Pflichtmodulgruppe Fachdidaktik Geographie und Wirtschaftskunde
UF GW 02 Einführung in die Fachdidaktik GW
- 290080 PS ( STEOP ) Introduction to the Teaching of the Subject "Geography and Economics"
UF GW 03 Grundlagen und Konzepte der Fachdidaktik GW
- 290020 KU Introductory Course in Didactics: Didactic Concepts & Contents of the Subject Geography & Economics - (gilt als PS FD I für Lehramtsstudierende im Diplomstudium)
- 290099 PS ( KPH Krems ) Proseminar on Subject-Specific Didactics II: Teaching Methods and the Use of Media
UF GW 04 Ausgewählte Themen der Fachdidaktik GW
- 290038 PS Proseminar on Subject-Specific Didactics:
- 290042 PS ( PH-NÖ ) Proseminar on Subject-Specific Didactics: Maps, School Atlasses & Internet in Teaching Geography
- 290031 PS ( KPH Krems ) Proseminar on Subject-Specific Didactics: Socioeconomic Issues in Secondary Education - in der Sekundarstufe
- 290143 PS ( KPH Krems ) Proseminar on Subject-Specific Didactics: Gender Roles in the Context of Teaching Geography
- 290202 PR Practicum in Subject-Specific Didactics: University-Educational Cooperation Projects in GW, Group A
- 290168 PR Practicum in Subject-Specific Didactics: University-Educational Cooperation Project in GW, Group B
- 290012 PR ( PH-WIEN ) Practicum in Subject-Specific Didactics: University-Educational Cooperation Project in GW, Group C
- 290147 PR Practicum in Subject-Specific Didactics: University-Educational Cooperation Project in GW, Group D
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:40