B. Master Degree Programme in Classical Archaeology
Studienplan: http://www.univie.ac.at/mtbl02/2007_2008/2007_2008_154.pdf + geringfügige Änderung: http://www.univie.ac.at/mtbl02/2015_2016/2015_2016_57.pdfACHTUNG: Nicht alle Lehrveranstaltungen können in jedem Semester angeboten werden. Sollten Sie eine der nicht angebotenen LV unbedingt benötigen um nicht am Abschluss des Studiums gehindert zu werden, kontaktieren Sie bitte mit einer kurzen Schilderung Ihrer Lage die SSSt Klassische Archäologie: https://ufind.univie.ac.at/de/person.html?id=36381
I. Required Module - Greek-Roman Archaeology
- 090001 VO Archaeological Evidence of Economics in the Roman Empire
- 090002 VO Stones and Potsherds in the Countryside - Survey Archaeology of the Eastern Mediterranean
- 090028 VO Greek Myths in Etruscan Art
- 090043 SE Delos in Hellenistic Times
- 090065 SE Roman Funerary Culture
- 090066 SE Rome’s Civil Wars. An Archaeology of Crisis
II. Alternative Required Module
1. Alternative Required Module - Field Trip
- 090002 VO Stones and Potsherds in the Countryside - Survey Archaeology of the Eastern Mediterranean
- 090034 KU Antique Vienna
- 090035 KU [ en ] Principle and Practice of Archaeological and Architectural Documentation
- 090038 KU Preparing a field trip
- 090039 EX The Archaeology of the Roman Rhinelands
2. Alternative Required Module - Instructional Excavation
- 090002 VO Stones and Potsherds in the Countryside - Survey Archaeology of the Eastern Mediterranean
- 090034 KU Antique Vienna
- 090035 KU [ en ] Principle and Practice of Archaeological and Architectural Documentation
- 090036 LG Instructional Excavation: Molino San Vincenzo
- 090037 LG Instructional Excavation: Velia
III. Interdisciplinary Module
- 090006 SE Seminar in Roman History - Apuleius' Metamorphosen und das römische Reich im 2. Jh. n. Chr.
IV. Specialisation Module A
- 090001 VO Archaeological Evidence of Economics in the Roman Empire
- 090002 VO Stones and Potsherds in the Countryside - Survey Archaeology of the Eastern Mediterranean
- 090028 VO Greek Myths in Etruscan Art
- 090031 VO Archaeology of the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090033 SE Knossos
- 090042 VO Life in late Antiquity. Religion, culture and daily life in early christianity
- 090043 SE Delos in Hellenistic Times
- 090065 SE Roman Funerary Culture
- 090066 SE Rome’s Civil Wars. An Archaeology of Crisis
V. Specialisation Module B
- 090001 VO Archaeological Evidence of Economics in the Roman Empire
- 090002 VO Stones and Potsherds in the Countryside - Survey Archaeology of the Eastern Mediterranean
- 090028 VO Greek Myths in Etruscan Art
- 090031 VO Archaeology of the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090033 SE Knossos
- 090042 VO Life in late Antiquity. Religion, culture and daily life in early christianity
- 090043 SE Delos in Hellenistic Times
- 090065 SE Roman Funerary Culture
- 090066 SE Rome’s Civil Wars. An Archaeology of Crisis
VI. Master Module
Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33