Bachelor Teacher Training Programme: Chemistry (193 043, 198 404)
Introductory and Orientation Period (6 ECTS)
- 270017 PR ( PH-WIEN STEOP ) STEOP: Basic Chemistry Laboratory Course I - Introductory Lab Course
- 270026 PS ( OV STEOP ) STEOP: Basic Chemistry Laboratory Course I - Proseminar
Topical Courses (64 ECTS)
- 270029 PR STEOP: Basic Chemistry Laboratory Course I - Preparative Lab Course
- 270052 VO Analytical Chemistry I
- 270061 VO Inorganic Chemistry I
- 270062 UE ( PH-WIEN ) Basic Laboratory Course II B
- 270077 PR Basic Laboratory Course II A
- 270091 UE Mathematics for Chemistry Teachers
- 270106 SE Accompanying Seminar for the lecture General Chemistry A
- 270138 UE Laboratory Course in Enviromental Chemistry - für Lehramt
- 270186 VO Organic Chemistry I - classes of compounds
- 270219 VO Physical Chemistry I - (Introduction)
- 270312 VO Toxicology
Subject Specific Didactics (15 ECTS)
- 270016 SE Introduction to didactics of chemistry
- 270039 SE ( PH-NÖ ) Engrossing Seminar Didactics of Chemistry
- 270141 UE [ de en ] ( PH-NÖ ) Class room Experiments in Chemistry Part B - Students Experiments
- 270167 UE [ de en ] Class room Experiments in Chemistry Part A - Demonstration Experiments
Elective Area (0-10 ECTS)
- 270051 SE ( PH-NÖ ) Gifted education within the scope of the Chemistry Olympiad
- 270148 SE Theory and practice for efficient chemistry teaching
- 270154 SE Arguing and experiment in modern chemistry teaching
- 270161 UE UE Physical Chemistry I
- 270191 SE Chemiedidaktik für Schulpraktiker und LehrerInnenwissenschaftler
Subject Related Training Placement at School (7 ECTS)
- 270047 SE SE Seminar for teaching practice at schools
- 270048 SE SE Seminar for teaching practice at schools II
Bachelor Module (5 ECTS)
- 270120 PR Bachelorpraktikum Unterrichtsfach Chemie
- 270139 SE Bachelorseminar Unterrichtsfach Chemie
Last modified: Fr 29.06.2018 00:29