BRP 14rwb Alternative Compulsory Modules (15 ECTS)
Es ist nach Maßgabe des Angebots ENTWEDER das Modul BRP rwba Quellensprachen ODER das Modul BRP rwbb Vertiefung Religionswissenschaft zu absolvieren.
a) BRP 14rwb a Source Languages (15 ECTS)
- 010003 VO Biblical Hebrew I
- 020016 VO-L Hebrew I
- 060004 VU [ de he ] ( STEOP ) STEOP: From Biblical Hebrew to Modern Hebrew 1
- 060014 VU [ de he ] Modern Hebrew 1
- 060022 VO ( STEOP ) Middle Egyptian I
- 060050 PUE ( STEOP ) Hieroglyphics I
- 140049 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to Akkadian I
- 140089 UE Introduction to Classical Tibetan I - Additional Practice
- 140095 UE Introduction to Classical Sanskrit I - Additional Practice
- 140114 VU Bambara: Tutorial 1
- 140204 VU Swahili: Tutorial 1
- 140205 VU Swahili: Grammar 1
- 140207 VU Hausa: Grammar 1 / Hausa: Nahawu 1
- 140209 VU Bambara: Grammar 1
- 140270 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Arabic Language I
- 140278 VU Hausa: Tutorial 1 / Hausa: Ayyukan motsa k’wak‘walwa 1
- 140329 VO+UE Introduction to Classical Tibetan I
- 140376 VO+UE Introduction to Classical Sanskrit I
- 150028 PUE [ de ko ] ( STEOP ) STEOP: Korean Grammar and Translation 1 (Group 1)
- 150032 PUE [ en ko ] ( STEOP ) STEOP: Korean Grammar and Translation 1 (Group 2)
- 150041 VO [ de ja ] ( OV STEOP ) STEOP: Theory of Japanese 1
- 150091 UE [ de zh ] Revision Course to Theory and Practice of Chinese Writing and Language
- 150102 KSTEOP [ de zh ] ( STEOP ) STEOP: Speaking Lab 1a
- 150104 KSTEOP [ zh ] ( STEOP ) STEOP: Speaking Practice 1a
- 150267 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Theory and Praxis of Chinese Writing and Language
b) BRP 14rwb b Advanced Course: Religious Studies (15 ECTS)
- 010107 SE [ en ] Myth
- 020005 SE Oriental Christianity in History and Presence - Seminar: Scientific Study of Religions
- 020006 SE Oriental Christianity in History and Presence - Seminar: Scientific Study of Religions
- 020007 SE Jesus in nicht-christlichen Religionen - Systematisch-vergleichende Religionswissenschaft
- 020010 SE Optional Modul: Gender in religious, ethical or cultural context - Feministische Diskurse im Islam
- 030194 KU Islam in Europe - (Issues from) Legal history and contemporory legal developments
- 060027 SE The Kunsthistorisches Museum, the Hebrew Bible and Ancient Judaism
- 090083 SE Mount Athos through the centuries (SE)
- 140021 SE Islamic Ethics (ahlaq)
Last modified: Fr 28.02.2025 00:56