Policy and Development Cooperation Architecture
- 140109 KU GM3 Development Theories and Paradigms from a Transdisciplinary Perspective
- 140379 KU GM3 Development Theories and Paradigms from a Transdisciplinary Perspective - De/Constructing ‚Modern Man‘: Revisiting Concepts of Subjectivity and Society in Modernization Theories
- 140380 KU GM3 Development Theories and Paradigms from a Transdisciplinary Perspective
- 140364 VO GM4 - Theories of Science and Critique of Scientific Practices
02. Compulsory Module 2: Methods of Developmetn Research
- 140110 UE MM1 Methods of Quantitative Research
- 140112 UE [ de en ] MM1 Methods of Quantitative Research
- 140381 UE MM1 Methods of Quantitative Research
- 140114 UE MM2 Methods of Qualitative Research
- 140227 UE MM2 Methods of Qualitative Research
- 140368 UE MM2 - Methods of Qualitative Research
03. Emphasis Transdisciplinary Developmetn Research
03. Emphasis 1: Political aspects of development research (VM1)
- 140116 SE VM1 - VM6 - New rightwing (nationalist and fundamentalist) movements - in global perspective
- 140123 SE VM1 - VM2 - Environment and the Economy
- 140214 SE VM1 - VM7 Anti-colonial resistance, state-in-exile and gender relations - The case of Western Sahara
- 140401 SE [ en ] VM1 - VM2 Topics in Development Economics (engl.)
- 140132 VO+UE VM5 - VM1 - Critical Historiography of Power - Eric Hobsbawm (1917-2012) on global history and imperialism
- 290002 VO Environmental Problems, Use of Resources and Aspects of Sustainable Development in Asia
- 140062 VO Commodities, Power and Development - The political economy of commodity export in Africa, Asia, and Latin America
- 140161 VO+UE [ en ] VM1 - VM7 - Sexuality and Human Rights
- 210085 VO M4 SpezialisierungsVO Demokratiserung in Lateinamerika
04. Emphasis 2: Economic aspects of development research (VM2)
- 140123 SE VM1 - VM2 - Environment and the Economy
- 140135 SE VM2 - VM7 - Transhuman bodies and queer commons - Queere und feministische Perspektiven auf Natur, Eigentum und Ressourcen
- 140235 SE [ en ] VM6 - VM2 - Topics in Development Economics - Water Irrigation
- 140401 SE [ en ] VM1 - VM2 Topics in Development Economics (engl.)
- 140062 VO Commodities, Power and Development - The political economy of commodity export in Africa, Asia, and Latin America
- 040589 VO Foundations of Development Economics (MA)
- 010128 SE Solidary Economy
- 040128 SE Development Policy: Development Cooperation since 2000 (MA)
- 290002 VO Environmental Problems, Use of Resources and Aspects of Sustainable Development in Asia
05. Emphasis 3: Sociological Aspects of Development Research
- 140129 SE VM3 - VM8 - Social Protection and Social Policy in Developing and Transition Countries - und Transformationsländern
- 140131 VO+UE VM3 - VM7 - Questioning Migration Management: Logics of Differentiation
- 140355 VO+UE VM3 - VM8 - The Use of Natural Resources as a Socio-Ecological Problem Area
- 140395 SE T I - VM3 - VM4 Foundations of Social Criticism I
- 140062 VO Commodities, Power and Development - The political economy of commodity export in Africa, Asia, and Latin America
- 140187 VO Traditionalisms
- 180125 VO-L Lecture: Critique of Political Economy
- 230067 VO+SE Migration and Integration - Theoretical perspectives and research concepts
- 230147 SE Development Sociology
- 230103 SE [ de en ] Population Dynamics, Gender Dynamics, and Social Change
- 230129 VO Beyond guest-work - How Migration transforms the Austrian society, and challenges Sociology
- 230173 UE Basics of Social Network Analysis I
- 030464 VO Equality/Diversity - Gleichheit und Ungleichheit
06. Emphasis 4: Cultural Studies Aspects of Development Research
- 140134 SE VM5 - VM4 - 'Colonial Thought' - or: mentalitities and articulations of racism and anti-racism under colonial rule
- 140137 SE [ en ] VM4 - VM7 - Gender, Sexuality and 'Race' in (Post)colonial History
- 140330 VO+UE VM4 - VM5 - Racism
- 140333 VO+UE VM4 - VM5 -Settler Colonialism: Justifying the Disposession of Native Peoples
- 140342 SE VM4 - VM8 - Global Learning
- 140159 SE [ en ] VM4 - VM5 - Food, Society and Globalisation
- 140395 SE T I - VM3 - VM4 Foundations of Social Criticism I
- 140062 VO Commodities, Power and Development - The political economy of commodity export in Africa, Asia, and Latin America
- 070172 VO Specialisation - University of Vienna 1365 to 2015
- 010324 VO Afroamerican Religions
- 180125 VO-L Lecture: Critique of Political Economy
07. Emphasis 5: Historical Aspects of Development Research
- 140132 VO+UE VM5 - VM1 - Critical Historiography of Power - Eric Hobsbawm (1917-2012) on global history and imperialism
- 140134 SE VM5 - VM4 - 'Colonial Thought' - or: mentalitities and articulations of racism and anti-racism under colonial rule
- 140187 VO Traditionalisms
- 140330 VO+UE VM4 - VM5 - Racism
- 140333 VO+UE VM4 - VM5 -Settler Colonialism: Justifying the Disposession of Native Peoples
- 140334 VO+UE [ en ] VM5 - VM8 - Change through Negotiating - Simulation of an International Conference for Sustainable Development
- 140159 SE [ en ] VM4 - VM5 - Food, Society and Globalisation
- 140062 VO Commodities, Power and Development - The political economy of commodity export in Africa, Asia, and Latin America
- 070243 VO Advanced Module 1: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Southern Africa from Medieval to the Contemporary
- 070223 VO Advanced Module 1: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Europa in der Welt
- 070172 VO Specialisation - University of Vienna 1365 to 2015
- 140072 VO A History of Pan-Africanism
- 070135 VO [ en ] Rise and Descent of the British Empire - British global power from 1500
- 140090 SE [ en ] Copper, Gold and Gem Stones: Insights into Labour and Life in African Mining Towns - 19th to 20th Cenuries
- 070218 SE Advanced Module 1: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - The global monetary system since the 19th century
- 070244 SE Seminar Specialisation 1 - Ecological Foot Print of European Expnsion
08. Emphasis 6: Geographic and Regional Aspects of Development Research
- 140116 SE VM1 - VM6 - New rightwing (nationalist and fundamentalist) movements - in global perspective
- 140235 SE [ en ] VM6 - VM2 - Topics in Development Economics - Water Irrigation
- 140332 SE VM6 - VM7- Gender Politics in Latin America
- 140062 VO Commodities, Power and Development - The political economy of commodity export in Africa, Asia, and Latin America
- 210085 VO M4 SpezialisierungsVO Demokratiserung in Lateinamerika
- 070135 VO [ en ] Rise and Descent of the British Empire - British global power from 1500
- 070223 VO Advanced Module 1: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Europa in der Welt
- 070243 VO Advanced Module 1: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Southern Africa from Medieval to the Contemporary
- 140072 VO A History of Pan-Africanism
- 140090 SE [ en ] Copper, Gold and Gem Stones: Insights into Labour and Life in African Mining Towns - 19th to 20th Cenuries
09: Emphasis 7: Gender-specific Aspects of Development Research
- 140131 VO+UE VM3 - VM7 - Questioning Migration Management: Logics of Differentiation
- 140135 SE VM2 - VM7 - Transhuman bodies and queer commons - Queere und feministische Perspektiven auf Natur, Eigentum und Ressourcen
- 140137 SE [ en ] VM4 - VM7 - Gender, Sexuality and 'Race' in (Post)colonial History
- 140214 SE VM1 - VM7 Anti-colonial resistance, state-in-exile and gender relations - The case of Western Sahara
- 140332 SE VM6 - VM7- Gender Politics in Latin America
- 140062 VO Commodities, Power and Development - The political economy of commodity export in Africa, Asia, and Latin America
- 010050 FS Gender justice as a social challenge: feminist and legal approaches - Feministische und frauenrechtliche Zugänge
- 230103 SE [ de en ] Population Dynamics, Gender Dynamics, and Social Change
- 140161 VO+UE [ en ] VM1 - VM7 - Sexuality and Human Rights
- 140181 VO One out of Five - Interdisciplinary lecture series focusing on 'Women's rights - Human rights'
10. Emphasis 8: Areas of Practice and Applied Development Cooperation
- 140129 SE VM3 - VM8 - Social Protection and Social Policy in Developing and Transition Countries - und Transformationsländern
- 140331 VO+UE VM8 - How to Draft Project Proposals
- 140334 VO+UE [ en ] VM5 - VM8 - Change through Negotiating - Simulation of an International Conference for Sustainable Development
- 140342 SE VM4 - VM8 - Global Learning
- 140355 VO+UE VM3 - VM8 - The Use of Natural Resources as a Socio-Ecological Problem Area
- 230172 TR Project Management and Evaluation
- 140062 VO Commodities, Power and Development - The political economy of commodity export in Africa, Asia, and Latin America
- 140066 KU Scientific Texts: Writing and Editing
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
- 140395 SE T I - VM3 - VM4 Foundations of Social Criticism I
- 230168 TR Communication Culture at Universities and at Work I
- 230173 UE Basics of Social Network Analysis I
- 230174 KU Job Orientation I
11. Transdisciplinary Research Module
- 140138 FS [ de en ] FM1 - Research Seminar (Part 1) - Research Design - Insular Studies
- 140146 FS FM1 - Research Seminar (Part 1) - Research Design - Freihandelsverträge und Investitionsschutzabkommen in Südostasien
- 140147 FS FM1 - Research Seminar (Part 1) - Research Design - Qualitative methods in development research and research lab in East Africa
- 140148 FS FM2 - Research Seminar (Part 2) - Archives of Aid? The 'Middle Ages' of Austrian Development Cooperation
- 140149 UE FM2: Research Seminar (Part 2)
12: Master Module
- 140152 MAKU Master Course
- 140153 MAKU [ de en ] Master Course
- 140360 KU Writing Seminar
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39
Weitere Hinweise (Kontakt und Beratungstermine u.a.) finden sich auch unter www.univie.ac.at/ieUnivis - Anmeldung
1. Anmeldephase (Hauptanmeldung)
20.9.2014 10h bis 1.10. 9h2. Anmeldephase (Um-, Ab- und Nachmeldungen für eventuell freie Plätze) :
1.10.2014 15h bis 2.10.2014 16h