Master-Module (5 ECTS)
- 070004 SE Master Seminar/M.A. Seminar/Ph.D. Seminar
- 070088 SE Master Seminar/M.A. Seminar/Ph.D. Seminar - Schwerpunkt Fachdidaktik Geschichte, Sozialkunde und Politische Bildung
- 070094 SE Master Seminar/M.A. Seminar/Ph.D. Seminar
- 070099 SE Master Seminar - History of South Eastern and East Central Europa in the long 19th and short 20th century
- 070126 SE Master Seminar/M.A. Seminar/Ph.D. Seminar
- 070132 SE Master Seminar/M.A. Seminar/Ph.D. Seminar
- 070158 SE Masterseminar/DiplomandInnenseminar/DissertantInnenseminar - Masterseminar - Graduate College 1 (Global History and Global Studies)
- 070221 SE Master Seminar/M.A. Seminar/Ph.D. Seminar
- 070279 SE Master Seminar - East European History
Last modified: Sa 26.02.2022 02:04