A. Bachelor Degree Programme Economics (A 033 513): Curriculum 2014
1. Introductory and orientation period
1.1. Grundzüge der Volkswirtschaftslehre
- 040006 VO STEOP: Principles of Economics
1.2. Grundzüge der allgemeinen Betriebswirtschaftslehre
1.3. Grundzüge der Statistik
- 040576 VO StEOP: Basic Principles of Statistics
2. Required Modules
2.1. Grundzüge der Wirtschaftspolitik und ihrer Institutionen
2.2. Mathematik 1
- 040005 VO Mathematics 1
- 040031 UE Mathematics 1
2.3. Mikroökonomie
2.4. Statistik
2.4.1. Statistik 1
2.4.2. Statistik 2
2.5. Mathematische Optimierung
2.6. Makroökonomie
2.7. Ökonometrie
2.8. ABWL
- 040002 EK Basic Finance
- 040003 VK [ de en ] Intermediate Finance (VK)
- 040058 EK Organization and Human Resources (EK)
- 040061 VO [ en ] Marketing
- 040062 VK Production and Logistics
- 040063 EK Production and Logistics
- 040181 FK [ en ] Marketing (E)
- 040502 VK [ de en ] Organization and Human Resources (VK)
- 040600 VK Innovation and Technology Management
- 040628 EK Accounting: Financial Accounting for Advanced Students
- 040655 EK Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions
- 040428 FK Marketing
2.9. Entscheidungs- und Spieltheorie
2.10. Finanzwissenschaft
3. Required Elective Modules
3.1. Pflichtmodul Verbreiterung (im Ausmaß von 8 ECTS)
- 040381 EK StEOP: Economic Sociology
- 040042 UK [ en ] Economic History (BA)
- 040766 VO [ en ] Business and Economic History - The global economy since the 18th Century (BA)
3.2. Pflichtmodul Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Wahlfächer (im Ausmaß von 33 ECTS)
3.2.1. Volkswirtschaftslehre
- 040016 UK [ en ] Bargaining and Coalition Formation: Theory and Experiments (BA)
- 040049 UK [ en ] Information Economics (BA)
- 040051 UK [ en ] Competition Policy (BA)
- 040052 UK [ en ] Development Economics in Reality (BA)
- 040069 UK [ en ] Empirical Models of Strategic Interaction (BA)
- 040070 UK [ en ] The Economics of Advertising (BA)
- 040099 UK [ en ] Lobbying and Corruption: Theory and Experiments
- 040102 UK [ en ] Decisions under Uncertainty (BA)
- 040112 UK [ en ] Empirical Methods of Economic History (BA)
- 040393 UK Poverty (BA)
- 040651 UK [ en ] International Macroeconomics (BA)
- 040820 UK [ en ] Theories of Bounded Rationality (BA)
- 040833 UK Labor Market (BA)
3.2.2. sonstige Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- 040032 UK [ en ] History of Business Cycle Theory (BA)
- 040766 VO [ en ] Business and Economic History - The global economy since the 18th Century (BA)
4. Individual Spezialization
4.1. Erweiterungscurricula oder freie Wahlfächer (im Ausmaß von 15 ECTS)
- 040016 UK [ en ] Bargaining and Coalition Formation: Theory and Experiments (BA)
- 040032 UK [ en ] History of Business Cycle Theory (BA)
- 040049 UK [ en ] Information Economics (BA)
- 040051 UK [ en ] Competition Policy (BA)
- 040052 UK [ en ] Development Economics in Reality (BA)
- 040069 UK [ en ] Empirical Models of Strategic Interaction (BA)
- 040070 UK [ en ] The Economics of Advertising (BA)
- 040098 UK SOLV - Power and Economics
- 040099 UK [ en ] Lobbying and Corruption: Theory and Experiments
- 040102 UK [ en ] Decisions under Uncertainty (BA)
- 040112 UK [ en ] Empirical Methods of Economic History (BA)
- 040134 VO History of Economic Policy (BA) - from mercantilism to presence
- 040393 UK Poverty (BA)
- 040651 UK [ en ] International Macroeconomics (BA)
- 040766 VO [ en ] Business and Economic History - The global economy since the 18th Century (BA)
- 040820 UK [ en ] Theories of Bounded Rationality (BA)
- 040833 UK Labor Market (BA)
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39