Gemäß Studienplan ist ein Seminar wählbar. Zusätzliche Seminare können Sie als (freies) Wahlfach heranziehen.
- 010026 SE Basics and methods for Church History - An Introduction
- 010031 SE Theology and Spirituality of the Eastern Church Fathers
- 010038 SE Being a Christian according to the Catholic Epitels
- 010052 FS Walter Benjamin's History and Religion - Wahrnehmung von Geschichte und Religion bei Walter Benjamin
- 010056 FS Research Seminar for Graduands: Transformation of Religion - DiplomandInnen-, DissertantInnen und HabilitandInnenseminar
- 010057 FS Thomas von Aquinas: On Religion (Sth II II qq. 80-100)
- 010060 SE Concepts of modernity in catholic reform theology
- 010064 FS One truth - but many faces? - On tensions between christology and a pluralistic theology of religion
- 010066 SE Spiritual discernment - charism and virtue
- 010071 FS Luther and Ignatius
- 010075 FS "Near - yet hard to seize" - Between Literature and Religion - Im Zwischenraum von Literatur und Religion (Lektüreseminar zur Poetikdozentur)
- 010080 FS Theology of the Old Testament: Focus: Prophecy
- 010081 SE Bible and Politics I
- 010089 SE Seminar in Preaching
- 010097 SE The Roman Curia under Pope Francis
- 010098 SE The Bible Inspiring Art
- 010104 SE "Who we are". Christianity, Catholicism and Migration in modern times
- 010105 SE Introduction to the Liturgical and Pastoral Practice of the Byzantine Rite
- 010123 FS Hegel’s Science of Logic
- 010320 FS Was ist liturgische Theologie
- 040113 KU Solidary Economic (MA)
Last modified: We 15.09.2021 02:02