1.07. Master Degree Programme in Study of Religions
1. Required Modules
M01: Key Issues in the History of Religion
1. Judaism
2. Christianity
- 010006 VO Church History Compact I - The first christian millenium
- 010065 VO Introduction to the Oriental-Orthodox Churches and the Eastern Catholic Churches
- 010223 VO Church History Compact II
- 010325 VO Church History IV - 19th - 20th Centuries
- 020037 VO-L Early Christianity: Theology and History
3. Islam
- 030304 KU Islamic Business Law
- 140005 VO History of Ideas and Culture of the Arab-Islamic Near East
- 140012 VO Religions and Institutions in the Near East
- 140060 VO History, Politics and Islam (special themes)
- 140127 VO Islam in Asia outside the Arab World
4. Religions of Indian Origin
- 140118 VO Tibetan Interpretations of Buddha-nature - A Comparative Approach
- 140121 VO [ en ] Selected episodes from the Buddha legend
5. East-Asian Religions
6. Historical Religions
- 090074 VO Ancient History of Religion
7. Others
M02: Special Courses in History of Religion
1. Judaism
- 060004 VO+UE History, Culture, Literature and Religion in the Medieval Period 2
- 060017 VO+UE History, Culture, Literature and Religion in the Rabbinic Period 2 - Die Midraschim; Mischna und Talmud: Eine Einführung in die Literatur mit Textbeispielen (in Übersetzungen).
- 010044 SE Christian and Jewish environments in the Alpine-Danube-Region - From the beginnings till the end of the Roman Empire
2. Christianity
- 010040 FS The Bishop in the Eastern and Western Churches. History and theology of the episcopal office
- 010044 SE Christian and Jewish environments in the Alpine-Danube-Region - From the beginnings till the end of the Roman Empire
3. Islam
- 010112 SE [ en ] Visual Representation in Islam
- 020046 SE Seminar: Scientific Study of Religions - The Situation of Christians in the Middle East
- 140197 SE Seminar on Classical Islam
4. Religions of Indian Origin
- 140137 PS Introduction to Religious Symbolism. - An attempt at an interpretation on the basis of the polyvalent Lotos
- 140146 UE Ritual Theory and Rituals in India and Nepal
- 140165 PS Proseminar on selected research fields of Tibetan and Buddhist studies
- 140170 PS Traditions of Pilgrimage in South Asia
5. East-Asian Religions
6. Historical Religions
- 060042 VU Special Topic Egyptian Religion
- 090129 SE Holy mountains in Antiquity and Christianity
7. Others
M03: Comparative Systematic Study of Religions
M04: Applied Systematics
- 010107 SE The Study of Mysticism
M05: Religion and Society
M06: Psychology of Religion
- 010116 SE [ en ] Psychology of Religion: Freud vs. Jung
M07: Additional Subject Areas
1. Missiology, Theology of Religion
2. Political Dimensions of Religions
3. Didactics of Religions
4. Aesthetics of Religions
5. Anthropology of Religion
6. Philosophy of Religion
- 010061 VO Philosophical Theology
7. Law of Religions
- 010046 VK Basic Questions of Canon Law
- 030023 VO Legal Position of religious communities in Austria - Zur Rechtsstellung der Religionsgemeinschaften in Österreich
- 030304 KU Islamic Business Law
M08: Reading Course: Sacred Texts
- 010018 PS Introduction to Exegetical Methods
- 010032 UE Reading Course on Theological Key Terms of the Patristic Theology
M09: Recent Research Approaches
- 010100 SE Methods of qualitative research on religions - Motives to participate in interreligious dialogues in Vienna
- 010109 SE Introduction to theological Women´s, Men´s and Gender Studies
- 010112 SE [ en ] Visual Representation in Islam
- 010155 SE Religions - Body - Gender
- 370006 SE Research Seminar Religious Education
M10: Science of Religion in Practice
- 010037 EX Archaeology in the Land of Moab - Excavation and Survey in the Wadi ath -Thamad Project
- 010098 SE Religion in the Media - Media Religion
- 010100 SE Methods of qualitative research on religions - Motives to participate in interreligious dialogues in Vienna
2. Elective Modules
M12: Relevant Source Language
M13: Advanced Source Language
M14: Thesis Supervision
M15: Specialisation: History of Religion
M16: Specialisation: Systematics
M17: Specialisation: Methods of Empirical Research
- 010100 SE Methods of qualitative research on religions - Motives to participate in interreligious dialogues in Vienna
M18: Advanced History of Religion
M19: Advanced Methodology
M20: Advanced Systematics
M21: Advanced Subject Area
- 010109 SE Introduction to theological Women´s, Men´s and Gender Studies
- 010112 SE [ en ] Visual Representation in Islam
- 030035 KU Freedom of Religion and Belief in Europe
- 030090 SE Religion and Penal Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030112 SE Living together of Christians and Muslims in Past and Present - Political reorganisation of Europe, Diaspora, Human Rights-Orthodoxy in face of the Challanges of Modernity (for diploma and doctoral students)
- 030139 SE Intercultural Conflict Resolution: Focus "Religion" - for graduate and andergraduate students
- 030263 KU [ de en ] From the protection of persecuted co-religionist to the protection of universal human rights - Theory and practice of humanitarian intervention in historcial perspective
- 030357 SE A beautiful corpse: Comparative funeral law in past and present - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030425 SE Seminar on Legal Philosophy and Religious Law: Human Rights - Women´s Rights - "Violence against Women as an Intercultural Issue" (for undergraduate and graduate students)
- 140137 PS Introduction to Religious Symbolism. - An attempt at an interpretation on the basis of the polyvalent Lotos
- 300229 SE Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology - Interdisciplinary discussions of current topics in Philosophy, Theology and Biology
M22: Advanced Reading
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39
UNIVIS-Anmeldephase Proseminare und prüungsimmanente LVs des Fachbereichs Religionspädagogik: 19.01.2015 10:00 Uhr bis 27.02.2015 10:00 Uhr