B. Master's Degree Programmes Biology (Curricula from WS 13)
1. Masterprogramme Anthropology (Version 2013)
1.1. Compulsory Modules
MAN 1 Compulsory module 1: Basic module in Anthropology
- 300039 VO Introduction to multivariate statistics for Anthropologists
- 300357 VO Specific Human Ecology
MAN 2 Compulsory module 2: Practical training in Anthropology
1.2. Block of Elective Modules: Anthropology
MAN W1 Human Evolution
- 300257 VO [ de en ] Primates and their societies
- 300288 SE Selected Chapters of Forensic Anthropology
- 300360 SE Hominid evolution
- 300381 UE Micro-Computer Tomography and the use of volume data
- 300552 UE Comparative morphology of fossil hominids
MAN W2 Human Behavioral Biology
- 300011 SE Paleoethology
- 300233 UE Behavior analysis II
- 300361 SE+UE Practical Course: Human Ethology
- 300367 VO Evolution of Cognition
MAN W3 Human Ecology
- 300160 SE Specific Human Ecology
- 300281 SE Inter- and transdiciplinary work-methods in human ecology research
- 300355 SE Transition Studies II
MAN W4 Human Life History
- 300010 SE SE: Special Aspects of Human Social Biology
- 300017 VO Topics in Sexual Biology
- 300256 VO Special Aspects of Human Social Biology - Theme "The human body in the stress field of nature and culture"
- 300338 SE Evolutionary Demography
MAN W5 Quantitative Methods in Anthropology and Biometry
- 300154 UE [ en ] 3D Image data: processing, landmarking and template building
- 300248 SE [ de en ] Applied comparative Anthropology Part I
- 300255 SE Applied comparative Anthropology Part II
- 300391 SE [ en ] Morphometric Data Acquisition and Analysis
- 300392 VO [ en ] Modern Morphometrics in Physical Anthropology
- 300454 UE Digital Acquisition of Human Surface Morphology and Behavior
1.3. Individual Specialization
MAN 3 Individual Specialization
- 300010 SE SE: Special Aspects of Human Social Biology
- 300011 SE Paleoethology
- 300017 VO Topics in Sexual Biology
- 300102 VO Basics in Vertebrate Palaeontology
- 300108 UE Introduction to Molecular Biological Techniques - Molecular Techniques
- 300125 UE Scientific Photography for Anthropologists - Theory and Practice
- 300154 UE [ en ] 3D Image data: processing, landmarking and template building
- 300160 SE Specific Human Ecology
- 300167 VO Dental Anthropology - Basic knowledge of teeth in anthropology (development of teeth and jaws, dental anatomy, epigenetic variants of teeth, determination of age at death, tooth wear and modification, dental disease, measurement of teeth, etc.)
- 300204 VO Evolution of Communication
- 300212 PP Palaeontological field school
- 300229 SE Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology - Interdisciplinary discussions of current topics in Philosophy, Theology and Biology
- 300233 UE Behavior analysis II
- 300248 SE [ de en ] Applied comparative Anthropology Part I
- 300255 SE Applied comparative Anthropology Part II
- 300256 VO Special Aspects of Human Social Biology - Theme "The human body in the stress field of nature and culture"
- 300257 VO [ de en ] Primates and their societies
- 300270 VO Applied Human Ecology: transitions and possible interventions in developing societies - Investigative methods in transition societies on food security, climate change and regional development
- 300281 SE Inter- and transdiciplinary work-methods in human ecology research
- 300288 SE Selected Chapters of Forensic Anthropology
- 300338 SE Evolutionary Demography
- 300351 VO The Use and Abuse of Biology
- 300355 SE Transition Studies II
- 300360 SE Hominid evolution
- 300361 SE+UE Practical Course: Human Ethology
- 300367 VO Evolution of Cognition
- 300381 UE Micro-Computer Tomography and the use of volume data
- 300391 SE [ en ] Morphometric Data Acquisition and Analysis
- 300392 VO [ en ] Modern Morphometrics in Physical Anthropology
- 300394 SE Urban Ethology - In this class human- environment interactions are put in an evolutionary framework. Based on current literature topics in this field are elaborated and discussed.
- 300454 UE Digital Acquisition of Human Surface Morphology and Behavior
- 300552 UE Comparative morphology of fossil hominids
- 300612 UE Environmental Health Interactions - Molecular Epidemiology and Epigenetics
2. Masterprogramme Botany
MBO 1 Systematic and Evolutionary Botany
MBO 2 Structural Botany
MBO 3 Molecular Biology of Plants
MBO 4 Basic Methods of Botany
- 300390 UE [ en ] Basic Methods of Evolutionary and Structural Botany
- 300412 UE [ en ] Basic Methods in Plant Physiology, Anatomy and Ecology
MBO 5 Advanced Methods of Botany
- 300077 UE Systematics and ecology of macromycetes
- 300138 EX [ en ] Assessing plant diversity in the field - Botanical Excursions in Eastern Austria
- 300313 UE [ de en ] Structural Diversity of Flowers - Morphology, systematics and evolution of flowering plants
- 300352 UE [ en ] Special Methods of Structural Botany 1 - Special Methods of Structural Botany 1
- 300540 SE+UE [ en ] Biotic Interactions and Co-Evolution - theoretical and practical aspects
- 300600 UE [ en ] Methods of chemodiversity research - Phytochemistry and secondary metabolism
MBO 6 Specific Research Project
MBO 7 Individual Specialization (elective courses)
- 300004 VO Molecular Biology of plants II - Metabolism and Response to Pathogen Stress
- 300018 SE [ en ] Scientific Literature and Communication for Biologists - in Parallelen
- 300043 UE [ en ] Biogeographical Excursions
- 300104 VO [ en ] Bioindicaton and Biomonitoring
- 300114 SE [ en ] Current Topics in Molecular Microbial Ecology and Evolution 1
- 300129 VO Bio- and chemodiversity of economic plants - secondary metabolites
- 300137 VO [ en ] Flora and Vegetation of Austria in the European Context
- 300183 UE Practical Course in bioindication and monitoring
- 300186 UE Distribution patterns in the flora of Central Europe: field exploration
- 300193 SE [ en ] Symbiosis - concepts and model systems
- 300235 SE [ en ] Seminar in Plant Systematics and Evolution
- 300237 SE Botanical field research and collecting tours
- 300251 UE Morphology and function of pollen and spores
- 300264 SE Seminar in tropical botany
- 300268 UE Excursions on vegetation ecology - Excursions on Conservation, Vegetation and Landscape Ecolgy in Austria
- 300291 VO Electron Microscopy in Biology - Methods, Preparation and Interpreparation
- 300297 UE [ en ] Methods in plant diversity research
- 300304 UE Course in identifying bryophytes
- 300305 VO Introduction to bryology
- 300427 SE [ en ] Seminar for Master-, Diploma- & PHD-Students in Structural and Functional Botany
- 300627 SE [ en ] Plant Genome Evolution: Repetitive DNA
- 300658 EX Diversity of Bryophyes, Vulneribility and Conservation
3. Masterprogramme Ecology and Ecosystems
MEC-1 Evolutionary and ecological foundations of bidiversity
MEC-2 Ecosytem ecology and biogeochemistry
MEC-3 Biodiversity and ecosystems
MEC-4 Introduction to biodiversity or ecosystem research
MEC-5 Experimental design and data analysis
MEC-6 Techniques in biodiversity research
- 300152 UE [ en ] Digital Illustration for Biologists
- 300286 UE [ en ] Field Methods in Ornithology
- 300297 UE [ en ] Methods in plant diversity research
- 300387 UE [ en ] Biodiversity of Stream Ecosystems
MEC-7 Techniques in biogeochemistry and ecosystem research
- 300300 UE [ en ] Ecosystem and Biogeochemistry Laboratory: Techniques in Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology
- 300434 UE [ en ] Ecosystem and Biogeochemistry Laboratory - Techniques in Systems Biology
MEC-8 Specific research project
- 300299 UE [ en ] Specific Research Project in Ecology
MEC-9 Individual specialization
- 300009 VO [ de en ] Water Framework Directive &Habitats Directives &European Standards related to the aquatic vegetation - Basics for assessing the ecological status of waterbodies in Europe
- 300022 UE [ en ] Practial Course in Modelling of Ecological Systems
- 300043 UE [ en ] Biogeographical Excursions
- 300114 SE [ en ] Current Topics in Molecular Microbial Ecology and Evolution 1
- 300137 VO [ en ] Flora and Vegetation of Austria in the European Context
- 300138 EX [ en ] Assessing plant diversity in the field - Botanical Excursions in Eastern Austria
- 300152 UE [ en ] Digital Illustration for Biologists
- 300153 UE Ecology and biodiversity of moths
- 300159 VO Conservation Genetics - Konzepte und Anwendungen am Beispiel ausgewählter Arten , z.B. Wölfe, Tiger, Seeadler, Kondore
- 300162 UE [ en ] Advanced Marine Ecology I
- 300175 VO [ en ] Microbial Oceanography
- 300193 SE [ en ] Symbiosis - concepts and model systems
- 300218 SE [ en ] Advances in Marine Biology, part 2 - Seminars for MS and PhD students in Dept. Marine Biology
- 300244 UE [ de en ] Advanced field course fish ecology
- 300266 UE Aquatic microbial Ecology - Introduction to methods
- 300268 UE Excursions on vegetation ecology - Excursions on Conservation, Vegetation and Landscape Ecolgy in Austria
- 300276 UE Rhizosphere
- 300295 UE Field course "Aquatic habitats" - advanced level
- 300297 UE [ en ] Methods in plant diversity research
- 300303 SE [ en ] Preparatory seminar for "Fauna and Flora of marine habitats" - only together with course 300314
- 300314 UE [ en ] Fauna and flora of marine habitats - only together with course 300303
- 300315 VO [ en ] Modelling Ecological Systems
- 300318 SE [ de en ] Practical course in systems biology basics
- 300366 SE [ en ] Advances in Molecular Microbial Ecology and Evolution
- 300374 UE [ de en ] Water Framework Directive: Introduction to Macrophyte survey - Practical application
- 300401 UE [ en ] Scientific Practice in Microbial Ecology
- 300659 SE [ en ] Limnology Seminar - Current research and ecological concepts
4. Masterprogramme Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunobiology
4.1. Compulsory Module
MMEI I Research topics in Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunobiology
- 300144 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunobiology 3 - Immunobiology
- 300195 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunobiology 1 - Molecular Microbiology
- 300246 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunobiology 1 - Molecular Microbiology
- 300347 SE [ en ] Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution - Advanced Techniques in Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunology
- 300586 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunobiology 1 - Molecular Microbiology
- 300841 SE [ en ] Advanced Techniques in Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunbiology 1 - Molecular Micobiology
- 300843 SE [ en ] Advanced Techniques in Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunobiology 3 - Immunobiology
4.2. ABCM (1) Molecular Microbiology
MMEI II-1.1 Proseminar Molecular Microbiology
MMEI II-1.2 Advanced Molecular Microbiology
- 300306 UE RNA-Profiling in Microbiology/Immunology
- 300460 VO [ en ] Frontiers of Virology
MMEI II-1.3 Scientific Practice in Molecular Microbiology
- 300582 UE [ en ] Scientific Practice in Molecular Microbiology
4.3. ABCM (2) Microbial Ecology
MMEI II-2.1 Proseminar Microbial Ecology
MMEI II-2.2 Advanced Microbial Ecology
- 300019 VO [ en ] Computational methods in microbial ecology
- 300114 SE [ en ] Current Topics in Molecular Microbial Ecology and Evolution 1
- 300366 SE [ en ] Advances in Molecular Microbial Ecology and Evolution
MMEI II-2.3 Scientific Practice in Microbial Ecology
- 300401 UE [ en ] Scientific Practice in Microbial Ecology
4.4. ABCM (3) Immunobiology
MMEI II-3.1 Proseminar Immunobiology
- 300003 PS [ en ] Proseminar Immunobiology
MMEI II-3.2 Advanced Immunobiology
- 300306 UE RNA-Profiling in Microbiology/Immunology
- 300460 VO [ en ] Frontiers of Virology
MMEI II-3.3 Scientific Practice in Immunobiology
- 300414 UE [ en ] Scientific Practice in Immunobiology
4.5. Compulsory Module: Interdisziplinary Subjects
MMEI III Selected Interdisciplinary Subjects
- 300003 PS [ en ] Proseminar Immunobiology
- 300022 UE [ en ] Practial Course in Modelling of Ecological Systems
- 300051 PS Dynamic Biochemistry - for Students of the Masterprogramm Molecular Biology
- 300052 UE Practical Course in fluorescence-/confocal microscopy including image processing workshop - for diploma, PhD and advanced students
- 300060 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course in Genetics and Developmental Biology
- 300065 UE [ de en ] Advanced Techniques in Genetics and Developmental Biology
- 300072 SE [ de en ] Cell Biology Today: Current Topics, Methodology, and Project Design
- 300076 SE [ en ] Work in progress report III - DK Structure and Interaction of Biological Macromolecules
- 300084 VO [ en ] Structural Bioinformatics II
- 300089 VO Translation in EukaryotesII
- 300091 SE [ en ] Modern Concepts in Structural Biology IV
- 300140 VO+UE [ en ] Live imaging course - for diploma, PhD and advanced students
- 300143 VO Cell Biology of Mammalian Cells
- 300180 UE [ en ] Advanced genetics: C.elegans
- 300234 SE [ en ] Biochemical and biophysical characterization and validation approaches
- 300252 VO [ en ] Cell type-specific features of the CNS
- 300306 UE RNA-Profiling in Microbiology/Immunology
- 300315 VO [ en ] Modelling Ecological Systems
- 300328 SE [ en ] Mouse genetics and development II
- 300332 VO Dynamics of intracellular compartmentalization
- 300370 VO [ en ] Peroxisomes in Health and Disease
- 300372 SE [ en ] Current topics in Molecular Evolution and Development
- 300380 SE [ de en ] Reading and Discussing Publications in Biochemistry
- 300402 UE [ de en ] Mass Spectrometry based Proteomics
- 300411 SE [ en ] Literature sem., structure & function of proteins
- 300417 VO [ en ] Methods in Cell Biology
- 300442 VO [ de en ] Molecular Medicine 1 - Monogenetic Diseases
- 300449 VO [ en ] Advanced Macromolecular Crystallography
- 300460 VO [ en ] Frontiers of Virology
- 300461 VO Biomolecular NMR-Spectroskopy
- 300480 SE Therapy of HIV Infection / AIDS
- 300587 SE [ en ] Literature Seminar in the field of Neurosciences
- 300588 VO Special Topics in Bioinformatics
- 300591 VO+SE [ en ] Advanced Cell Biology - Lecture Series
- 300592 SE Research-proposal Submission and Assessment
- 300652 VO Molecular Biology of RNA
- 300665 SE+UE Protein Transport and Sorting in Mammalian Cells
- 300736 SE [ en ] Seminar in Developmental Biology
- 300750 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club II - Immunobiology and Signal transduction
- 300751 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club II - Molecular Microbiology
- 300752 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club II - Biochemistry
- 300753 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club II - Molecular Zellbiology
- 300754 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club II - Structurbiology
- 300755 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club II - Bioinformatics
- 300756 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club II - Chromosomenbiology and cytogenetic
- 300757 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club II - Genetics and Developmental biology
- 300841 SE [ en ] Advanced Techniques in Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunbiology 1 - Molecular Micobiology
- 300851 UE [ de en ] Advanced Biochemical Techniques
- 300852 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course Advanced Biochemistry
- 300853 UE [ de en ] Practical Course in Structural Biology A - Basics
- 300854 UE [ de en ] Practical Course in Structural Biology B - Advanced Practical Course
- 300855 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course Structural Biology
- 300856 UE [ de en ] Advanced Cell Biology Techniques
- 300857 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course Cell Biology
- 300858 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course (Molecular Medicine) - Part 1
- 300859 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course (Molecular Medicine) - Part 2
- 300860 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course Advanced Neurosciences - 2
4.6. Compulsory Module: Additional Scientifc Skills for Biologists
M-WZB Additional Scientific Skills for Biologists in the Master program
- 300060 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course in Genetics and Developmental Biology
- 300065 UE [ de en ] Advanced Techniques in Genetics and Developmental Biology
- 300067 UE Basics and handling with intellectual property for biologists
- 300084 VO [ en ] Structural Bioinformatics II
- 300353 UE [ en ] Applied programming for Bioinformatics - Principles and techniques for simple programming to solve biological problems, using a common programming language. Practical experience with text processing and automation of external programms.
- 300372 SE [ en ] Current topics in Molecular Evolution and Development
- 300402 UE [ de en ] Mass Spectrometry based Proteomics
- 300413 SE [ en ] Connectivity Seminar: Trans/Interdisciplinary Structure Series I
- 300750 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club II - Immunobiology and Signal transduction
- 300751 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club II - Molecular Microbiology
- 300752 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club II - Biochemistry
- 300753 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club II - Molecular Zellbiology
- 300754 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club II - Structurbiology
- 300755 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club II - Bioinformatics
- 300756 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club II - Chromosomenbiology and cytogenetic
- 300757 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club II - Genetics and Developmental biology
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39