5. Masterprogramme Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunobiology
5.1. Compulsory Module
MMEI I Research topics in Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunobiology
- 300091 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunobiology 1 - Molecular Microbiology
- 300107 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunobiology 3 - Immunobiology
- 300307 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunobiology 2 - Molecular genetic and postgenomic analyses of microbial communities and model organisms
- 300364 VO [ de en ] Research topics in Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunobiology
- 300484 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunobiology - Diversity and function of uncultured microbes in medical and environmental samples
- 300841 SE [ en ] Advanced Techniques in Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunobiology 1 - Molecular Microbiology
- 300843 SE [ en ] Advanced Techniques in Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunobiology 3 - Immunobiology
5.2. ABCM (1) Molecular Microbiology
MMEI II-1.1 Proseminar Molecular Microbiology
- 300556 PS [ en ] Proseminar in Molecular Microbiology
MMEI II-1.2 Advanced Molecular Microbiology
- 300060 SE [ en ] Bioinformatics for metagenomics and metatranscriptomics
- 300281 VO [ en ] Symbiosis - concepts and model systems
- 300282 VO Bacterial Pathogenes, Molecular Diagnostics and Systematics
- 300310 SE [ en ] Therapy of HIV Infection / AIDS
- 300347 VO [ en ] Principles of Molecular Virology
- 300371 SE [ en ] Advanced topics in Molecular Biology and Physiology of Bacteria and Archaea
- 300432 UE RNA Profiling in Microbiology/Immunology
- 300605 SE Seminar in Genetics - Molecular Biology of RNA
- 300610 SE [ en ] Seminar in Microbiology-Immunology
MMEI II-1.3 Scientific Practice in Molecular Microbiology
- 300582 UE [ en ] Scientific Practice in Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Ecology
5.3. ABCM (2) Microbial Ecology
MMEI II-2.1 Proseminar Microbial Ecology
- 300487 PS [ en ] Proseminar Microbial Ecology
MMEI II-2.2 Advanced Microbial Ecology
- 300060 SE [ en ] Bioinformatics for metagenomics and metatranscriptomics
- 300114 SE [ en ] Current Topics in Molecular Microbial Ecology and Evolution 1
- 300281 VO [ en ] Symbiosis - concepts and model systems
- 300326 VO [ en ] Aquatic Viral Ecology
- 300366 SE [ en ] Advances in Molecular Microbial Ecology and Evolution 1
MMEI II-2.3 Scientific Practice in Microbial Ecology
5.4. ABCM (3) Immunobiology
MMEI II-3.1 Proseminar Immunobiology
MMEI II-3.2 Advanced Immunobiology
- 300281 VO [ en ] Symbiosis - concepts and model systems
- 300310 SE [ en ] Therapy of HIV Infection / AIDS
- 300347 VO [ en ] Principles of Molecular Virology
- 300373 SE [ en ] Mouse genetics and development I
- 300432 UE RNA Profiling in Microbiology/Immunology
- 300588 VO [ en ] Special Chapters of Immunology
- 300610 SE [ en ] Seminar in Microbiology-Immunology
MMEI II-3.3 Scientific Practice in Immunobiology
- 300095 UE [ de en ] Scientific Practice in Immunobiology
5.5. Compulsory Module: Interdisziplinary Subjects
MMEI III Selected Interdisciplinary Subjects
- 300004 SE [ en ] Light, hormones and rhythms in plants and animals
- 300092 SE [ en ] Modern Concepts in Structural Biology III
- 300101 VO [ en ] Epigenetics- From basic mechanisms to medical applications
- 300113 VO [ en ] Advanced Lecture Course in Developmental Biology
- 300137 VO [ en ] Basics of Neuroscience
- 300151 UE Practical Course in fluorescence-/confocal microscopy including image processing - for diploma, PhD and advanced students
- 300165 SE [ de en ] Reading and Discussing Publications in Biochemistry
- 300185 VO [ en ] Structural Bioinformatics I
- 300206 SE [ en ] Hot topics in mitochondrial medicine
- 300207 SE Seminar in Cell Biology
- 300214 UE Course III B: Sequence analysis in molecular biology
- 300225 SE [ en ] RNA Journal Club VI
- 300228 SE [ en ] RNA Work in Progress VI
- 300233 SE [ en ] RNA Lecture Series 2016
- 300242 SE [ de en ] Next generation sequencing data analysis
- 300245 VO [ en ] Lecture Series Chromosome Dynamics I - DK Chromosome Dynamics
- 300247 UE [ en ] Workshop Scientific Presentation @ Science Communication - DK Chromosome Dynamics
- 300250 SE Seminar - Genetics
- 300261 VO [ en ] Theory and practice of biomolecular structure determination and characterisation - DK Integrative Structural Biology
- 300270 VO [ en ] Biophysical chemistry of macromolecules - DK Integrative Structural Biology
- 300271 VO [ en ] Principles and practice of advanced microscopic technques - life sciences applications using theory and case studies
- 300272 VO Metabolism in Evolution, Development and Ecology: a Systems Biology Perspective
- 300273 SE [ en ] Exploring protein structure - DK Integrative Structural Biology
- 300277 SE [ en ] Journal Club I - Stem Cell Biology: Evolutionary, developmental and pathological dimensions
- 300282 VO Bacterial Pathogenes, Molecular Diagnostics and Systematics
- 300291 VO Microbial Nitrogen Cycling: From Single Cells to Ecosystems
- 300310 SE [ en ] Therapy of HIV Infection / AIDS
- 300326 VO [ en ] Aquatic Viral Ecology
- 300347 VO [ en ] Principles of Molecular Virology
- 300371 SE [ en ] Advanced topics in Molecular Biology and Physiology of Bacteria and Archaea
- 300373 SE [ en ] Mouse genetics and development I
- 300392 SE [ en ] Projects on light reception, biological rhythms and hormone biology - Research Report
- 300407 VO [ en ] DNA-Tumor Viruses, from Cancer Agent to therapy - Elective Course in Molecular Medicine
- 300415 SE [ en ] Molecular Biology of Plants
- 300417 VO [ en ] Molecular Biology of Plants
- 300432 UE RNA Profiling in Microbiology/Immunology
- 300465 SE [ en ] Current Trends in Bioanalytical Technologies
- 300556 PS [ en ] Proseminar in Molecular Microbiology
- 300557 VO [ en ] Principles in Genetics and Developmental Biology
- 300581 SE [ de en ] Cell Biology Today: Current Topics, Methodology, and Project Design
- 300585 VO [ de en ] Translation in Eukaryotes I
- 300586 VO Molecular Medicine 2 - Molecular Aspects of Medical Research
- 300588 VO [ en ] Special Chapters of Immunology
- 300598 VO GTPases: Structure and Function
- 300605 SE Seminar in Genetics - Molecular Biology of RNA
- 300610 SE [ en ] Seminar in Microbiology-Immunology
- 300641 UE [ de en ] Mass Spectrometry based Proteomics - Genetics and biochemistry
- 300696 VO Fundamentals in Systems Biology
- 300740 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club I - Immunobiology and Signal transduction
- 300741 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club I - Molecular Microbiology
- 300742 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club I - Biochemistry
- 300743 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club I - Molecular Zellbiology
- 300744 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club I - Structurbiology
- 300745 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club I - Bioinformatics
- 300746 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club I - Chromosomenbiology and cytogenetic
- 300747 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club I - Genetics and Developmental biology
5.6. Compulsory Module: Additional Scientifc Skills for Biologists
M-WZB Additional Scientific Skills for Biologists in the Master program
- 300052 VO Aquatic Microbial Ecology
- 300151 UE Practical Course in fluorescence-/confocal microscopy including image processing - for diploma, PhD and advanced students
- 300172 SE [ en ] Connectivity Seminar: Trans/Interdisciplinary Structure Series II
- 300185 VO [ en ] Structural Bioinformatics I
- 300191 UE [ en ] Bioinformatics for non-bioinformaticians - how to build and analyse a transcriptome
- 300197 VO [ en ] Ecology of Marine Polar Systems
- 300203 VO Mitochondrial Bioenergetics, Pathophysiology und Medizin
- 300211 VO General and Molecular Microbiology I
- 300214 UE Course III B: Sequence analysis in molecular biology
- 300218 UE [ de en ] Scanning electron microscopy - techniques and preparations for biologist
- 300221 UE [ de en ] Transmission Electron Microscopy of Cells and Tissues -Techniques and Preparation
- 300247 UE [ en ] Workshop Scientific Presentation @ Science Communication - DK Chromosome Dynamics
- 300261 VO [ en ] Theory and practice of biomolecular structure determination and characterisation - DK Integrative Structural Biology
- 300267 VO Business in Biotech
- 300270 VO [ en ] Biophysical chemistry of macromolecules - DK Integrative Structural Biology
- 300272 VO Metabolism in Evolution, Development and Ecology: a Systems Biology Perspective
- 300273 SE [ en ] Exploring protein structure - DK Integrative Structural Biology
- 300276 SE New developments in chromosome biology III
- 300277 SE [ en ] Journal Club I - Stem Cell Biology: Evolutionary, developmental and pathological dimensions
- 300413 SE Seminar Mentoring of the Orientation Period Biology
- 300432 UE RNA Profiling in Microbiology/Immunology
- 300464 SE [ en ] ABC-SE Research Report: Algorithmsm, Biomolecules & Computers IV
- 300478 UE [ de en ] Advanced Techniques in Genetics and Developmental Biology
- 300482 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course in Genetics and Developmental Biology
- 300565 VO Basics and handling with intellectual property for biologists - Basics for Scientists
- 300574 SE [ en ] Chromosome Dynamics - contemporary topics
- 300584 UE Project management in science communication
- 300740 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club I - Immunobiology and Signal transduction
- 300741 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club I - Molecular Microbiology
- 300742 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club I - Biochemistry
- 300743 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club I - Molecular Zellbiology
- 300744 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club I - Structurbiology
- 300745 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club I - Bioinformatics
- 300746 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club I - Chromosomenbiology and cytogenetic
- 300747 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club I - Genetics and Developmental biology
- 300851 UE [ de en ] Advanced Biochemical Techniques
- 300852 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course Advanced Biochemistry
- 300853 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Structural Biology A - Basics
- 300854 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Structural Biology B - Advanced Practical Course
- 300856 UE [ de en ] Advanced Cell Biology Techniques
- 300857 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course Cell Biology
- 300858 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course (Molecular Medicine) - Part 1
- 300859 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course (Molecular Medicine) - Part 2
- 300860 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course Advanced Neurosciences
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:40