European Ethnology
Bachelor European Ethnoloy (623 [2] - Version 2011)
Introductory and Orientation Period (15 ECTS)
BM StEOP 1a (9 ECTS)
- 080090 VO ( OV STEOP ) STEOP: B110 Introduction to European Ethnology
- 080091 PS ( STEOP ) STEOP: B120 Introduction to European Ethnology
BM StEOP 1b (6 ECTS)
- 080096 PS ( STEOP ) STEOP: B130 Scientific Working and Writing
Study Period (90 ECTS)
BM 2 Fields of Research (15 ECTS)
- 080015 PS B210 Fields of Research
- 080021 UE+EX B220 EX + UE Fields of Research: Between border region and metropolis Vienna: - about landscape change and mobility in Burgenland
- 080016 VO-L B230 Special Fields: All in all: The Everyday Uses of Autobiography and Media
- 070366 VO Lecture - Vienna, 1918-1938 - How the utopia of a better society gave way to a humanitatian catastrophy
BM 3 Empirical Techniques (15 ECTS)
- 080024 PS B310 Ethnographic Research
- 080019 UE B320 UE Historical methods: Doing reasearch with auto/biographical papers
- 080013 VO+UE [ de en ] B330 Special Methods: Visual Ethnography
BM 4 Cultural Theories (15 ECTS)
- 080011 PS B410 Theories of Culture
- 080033 LK B420 Reading Course Cultural Theory:From workers’ culture to cultures of work: Theories and concepts
- 080006 VO-L B430 Special Theories: Audience Studies
BM 5 Culture and Habitat (15 ECTS)
- 080012 SE B510 Culture and Habitat: Concepts in the cultural analysis of the city: - Social space, imaginary, assemblage
- 080069 VO+UE B520 Culture and Habitat: Arriving, waiting, remaining mobile - Spatial constellations of transit
BM 6 Culture and Society (15 ECTS)
- 080014 SE B610 Culture and Society: Entertainment
- 080005 VO+UE B620 Food Studies: Cultural Perspectives and Trends
BM 7 Occupational Field (15 ECTS)
- 080101 SE B710 Applied Cultural Studies: Museums and Exhibitions - History, Theory, Practice
- 080088 VO-L B720 Forms and Formats of Transmission: Creating, Mediating and Financing Culture: - a practice oriented insight into the work of Viennese cultural
Final Stage (15 ECTS)
BM 8 Bachelor (15 ECTS)
- 080077 SE B810 Bachelor
Master European Ethnology (823)
Module 1: Representations I (15 ECTS)
- 080123 VO+UE M120 Detailed Representations I: Memory Landscapes: Representations of Social Remembering Culture
Module 2: Culture - History - Habitat (15 ECTS)
- 080092 SE [ en ] M210: Culture-History-Habitat: The Anthropology of Cultural Heritage
Module 3: Culture - History - Society (15 ECTS)
- 080009 VO+UE [ en ] M320 Culture - History - Society: Anthropology of Religion
Module 4: Cultures of Knowledge - Ethnography - Disciplinarity (15 ECTS)
- 080060 SE M410 Science Studies - Ethnography: Analogue and digital. - Academic Work: reading, writing and handling with information
Module 5: Representations II (15 ECTS)
Module 6: Research (15 ECTS)
- 080007 PJ Project of Research II:
Module 7: Master (4 ECTS)
- 080010 IK M720 Colloquium:
- 080133 MK Master Course of Lectures - PhD Colloquium
Extension Curriculum - Basics of European Ethnology (082)
Basics of European Ethnology (15 ECTS)
- 080090 VO ( OV STEOP ) STEOP: B110 Introduction to European Ethnology
- 080016 VO-L B230 Special Fields: All in all: The Everyday Uses of Autobiography and Media
- 080013 VO+UE [ de en ] B330 Special Methods: Visual Ethnography
- 080006 VO-L B430 Special Theories: Audience Studies
Extension Curriculum - Cultural Analysis of Everday Life (083)
Cultural Analysis of Everday Life (15 ECTS)
- 080069 VO+UE B520 Culture and Habitat: Arriving, waiting, remaining mobile - Spatial constellations of transit
- 080005 VO+UE B620 Food Studies: Cultural Perspectives and Trends
- 080088 VO-L B720 Forms and Formats of Transmission: Creating, Mediating and Financing Culture: - a practice oriented insight into the work of Viennese cultural
Last modified: Fr 11.01.2019 00:31