18.02. Teacher Training Programme: "Psychology and Philosophy"
§ 57.1 Psychology (First and Second Stage of the Degree Programme)
§ 57.1.1 Introduction to Psychology for Prospective Teachers
§ 57.1.2. General Psychology I
- 200152 VO EC General Psychology I
§ 57.1.3. General Psychology II
§ 57.1.4. Developmental Psychology I
- 200153 VO EC Developmental Psychology I
§ 57.1.5. Developmental Psychology II
§ 57.1.6. Social Psychology I
- 200154 VO EC Basics of Social Psychology
§ 57.1.7. Social Psychology II
§ 57.1.8. Depth Psychology I
- 180149 VO Introduction to Psychoanalysis - Depth psychology II
§ 57.1.9. Depth Psychology II
§ 57.1.10. Experiments in Psychology Classes
- 180119 SE Demonstrations in psychology lessons
§ 57.1.11. Psychological Research Methods
- 180150 VO Differential Psychology
§ 57.1.12. Elective Courses Psychology
- 180040 SE Fundam questions of existence analysis
§ 57.2. Philosophy: First Stage of the Degree Programme
§ 57.2.1. Introduction to Scientific Work
§ 57.2.2. Introduction to Theoretical Philosophy
- 180174 VO-L Introduction to Theoretical Philosophy - Kants Erkenntnistheorie
§ 57.2.3. Introduction to Practical Philosophy
- 180074 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP for the LA PP - Introduction to Philosophy
§ 57.2.4. Reading Course
- 180004 LPS Levinas: Otherwise than Being
- 180012 LPS Plato, The Dialogue Phaedo - conception and arguments to soul and immortability
- 180025 LPS LPS: Friedrich Nietzsche: The Gay Science
- 180028 LPS Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals
- 180061 LPS Heidegger: Being and Time 1
- 180070 LPS Kant - CPR (Transcendental Doctrine of Method)
- 180168 LPS The Philosophical Investigations by Ludwig Wittgenstein
§ 57.2.5. History of Philosophy I (Antiquity)
- 010132 VO Ancient Philosophy
§ 57.2.6. History of Philosophy II (Middle Ages and Early Modernity)
§ 57.2.6. Rhetoric and Theory of Argumentation
§ 57.3. Philosophy Second Stage of the Degree Programme
§ 57.3.1. History of Philosophy III (Classical Modernity throught the 19th Century)
- 010132 VO Ancient Philosophy
- 180093 VO History of Philosophy III for the LA PP - Von Hegel zu Nietzsche.
§ 57.3.2. Metaphysics and Ontology
- 010083 VO Metaphysics
- 180018 PS Truth
- 180022 PS Self-consciousness and self-knowledge - contemporary perspectives on a classic problem
- 180082 SE Aristotle's "Metaphysics"
- 180088 SE [ en ] Phenomenology of the Body
- 180099 SE Aristotle - Metaphysics as the First Philosophy
- 180104 PS Corporeality and philosophy of the incarnation
- 180146 PS Platon: Theaitetos
- 180020 PS Bayesian Epistemlogy - Eine Einführung
- 180047 PS Hegel and Nietzsche about Ancient Greek Religion in the Form of Art and its Decline
§ 57.3.3. Epistemology or Theory of Science
- 180021 VO Introduction into the Theory of Knowledge
- 180023 VO Introduction to the Philosophy of Science
- 180068 VO Introduction into the Theory of Knowledge
§ 57.3.4. Ethics
- 010043 VO Ethics I -Introduction into ethics
- 180027 SE Phenomenological ethics
- 180064 VO-L Principles of Biomedical Ethics "by Tom Beauchamp and James Childress
- 180111 SE [ en ] Moral Anti-Realism
- 180163 SE Collective responsibility in a globalized world
- 180180 SE Ethics , human dignity and human rights in psychoanalysis Part 1
§ 57.3.5. Applied Ethics
- 010097 FS Research Seminar
- 180011 VO Introduction to Applied Ethics
- 180064 VO-L Principles of Biomedical Ethics "by Tom Beauchamp and James Childress
- 180089 SE Ancient economy - House , money and gift
- 180115 SE Aging-Disease-Dying - Philosophical, medical and ethical problems in geriatrics
- 180164 SE The idea of human dignity and its role in applied ethics
§ 57.3.6. Politics, Social Philosophy
- 180001 SE Peace Ethics and Dialogue of Religions
- 180015 SE [ en ] Multicultural Citizenship
- 180049 SE Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Political Philosophy
- 180063 SE Rousseau: Social Contract
§ 57.3.7. Contemporary Philosophy
- 180003 SE Yoga - In Theory and Praxis
- 180037 SE What is Critique
- 180040 SE Fundam questions of existence analysis
- 180044 SE Modal Logic
- 180050 SE Austin’s Heirs. Recent Controversies about Speech Act Theory
- 180053 SE Philosophy of Technology
- 180062 SE Hölderlin, Celan, Bachmann - A Philosophical Reading
- 180167 SE Cultural Technologies
- 180182 SE [ en ] Michel Foucault : The Will to Knowledge . Sexuality 1
§ 57.4. Teaching Methodology
§ 57.4. Teaching Methodology
- 180009 VO-L Introduction to Didactics PP
§ 57.4.2. Teaching Methodology (Philosophy)
- 180007 SE Philosophical Didactics
- 180041 SE Subject Didactics - Philosophy of Religion
- 180100 SE Philosophical Didactics
- 180122 SE Philosophical Didactics - Any procedure with philosophical texts
- 180123 SE Philosophical Didactics - Any procedure with philosophical texts
- 180124 SE Philosophical Didactics - Any procedure with philosophical texts
- 180176 SE Philosophical Didactics - teaching analysis
§ 57.4.3. Teaching Methodology (Psychology)
- 180125 SE Psychology Didactics - Theorie und Praxis des Lehrens und Lernens
- 180126 SE Psychology Didactics
- 180127 SE Psychology Didactics
- 180128 SE Psychology Didactics - Theorie und Praxis der Vermittlung psychologischer Inhalte in der Schule
- 180129 SE Psychology Didactics
- 180130 SE Psychology Didactics - Grundlagen und Methoden - Psychische Kräfte und Funktionen - Grundlagen der Entwicklungspsychologie
§ 57.4.4. Teaching Methodology (Ethics)
- 180024 SE Didactics of Ethics
- 180131 SE Didactics of Ethics - How to teach and learn moral behavior
- 180132 SE Fachdidaktik ethics focusing Applied Ethics - How to teach and learn moral behavior
- 180133 SE Fachdidaktik ethics - How to teach and learn moral behavior
- 180134 SE Fachdidaktik ethics - How to teach and learn moral behavior
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39
Frist für die elektronische Anmeldung zu prüfungsimmanenten Lehrveranstaltungen: 15.09.2009 (12 Uhr) - 01.10.2009 (12 Uhr)
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2. Stock HS: 2G, 2H, 2i