M4 Language and Communication: B-Language (14 ECTS)
- 340287 UE [ hbs ] Grammar in Context: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
- 340123 UE Grammar in Context: German
- 340029 UE Grammar in Context: German
- 340054 UE [ en ] Grammar in Context: English
- 340139 UE [ en ] Grammar in Context: English
- 340070 UE [ en ] Grammar in Context: English
- 340364 UE [ en ] Grammar in Context: English
- 340074 UE [ fr ] Grammar in Context: French
- 340232 UE [ it ] Grammar in Context: Italian
- 340341 UE [ pl ] Grammar in Context: Polish
- 340106 UE [ pt ] Grammar in Context: Portuguese
- 340026 UE [ ro ] Grammar in Context: Romanian
- 340284 UE [ ru ] Grammar in Context: Russian
- 340167 UE [ es ] Grammar in Context: Spanish
- 340164 UE [ cs ] Grammar in Context: Czech
- 340351 UE [ hu ] Grammar in Context: Hungarian
- 340034 UE Listening Competence and Text Production: German
- 340198 UE Listening Comprehension and Text Production: German
- 340032 UE [ en ] Listening Competence and Text Production: English
- 340347 UE [ en ] Listening Competence and Text Production: English
- 340080 UE [ en ] Listening Competence and Text Production: English
- 340148 UE [ fr ] Listening Competence and Text Production: French
- 340144 UE [ es ] Listening Competence and Text Production: Spanish
- 340016 UE [ hbs ] Reading Competence and Text Production: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
- 340003 UE Reading Comprehension and Text Production: German
- 340035 UE Reading Competence and Text Production: German
- 340194 UE [ en ] Reading Competence and Text Production: English
- 340046 UE [ en ] Reading Competence and Text Production: English
- 340053 UE [ en ] Reading Competence and Text Production: English
- 340363 UE [ en ] Reading Competence and Text Production: English
- 340290 UE [ fr ] Reading Competence and Text Production: French
- 340386 UE [ it ] Reading Comprehension and Text Production: Italian
- 340272 UE [ pl ] Reading Competence and Text Production: Polish
- 340337 UE [ pt ] Reading Competence and Text Production: Portuguese
- 340124 UE [ ro ] Reading Competence and Text Production: Romanian
- 340103 UE [ ru ] Reading Competence and Text Production: Russian
- 340025 UE [ es ] Reading Competence and Text Production: Spanish
- 340334 UE [ cs ] Reading Competence and Text Production: Czech
- 340005 UE [ hu ] Reading Competence and Text Production: Hungarian
- 340193 UE [ hbs ] Oral Communication: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
- 340036 UE Oral Communication: German
- 340243 UE Oral Communication: German
- 340354 UE [ en ] Oral Communication: English
- 340012 UE [ en ] Oral Communication: English
- 340338 UE [ en ] Oral Communication: English
- 340365 UE [ en ] Oral Communication: English
- 340090 UE [ fr ] Oral Communication: French
- 340028 UE [ it ] Oral Communication: Italian
- 340039 UE [ pl ] Oral Communication: Polish
- 340094 UE [ pt ] Oral Communication: Portuguese
- 340023 UE [ ro ] Oral Communication: Romanian
- 340186 UE [ ru ] Oral Communication: Russian
- 340270 UE [ es ] Oral Communication: Spanish
- 340199 UE [ cs ] Oral Communication: Czech
- 340312 UE [ hu ] Oral Communication: Hungarian
Last modified: We 26.04.2023 01:29