A [2]. Bachelorstudium Urgeschichte und Historische Archäologie
Pflichtmodulgruppe Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase (StEOP)
StEOP PM 1 "Theorie und Methodik in der Urgeschichte und Historischen Archäologie"
- 060027 VO Introduction to Archaeological Theory and Method
- 060028 PS Basics of scientific working
StEOP PM 2 "Naturwissenschaftliche Methoden in der Urgeschichte und Historischen Archäologie"
Wahlmodulgruppe "Epochen der Urgeschichte"
WM 1 "Paläo- und Mesolithikum"
- 060033 VO Introduction Paleolithic and Mesolithic period
- 060035 PS Proseminar Paleolithic and Mesolithic period
- 060037 PR Material course Paleolithic and Mesolithic period - Artefactmorphology. Paleo-and mesolithic stone tools
WM 2 "Neolithikum und Kupferzeit"
WM 3 "Bronzezeit"
WM 4 "Eisenzeit"
Wahlmodulgruppe "Epochen der Frühgeschichte und Historischen Archäologie"
WM 5 "Römische Kaiserzeit und Spätantike"
- 060038 VO Introduction Roman Imperial Age and Late Antiquity
- 060040 PS Proseminar Roman Imperial Age and Late Antiquity
- 060042 PR Material course Roman Imperial Age and Late Antiquity
WM 6 "Völkerwanderungszeit und Frühmittelalter"
WM 7 "Mittelalterarchäologie"
WM 8 "Neuzeit- und zeitgeschichtliche Archäologie"
Pflichtmodulgruppe Grabungstechniken
PM 3 "Grabungstechnik 1"
- 060051 PR Training in excavation and fieldwork (4 weeks) - Buchberg am Attersee
- 060052 PR Practical fieldwork 1/2 in the Hallstatt final fortification of Mont Lassois by Vix (Burgundy)
- 060054 PR Practical fieldwork (4 weeks) - (Iffelsdorf/D)
- 060055 PR Practical fieldwork (4 weeks): Kammern-Grubgraben - palaeolithic open air site
- 060056 PR Archaeological Field School 1 + 2 (4 weeks): - Late Bronze and Iron Age Settlement Meillionydd (United Kingdom)
- 060057 PR Archaeological Field School 1 + 2 (4 weeks): - Late Bronze and Iron Age settlement Meillionydd (United Kingdom)
- 060058 VU Field Archaeology 2: Documentation & Guidelines of the Federal Monuments Authority Austria
- 060059 UE Surveying for Achaeologists
- 060060 UE Introduction Stratigraphy
- 060108 PR Practical fieldwork 2 (4 weeks) - Medieval and modern use of the Alps: building archaeology and object recovery at the palace of Hanfelden, Unterzeiring, Styria and a survey at Alpine passes at the Oberhüttensattel, Lungau, Salzburg.
- 060110 PR Practical fieldwork (4 weeks) - (Dietstätt)
- 060111 PR Practical fieldwork Dietstätt (4 weeks)
PM 4 "Grabungstechnik 2"
- 060051 PR Training in excavation and fieldwork (4 weeks) - Buchberg am Attersee
- 060052 PR Practical fieldwork 1/2 in the Hallstatt final fortification of Mont Lassois by Vix (Burgundy)
- 060054 PR Practical fieldwork (4 weeks) - (Iffelsdorf/D)
- 060055 PR Practical fieldwork (4 weeks): Kammern-Grubgraben - palaeolithic open air site
- 060056 PR Archaeological Field School 1 + 2 (4 weeks): - Late Bronze and Iron Age Settlement Meillionydd (United Kingdom)
- 060057 PR Archaeological Field School 1 + 2 (4 weeks): - Late Bronze and Iron Age settlement Meillionydd (United Kingdom)
- 060058 VU Field Archaeology 2: Documentation & Guidelines of the Federal Monuments Authority Austria
- 060059 UE Surveying for Achaeologists
- 060060 UE Introduction Stratigraphy
- 060108 PR Practical fieldwork 2 (4 weeks) - Medieval and modern use of the Alps: building archaeology and object recovery at the palace of Hanfelden, Unterzeiring, Styria and a survey at Alpine passes at the Oberhüttensattel, Lungau, Salzburg.
- 060110 PR Practical fieldwork (4 weeks) - (Dietstätt)
- 060111 PR Practical fieldwork Dietstätt (4 weeks)
Pflichtmodul 5 "Vertiefende Qualifikationen Archäologie"
- 060048 UE GIS-applications for archaeologists
- 060049 UE Introduction to archeometry - XRF methods in archeology
- 060062 PR Experimental archaeology
- 060063 UE Research within museum depots: - how to get acquainted with archaeological find materials (focus Neolithic/Copper Age)
- 060064 UE Photographic documentation
- 060065 UE Introduction prehistoric diet
- 060073 KU Identifying and describing numismatic objects I: Antiquity
- 060075 KU Ancient Numismatics and monetary history
Pflichtmodul 6 "Inlandsexkursion"
- 060046 EX Excursion archaeological sites in Austria - Archaeological Sites of Prehistory and Historical Archaeology
- 060047 EX Two-days excursion to prehistoric and historic sites in Burgenland - Ur- und frühgeschichtliche Fundstätten im Burgenland
PM 7 "Bachelorarbeit" (Studienausgangsphase)
- 060044 SE Bachelor Seminar
- 060045 SE Bachelor Seminar - Transformationsprozesse des Frühmittelalters im Ostalpenraum
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:40