C.1.3 F Area of Specialization
Die Vorlesung Forschungsspezialisierung - Einführung und Überblick ist Bestandteil des neuen Mastercurriculums Soziologie- Version 2014.Die Lehrveranstaltung wird aber auch Studierenden des auslaufenden Masterstudiengangs Version 2007 dringend empfohlen, die hinsichtlich Ihres Forschungsvorhabens bei der Masterarbeit noch unschlüssig sind oder sich noch nicht für eine bzw zwei Forschungsspezialisierung/en entschieden haben. Die Vorlesung kann als nicht prüfungsimmanenter Bestandteil des Moduls MA F für den Studienabschluss im auslaufenden Studiengang verwendet werden und gilt als anrechenbar für alle angebotenen Forschungsspezialisierungen.Alle prüfungsimmanenten Lehrveranstaltungen, die als Bestandteil des Moduls 'MA F Forschungsspezialisierung' angeboten werden, können als Bestandteil des Moduls 'MA EF Erweiterung Forschungsspezialisierung' absoviert werden.Bei Lehrveranstaltungen, die teilweise oder zur Gänze in PC-Räumen oder an anderen Universitäten stattfinden, kann es bei der Termindarstellung in univis online zu fehlerhaften Daten kommen, da die PC-Räume in einem gesonderten System gebucht werden bzw. Räume an anderen Universitäten nicht in der Datenbank gebucht werden können. Betroffene Termine werden in univis online als "extern" angezeigt. Vollständige Angaben zu Seminar- und PC-Raumterminen sind nur im Vorlesungsverzeichnis ersichtlich.
C.1.3.1 Area of Specialization: Work, Organization, Health
- 230106 VO Theories of Organization
- 230050 VO Sociology of Work - An introduction to approaches, debates and research findings
- 230113 VO Health and Health Promotion in Organisational Settings
- 230094 SE Problems of implemenation of interventions into complex systems
- 230036 SE Applied Sociology of Organisation
- 230070 SE Fundamentals of internationally comparative research
- 230083 SE Global (Re-)production Networks and the (international) division of labour
- 230097 SE Group dynamics
- 230156 SE Class Relations and the Global Digital Economy
- 230157 SE India as the back-office of the world - Working conditions and trade unionism in call centres and business process outsourcing
C.1.3.2 Area of Specialization: Culture and Society
- 230048 VO Current Issues in the Sociology of Culture
- 230089 SE Process and game
- 230092 SE Sociology of Emotions
- 230070 SE Fundamentals of internationally comparative research
- 230081 SE Theory and Hermeneutics of Contemporary Photography
- 230098 VO+SE Visual Sociology: Basic Principles, Approaches and Practices
- 230101 FPR Visual Communication in Social Media
- 230123 SE Viennese patterns of sociology: Archaeological attempts on Austrian Sociology II - Fortsetzung
- 230162 SE Urban space as a place of interdisciplinary actions between arts, science and society
C. Recommended Lectures of other Departments: MA F Culture and Society
- 210128 VO M10/Diss: VO Visual Politics and popular culture - Visual Politics
- 240049 VO Introduction to the Anthropology of Art (3.3.6)
- 240090 SE [ en ] Visual Culture: Artists and Commons (P4)
C.1.3.3 Area of Specialization: Family Research, Generations, Lifespan
- 230044 VO Family today: concepts, facts, policy
- 230065 SE Families without Borders? Spatial Mobility, Family Life, Family and Partner Relationships
- 230067 SE Qualitative methods and childhood and youth research
- 230070 SE Fundamentals of internationally comparative research
C.1.3.4 Area of Specialization: Social Structure and Social Integration
- 230047 VO [ en ] Introduction to urban sociology
- 230050 VO Sociology of Work - An introduction to approaches, debates and research findings
- 230024 SE [ de en ] Sociology of Political Economy
- 230027 SE Sociological theories of social integration and disintegration
- 230070 SE Fundamentals of internationally comparative research
- 230083 SE Global (Re-)production Networks and the (international) division of labour
- 230084 SE Development of Gender Indicators - Theory, Methods and Applications
- 230090 SE Social Work in Societal Transformation Processes
- 230091 SE Community Studies in Social Science - Semantics of Rural Migration
- 230092 SE Sociology of Emotions
- 230103 SE [ de en ] Population Change, Social Change and Welfare-State Development
- 230122 SE Social inequality - Globalization and transnationality
- 230156 SE Class Relations and the Global Digital Economy
- 230157 SE India as the back-office of the world - Working conditions and trade unionism in call centres and business process outsourcing
C. Recommended Lectures of other Departments
- 030510 SE Genderproblems in Labour Law and Social Security Law - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
C.1.3.5 Area of Specialization: Visual Sociology
- 230081 SE Theory and Hermeneutics of Contemporary Photography
- 230098 VO+SE Visual Sociology: Basic Principles, Approaches and Practices
- 230101 FPR Visual Communication in Social Media
C. Recommended Lectures of other Departments: MA F Visual Sociology
- 210128 VO M10/Diss: VO Visual Politics and popular culture - Visual Politics
- 240049 VO Introduction to the Anthropology of Art (3.3.6)
- 240090 SE [ en ] Visual Culture: Artists and Commons (P4)
C.1.3.5 Area of Specialization: Studies of Science
- 230140 VO [ en ] Techno-Science and Society: Communicating and Interacting. Central Issues, Questions and Concepts
- 230142 VO [ en ] Knowledge and Technology Cultures: Central Issues, Questions and Concepts
- 230141 KO [ en ] Discussion Class Techno-Science and Society: Communicating and Interacting
- 230143 KO [ en ] Discussion Class Knowledge and Technology Cultures
- 230147 SE [ en ] Political and cultural economics of Pharmaceuticals
- 230148 SE [ en ] Pictures, Practices, and Power: Social Studies of Scientific Imaging & Visualization
- 230146 SE [ en ] Circulating Lives: Politics, Economies and Justice in Global Biomedicine
- 230155 SE [ en ] The impact of indicators and evaluation on knowledge production
- 230163 SE [ en ] The Hidden Moralities of Knowledge and Technology - Communicating Science and Technology in the Life Science Context
- 230171 SE [ en ] Thinking Through Disaster
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39