BAM 13 Bachelor Module
- 010038 SE Parables of Jesus - Former and Recent Approaches Compared
- 010043 SE [ en ] Thomas Aquinas: The life, work and world of a medieval master and monk
- 010057 SE Franz of Sales: His life and impact in the history of Christian spirituality
- 010060 SE Lectureship "Literature and Religion" - Die Anstößigkeit des Kreuzes in der modernen Literatur. Poetikdozentur "Literatur und Religion"
- 010063 SE Variety and Day-to-Day Consequences of Ecclesiastical Transformations in Europe from 1520 to 1580 - Von Katechismus und Leichenpredigt, geräumten Klöstern und neuen Orden
- 010066 SE Romano Guardini A Modern Teacher of Spirituality
- 010079 SE Biblical Characters in patristic and rabbinic perspective: Women in the Hebrew Bible
- 010089 SE Spiritual and Political Care in the Context of Migration
- 010096 SE Discourse Ethics and Latin American Ethics of Liberation - (für Masterstudium Ethik: Masterseminar)
- 010104 SE [ en ] An Introduction to Christian Iconography
- 010105 SE 50 Years of Liturgical Studies and Sacramental Theology at the University of Vienna - Retrospects, Insights, and Prospects
- 010106 SE Martin Luther and the Jews
- 010320 SE Christianity in the Caucasus: In the Footsteps of St. Hripsime and St. Nino
Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33