First stage
Second stage
3.4 Mathematics
- 250042 UE Computer course for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250043 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme (Algebra)
- 250044 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme (Algebra and Analysis)
- 250045 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme (Applied mathematics)
- 250046 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accredidation Programme (Stochastics)
- 250031 VO Applied mathematics for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250047 UE Tutorial: Applied mathematics for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250048 VO Differential equations for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250049 UE Tutorial: Differential equations for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250021 VO History of mathematics and logics
- 250131 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accredidation Programme (Stochastics)
- 250132 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accredidation Programme (Stochastics)
3.5. Didactics of mathematics
- 250035 VO Indroduction to didactics
- 250036 VO ( PH-NÖ ) Schulmathematik Arithmetik und Algebra
- 250038 KO Selected topics in mathematics didactics
- 250039 PS Problem solving
- 250040 SE Seminar (Work in schools)
- 250041 SE Seminar on mathematics education
- 250030 VO School mathematics analysis
- 250050 UE Schulmathematik Analysis
- 250051 SE ( KPH Krems PH-NÖ ) Seminar zur Unterrichtsplanung
- 250034 VO Schulmathematik Elementargeometrie und Vektorrechnung
- 250052 UE ( KPH Krems PH-WIEN ) Schulmathematik Elementargeometrie und Vektorrechnung
- 250053 PR ( KPH Krems PH-WIEN ) Praktikum zum Computereinsatz im Mathematikunterricht
- 250054 UE ( PH-NÖ ) Schulmathematik Arithmetik und Algebra
- 250055 SE ( PH-NÖ PH-WIEN ) Begleitendes Seminar zum fachbezogenen Schulpraktikum
- 250114 KO Wahlbereichs - Konversatorium
3.6. Elective courses (second stage)
- 250114 KO Wahlbereichs - Konversatorium
- 250129 SE ( KPH Krems ) optional seminar
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:40