Bachelor Jewish Studies (639 [2] - Version 2011) - discontinued
Curricula und Informationen zum Bachelorstudium Judaistik sieheür die Teilnahme an den Lehrveranstaltungen ist eine online-Anmeldung erforderlich.Die Lehrveranstaltungen finden, sofern nicht anders angegeben, in den Hörsälen (HS 1 und HS 2 im Erdgeschoß) und im Besprechungsraum (2.Stock) des Instituts für Judaistik statt (Wien IX., Spitalgasse 2, Hof 7.3 des Universitätscampus).
Compulsory Module - Introductory Phase
Compulsory Module - Introductory Phase: Hebrew
Compulsory Module - Introductory Phase: Intruduction to Jewish Studies
Compulsory Module Methodology
Compulsory Module Modern Hebrew
- 060001 VU [ de he ] From Biblical Hebrew to Modern Hebrew 2
- 060002 VU [ de he ] Modern Hebrew 2
Compulsory Modules: 4 Epoch Modules and 2 Text Modules
Compulsory Module Antique Period
Compulsory Module Rabbinic Period
- 060009 VO History, Culture, Literature and Religion in the Rabbinic Period 2 - Die Midraschim; Mischna und Talmud: Eine Einführung in die Literatur mit Textbeispielen (in Übersetzungen)
Compulsory Module Medieval Period
Texts - from the Antique to the Medieval Period
- 060008 SE Angels and Demons - Privatissimum Rabbinische Texte
- 060019 SE Gregory the Great and the Jews - Privatissimum Mittelalterliche Texte
- 060027 SE Women in Ancient Judaism - Privatissimum Antike Texte
- 060071 SE Jewish Medieval Philosophy - reading class - Privatissimum Mittelalterliche Texte
Compulsory Module Modern and Contemporary Period
Compulsory Module Original Texts
- 060013 SE Philological challenges in Sefer Tehilim
- 060026 SE Between Rewritten Bible and Commentary - The Pre-Rabbinic Reception History of the Jewish Scriptures
- 060028 SE Rabbinic Mental Maps: The Land of Israel
Special Topic Module
- 060011 VO Alt-Neuland on the Screen: 70 years of Israeli Fiction Film - in Cooperation with the Embassy of the State of Israel and METRO-Kinokulturhaus
- 060023 VO [ de he ] Advanced Modern Conversational Hebrew, part 2
- 060003 VO Saint Louis and the battle about the Talmud
- 060005 VO Understanding Rabbinic Texts: Hermeneutics, Structure, Form
- 060006 SE "If you will it, it ist no dream": Texts about "Zion" from the Bible to the present
- 060046 VO Philosophy and Kabbalah - Jewish Thought from the Middle Ages up to the early Modern Period
- 060021 SE Film as Midrash
- 060031 VO Great Books of Judaism, Part 2: From Maimonides until the present day
- 060014 VO Exercises to Modern Hebrew
- 060016 VO Antisemitism as World Religion
- 060012 VO Absolutely British - Jewish Environment made in Britain
- 010097 VO [ en ] Becoming God: Deification from Antiquity to the Present
- 060116 VO Synagogues Reflected Through Law
Compulsory Final Module
- 060006 SE "If you will it, it ist no dream": Texts about "Zion" from the Bible to the present
- 060021 SE Film as Midrash
- 060026 SE Between Rewritten Bible and Commentary - The Pre-Rabbinic Reception History of the Jewish Scriptures
Last modified: Fr 29.06.2018 00:29