BAM 13 Bachelormodul
- 010007 SE Liturgical Rites Surrounding Illness and Death
- 010021 SE Selected topics from the Philokalia
- 010024 SE Evil - The Price of Freedom?
- 010025 FS [ en ] Ethical issues at the End of Our Personal Lives
- 010033 SE Seminar - Theologische Ansätze in den Philippinen im Dialog mit europäischer Theologie und Ethik
- 010043 SE Jan Hus and the Origins of Hussitism
- 010044 SE Christian and Jewish environments in the Alpine-Danube-Region - From the beginnings till the end of the Roman Empire
- 010047 SE Antiphon and Pedal Tone - Church Music in East and West
- 010049 SE The Church after Vatican II: Recent ecclesiological discussions
- 010057 SE Eucharistic spirituality
- 010063 SE Immanuel Kant: " Der Streit der Fakultäten" - "Der Streit zwischen der theologischen und der philosophischen Fakultät"
- 010066 SE Existentialism: Sören Kierkegaard and Albert Camus
- 010089 SE Understanding Judaism today: Encounters from a interdisciplinary perspective
- 010105 SE Teaching of religion - a common concern of Church and State
- 010109 SE Introduction to theological Women´s, Men´s and Gender Studies
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39