Second Stage of the Degree Programme (Curriculum 2002)
2.1. Physiogeography and Landscape Ecology
- 290039 RV Lecture Series: Risk Prevention and Disaster Management
- 290154 KU Scientific Progress in Geoecology
- 290034 VO Geological Fundamentals in Physical Geography
- 290126 PS Proseminar Climatic change
- 290008 SE Bachelorseminar in Physical Geography: Climatology - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Diplom- und Masterstudium)
- 290017 SE Bachelorseminar in Physical Geography: Geomorphology and Geoecology - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Diplom- und Masterstudium)
- 290347 SE Seminar in Physical Geography: Ecosystems in Climate Change - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Diplomstudium)
2.2. Human Geography (including Economic Geography)
- 290118 VO Social Geography: Spatial Structures of Society
- 290050 VO Economic Structure of Austrian Regions
- 290091 VU Protected area policies and ressource management of Europa
- 140123 VO Commodities, Power and Development - The political economy of commodity export in Africa, Asia, and Latin America
- 290083 VO Real Estate and Urban Development
- 290084 UE Real Estate and Urban Development
- 290092 PS Transformations of armed conflicts in South and Southeast Asia
- 290098 PS Justice in the City
- 290029 SE Bachelorseminar Human Geography: Current Research Fields in Political Geography - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Bachelor- und Diplomstudium)
- 290379 SE Bachelorseminar Human Geography (Economic Geography): Gobal Production Networks - Labour, Power and Social Agency
- 290113 SE Bachelorseminar Human Geography (Economic Geography): Current Topics of Urban Geography - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Diplom- und Masterstudium)
- 290078 SE Seminar Human Geography/ Regional Geography: Minority Issues in Asian Regions - in the Demographic, Economic and Socio-Cultural Context
- 290103 SE Seminar in Human/Economic Geography: - Municipal Finance and regional Development
- 290096 PSE Seminar in applied geography, spatial research and spatial planning: - Transformation of the border area along the former Iron Curtain: case studies
2.3. Basics of Regional Research and Regional Planning
- 290251 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Principles and Concepts of Regional Planning
- 290107 VO History of Spatial Planning and Urban Design
- 290210 VO Instruments of Spatial Planning on Local and Regional Level
- 290067 VU European Spatial Development - EU Policies and National Planning Systems
- 290068 VU Planning Law, Land Law, and Building Law
- 290102 PS Land Policy and Scarce Ressources
- 290003 SE Bachelorseminar Spatial Research and Spatial Planning: Myth of the City - Urban Utopias - Urbane Utopien (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Diplom- und Masterstudium)
- 290095 SE Seminar in Applied Geography, Spatial Research and Spatial Planning: - Suburbia 3.0? Current Developments and Planning Challenges in the Environs of Vienna
- 290096 PSE Seminar in applied geography, spatial research and spatial planning: - Transformation of the border area along the former Iron Curtain: case studies
2.4. Austria, the EU and Selected World Regions - Regional Structure and Problems of Regional Development
- 290151 VO Regional Development in Austria: Introduction and Case Studies
- 290245 VO Regional and political geography of Southeast Europe
- 290050 VO Economic Structure of Austrian Regions
- 150116 VO Economical Geography (M4) - Grundzüge der Wirtschaftsgeografie Chinas Regionen in der dynamischen Entwicklung Chinas
- 290091 VU Protected area policies and ressource management of Europa
- 290067 VU European Spatial Development - EU Policies and National Planning Systems
- 290092 PS Transformations of armed conflicts in South and Southeast Asia
- 140123 VO Commodities, Power and Development - The political economy of commodity export in Africa, Asia, and Latin America
- 290078 SE Seminar Human Geography/ Regional Geography: Minority Issues in Asian Regions - in the Demographic, Economic and Socio-Cultural Context
- 290096 PSE Seminar in applied geography, spatial research and spatial planning: - Transformation of the border area along the former Iron Curtain: case studies
2.5. Economics
- 290016 VU Special Topics in Economics - Macroeconomics: Open Goods and Financial Markets from an Economics Perspective
- 290011 VU Special Topics in Economics - Macroeconomics: Open Goods and Financial Markets from an Economics Perspective
- 290013 SE Seminar in Economics: Structural change and structural policy
- 290110 SE Seminar in Economics (Macroeconomics): - Globalization and the Economics of Inequality
- 290012 SE Seminar in Economics (Macroeconomics): Why are they poor and why are we rich? - Institutional preconditions for the wealth and the poverty of nations
- 290108 PS Course in Didactics of "Geography and Economics": Applied Didactics of Economics
- 290109 PS Course in Didactics of "Geography and Economics": Applied Didactics of Economics - within the Subject "Geography and Economics" in Secondary Education
- 290111 PS Course in Didactics of "Geography and Economics": Applied Didactics of Economics
- 290055 EX Excursion in Economics and Business Administration
2.6. Didactics of Geography and Economics
- 290015 UE Preparatory Course: How to Plan Teaching Units in "Geography and Economics", Group A
- 290021 UE Preparatory Course: How to Plan Teaching Units in Geography and Economics, Group B
- 290022 UE Preparatory Course: How to Plan Teaching Units in "Geography and Economics", Group C
- 290112 UE Preparatory Course: How to Plan Teaching Units in "Geography and Economics", Group D
- 290134 UE Preparatory Course: How to Plan Teaching Units in Geography and Economics, Group E
- 290135 UE Preparatory Course: How to Plan Teaching Units in Geography and Economics, Group F
- 290031 PS [ de en ] Proseminar for Didactics of Teaching Geography: Didactics of Excursions
- 290038 PS Proseminar for Didactics of Teaching Geography - Competencies oriented geography and economics education and supportive assessment of performance
- 290042 PS Proseminar for Didactics of Teaching Geography: Maps, School Atlasses & Internet in Teaching Geogr.
- 290202 PR Subject-Didactic Practicum: University-Educational Cooperation Projects in GW, Group A+B
- 290168 PR Subject-didactic Practicum: University-Educational Cooperation Project in GW, Group C
- 290028 PR Subject-Didactic Practicum: University-Educational Cooperation Projects in GW, Group C & D
- 290040 PS "Entrepreneurship Education" in "Geography and Economics" - Economical Education Strategy or Key Competence for Lifelong Learning?
- 290143 PS Gender Roles in the Context of Teaching Geography. A Theoretical & Practical Course in Didactics.
- 290327 SE Seminar on Subject Didactics: How to convert abstract content into living learning in the classroom?
- 290129 PR Subject-Didactic Practicum: University-Educational Cooperation Projects in GW, Group E
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39