Bachelor Education (645 [2] - Versioin 2011)
Orientation Phase (15 ECTS)
Introduction to the Study of Educational Sciences (10 ECTS)
Introduction to the Study of Educational Sciences
- 190009 PVU ( OV STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Educational Sciences I
Introduction to the Study of Educational Sciences
- 190006 PVU ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Educational Sciences II
- 190007 PVU ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Educational Sciences II
Module-examination StEOP1 Introduction to the Study of Educational Sciences (10 ECTS)
Education, Teaching and Learning (5 ECTS)
Education, Teaching and Learning
- 190015 PVU ( STEOP ) STEOP2: Education, Teaching and Learning I
Education, Teaching and Learning
- 190016 PVU ( STEOP ) STEOP2: Education, Teaching and Learning II
Module-examination StEOP2 Education, Teaching and Learning (5 ECTS)
Group of Compulsory Modules (60 ECTS)
PMG 1: Theory of Educational Science (15 ECTS)
BM1 Scientific Methods in Education in Theory and Practice (5 ECTS)
- 190004 PS Scientific Methods in Education in Theory and Practice - Changes in higher education
- 190063 PS Scientific Methods in Education in Theory and Practice - Theoretical and practical approaches to Educational Research
- 190070 PS Scientific Methods in Education in Theory and Practice - Educational concepts between theory and practice
- 190119 PS Scientific Methods in Education in Theory and Practice - Was haben 'Big Brother' und Pädagogik gemeinsam? Bildungswissenschaft und Performativität - ein Einblick in den 'performative turn' der Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften.
BM2 Foundations of Education as an Academic Discipline (5 ECTS)
- 190017 VO Foundations of Education as an Academic Discipline
- 190047 PS [ de en ] Foundations of Education as an Academic Discipline - Discussions on Different Schools of Thought and their influence on Education
BM3 Education and Anthropology (5 ECTS)
- 190065 VO Education and Anthropology
PFMG 2: Education, Society and Individual (15 ECTS)
BM4 Education and the Historic Dimension (5 ECTS)
- 190049 VO Education and the Historic Dimension
BM5 Education and Policy (5 ECTS)
- 190145 VO Education and Policy - Educational Theory and Social Criticism
- 190169 PS Education and Policy - Education as a public good
BM6 Individual and Development (5 ECTS)
- 190082 PS [ en ] Individual and Development - A Holistic Look at the Development
- 190088 PS Individual and Development - Vom Individuum zum Subjekt: Vergesellschaftungs- und Entwicklungsprozesse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Michel Foucault.
- 190120 PS Individual and Development - Transitional processes in early chidhood. Transition to kindergarten from a psychoanalytic point of view
- 190143 VO Individual and Development - Development in early and middle childhood. Psychoanalytic and educational perspectives.
- 190208 PS Individual and development - School Transitions and Educational Trajectories
- 190233 PS BM 6 Individual and Development - Kindliche Entwicklung - Abenteuer Leben I. Aspekte kindlicher Entwicklungsprozesse: die ersten sechs Lebensjahre
PMG 3: Methodology and Methods of Education (30 ECTS)
BM7 Philosophy of Science in Education (10 ECTS)
- 190008 VO+UE Philosophy of Science in Education - Part 2 - From Hermeneutics to Discourse Analysis
BM8 Empirical Research Methods of Educational Science I (10 ECTS)
- 190012 VO+UE Empirical Research Methods of Educational Science I ? Part 2
- 190014 VO+UE Empirical Research Methods of Educational Science I - Part 2 - Quantitative methods in educational research.
BM9 Empirical Research Methods of Educational Science II (10 ECTS)
- 190005 VO+UE Empirical Research Methods of Educational Science II - Part 1 - Qualitative Research Methods
- 190239 VO+UE Empirical Research Methods of Educational Science II - Part 1 - Qualitative Methodology: Foundations and strategies of data collection
Major Field I-IV (40 ECTS)
Major Field I: Education in Transition (15 ECTS)
BM10 Theory Practice Transformation (5 ECTS)
- 190547 VO Theory practice transformation - Education in the relationship between theory and practice
BM11 Concepts and Constructions of Humans (5 ECTS)
- 190062 PS [ de en ] Concepts and Constructions of Humans - Making a mechanical man: Technocratic concepts and strategies in education
BM12 Education and Culture (5 ECTS)
- 190048 PS Education and Culture - Media biography and media culture
Major Field II: Teaching and Learning (15 ECTS)
BM13 General Didactics (5 ECTS)
BM14 Designs and Methods of International Comparative Educational Science (5 ECTS)
BM15 History of Education, with Special Consideration of Austria (5 ECTS)
- 190036 PS History of Education, with Special Consideration of Austria - Education crises, apologists and their narratives
Major Field III: Special Needs and Inclusive Education (15 ECTS)
BM16 Special Needs and Inclusive Education (5 ECTS)
- 190486 VO ( OV ) Special Needs and Inclusive Education
BM17 Consultation, Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Therapy (5 ECTS)
- 190034 PS Consultation, Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Therapy - Councelling, Diagnosis and Therapy in Special Needs and Inclusive
- 190056 PS [ en ] Consultation, Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Therapy - Immigrants and Ethnic Minorities in Special Education: From Diagnosis to Disproportionality.
- 190167 PS Consultation, Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Therapy - Disability Law and Disability Policy in Austria in the context of the UN Disability Rights Convention
- 190178 VO Consultation, Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Therapy - Inklusive Übergänge von der Schule in Ausbildung und Beschäftigung und Berufliche Teilhabe
- 190288 PS [ en ] Consultation, Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Therapy - Models of disability
BM18 Categorical Remedial Educational Theory with Special Need (5 ECTS)
- 190026 PS Categorical Remedial Educational Theory with Special Need - Grundlagen der Gebärdensprachpädagogik
- 190046 VO Categorical Remedial Educational Theory with Special Need - Basics of Fields of Activity - Emotional and Social Development (compulsory module)
- 190053 PS [ en ] Categorical Remedial Educational Theory with Special Need - The education of students with different disabilities in countries of the South.
- 190067 PS Categorical Remedial Educational Theory with Special Need - Unterstützte Kommunikation bei Menschen mit fehlender bzw. eingeschränkter Lautsprache
- 190104 PS Categorical Remedial Educational Theory with Special Need - Categorical special education in an era of inclusion
Major Field IV: Education, Biography and Age (15 ECTS)
BM19 Consultation and Personality Development (5 ECTS)
BM20 Biography and Age (5 ECTS)
- 190054 PS Biography and Age - Reflexions- und Handlungsrahmen geschlechtlicher Subjekte in Bildungskontexten. Annäherungen an machtkritische Lesarten am Beispiel biographischer Erzählungen intergeschlechtlicher Menschen.
- 190069 PS Biography and Age - Biographien und Bilder der GastarbeiterInnen
- 190072 PS Biography and Age - Bildungswege in autobiographischen Texten
- 190271 PS Biography and Age - Biographical self-reflection and educational competence
- 190310 VO Biography and Age - Education and Learning in the Lifecourse - An Introduction to biographical research and theory
BM21 Society and Social Change (5 ECTS)
- 190052 PS Linguistic Heterogenity and Education - Society and Social Chance. Religious Heterogenity at school.
- 190073 PS Society and Social Change - Politische Bildung für Geflüchtete in Orientierungs- und Wertekursen?
- 190074 PS Society and Social Change - Gesellschaft im Wandel. Prekariat, Bohemé, Modernisierungsverlierer. Eine Sozialpädagogische Re-Lektüre
- 190090 PS Society and Social Change - Intercultural Pedagogy - Oportunities and limits of intercultural learning
further required module (5 ECTS)
BM22 Philosophy of Educational Science (5 ECTS)
Research (30 ECTS)
BM23 Research Practicum (10 ECTS)
- 190040 SE Research Practicum - Migration in educational institutions.
- 190058 SE Research Practicum - Emotionen am Übergang von Schule zur Hochschule - Ein Forschungsprojekt zur Bedeutung von emotionalen Markierungen
- 190071 SE Research Practicum - Competence-Based Instruction in Upper Secondary Schools
- 190075 SE Research Practicum - School improvement in Lower Austria Middle Schools
- 190077 SE Research Practicum - What does the Ministry of Education Have in Its Cellar? A literary exploration for the benefit of educational science research.
- 190084 SE Research Practicum - Berufswahlentscheidungen von Jugendlichen im Spannungsfeld von Biographie und Institution
- 190118 SE Research Practicum - Media Education - Media Literacy
BM24 Bachelor's Paper I (10 ECTS)
- 190030 SE Bachelor's Paper I - Pluralität in elementarpädagogischen Einrichtungen
- 190031 SE Bachelor's Paper I - Workplace Learning
- 190032 SE Bachelor's Paper I - Transition research on collaborative experiences
- 190033 SE Bachelor's Paper I - Children's transition to out-of-home-care
- 190051 SE BM 24 Bachelor's Paper I - Zur Bildungssituation von geflüchteten Personen und Angehörigen ethnischer Minderheiten
- 190248 SE Bachelor's Paper I - Game Studies
BM25 Bachelor's Paper II (10 ECTS)
- 190037 SE Bachelor's Paper II - Schulreformen im nationalen und internationalen Kontext - methodische Herausforderungen
- 190043 SE Bachelor's Paper II - Philosophy of Education
- 190076 SE Bachelor's Paper II - Wissen als ein bildungswissenschaftlicher (Grund-)Begriff
- 190079 SE Bachelor's Paper II - Bildung, Migration und soziale Ungleichheit
- 190096 SE Bachelor's Paper II - Gegensätze und Spannungsverhältnisse im Theoriegefüge der Pädagogik
- 190114 SE Bachelor's Paper II - Concept of man and concept of education
- 190258 SE Bachelor's Paper II - Classics of special education
- 190349 SE Bachelor's Paper II - Emotionale Vernunft
Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33