Module 10 Practical Skills II
- 330002 SE [ en ] Nutrition in Developing Countries
- 330007 SE Media Studies - Präsentationstechniken, Sprechtechnik, Rhetorik, Kommunikation
- 330025 VO+SE Evidence based methods in Nutrition Research
- 330029 VO+SE Clinical and Pathophysiological Aspects of Nutrition and Metabolism
- 330044 VO Advanced Human Nutrition II
- 330052 UE Microbiological and molecularbiological practice in food production
- 330056 SE Nutritional Sciences Colloquium - Aktuelle Aspekte der Ernährungswissenschaften
- 330059 VO+SE Assessment of Nutritional Status in Nutritional Epidemiological studies
- 330069 SE Instruction to scientific work - für Masterstudierende der Ernährungswissenschaften
Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33