B08 Final Module
- 160057 PS Music during national socialism
- 160040 PS Contemporary music from 1970 to 2000 between work aesthetics and performance
- 160041 PS Music Traditions of the Eastern Mediterranean
- 160048 PS Interchanges of architectural acoustics and composition
- 160082 PS Musikkulturelles Handeln am Hof und in der Aristokratie um 1800
- 160034 PS Introduction to Ethnomusicology of Amazonia
- 160018 PS The Mellon Chansonnier - Materialität, Repertoire und Bedeutung eines Liederbuchs für Prinzessin Beatrix von Aragon (ca. 1475/76)
- 160011 SE Opera in Vienna in the Theresian era
- 160022 SE Music and violence
- 160023 SE Indigenous music and postcolonialism
- 160032 SE Music productions (including opera) for children
- 160033 SE Klavier- und Liederzyklen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts - aus Sicht der Gattungs-, Interpretations- und Rezeptionsgeschichte
- 160035 SE Johann Joseph Fux
- 160060 SE Application of music in every day life
- 160056 SE Gender in musicals and music films
- 160044 SE Regimes, indexes, catalogues etc.: Representation in musicology
Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33