Bachelor Astronomy (661 [4] - Version 2015)
Orientation Course
- 281001 OV ( OV ) Orientierungsveranstaltung Astronomie
Introductory and Orientation Period (19 ECTS)
STEOP-Astro Introduction in Astronomy (4 ECTS)
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung Einführung in die Astronomie
- 280420 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP-Astro Introduction in Astronomy (NPI)
- 280421 PUE Exercises in Introduction to Astronomy (PI)
STEOP-PhRM Introduction to Computational Methods in Physics (5 ECTS)
- EXAM STEOP 2: module examination Introduction to Calculus
- 260400 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP 2: Introduction to Calculus
- 260401 PUE [ en de ] ( STEOP ) STEOP 2: Introduction to Calculus
- 260402 PVU STEOP 2: Introduction to Calculus
STEOP-Ph1 Introduction to Physics I (10 ECTS)
- EXAM COMM STEOP 1: module examination Experimental Physics I
- 260089 VO ( OV STEOP ) STEOP 1: Experimental Physics I: Classical Mechanics and Thermodynamics
- 260162 PUE [ de en ] ( STEOP ) STEOP 1: Experimental Physics I: Classical Mechanics and Thermodynamics
STEOP 1 Einführung in die Physik I, (10 ECTS) (alt)
- EXAM COMM STEOP: Modulprüfung Einführung in die Physik I
- EXAM COMM STEOP 1: module examination Experimental Physics I
UF PHYS 02 Einführung in die Physikalischen Rechenmethoden (5 ECTS)
Compulsory Modules (161 ECTS)
PM-AnaPh1 Analysis for Physicists I (8 ECTS)
- 260224 VO Analysis for Physicists I
- 260225 UE Analysis for Physicists I - Exercises
PM-LinAlg Linear Algebra for Physicists (7 ECTS)
- 260226 VO Linear Algebra for Physicists
- 260227 UE Problem session to Linear Algebra for Physicists - Exercises
PM-AP1 Astrophysics I (8 ECTS)
PM-AnaPh2 Analysis for Physicists II (8 ECTS)
PM-Ph2 Introduction in Physics II (10 ECTS)
PM-MethPh1 Mathematical Methods of Physics for Astronomers I (7 ECTS)
PM-AP2 Astrophysics II (8 ECTS)
- 280422 VU PM-AP2 VU Astrophysics II (PI)
PM-Ph-3 Introduction in Physics III (8 ECTS)
- 260152 UE [ de en ] Exercise course in Introductory Physics III
- 260243 VO Introduction to Physics III - Quanta, atoms and nuclei
PM-TP1 Theoretical Physics I: Classical Mechanic (7 ECTS)
- 260192 VO Theoretical Physics I: Classical Mechanics
- 280426 UE PM-TP1 Exercises in Theoretische Physik I: Klassische Mechanik (PI)
PM-MethPh2 Mathematical Methods of Physics for Astronomers II (6 ECTS)
- 260013 VO Mathematical Methods of Physics II
- 280431 UE PM-MethPh2 Exercises in Mathematische Methoden der Physik für AstronomInnen II (PI)
PM-AstroPR Astronomical Laboratory (6 ECTS)
PM-InfAst Informatics for Astronomers (6 ECTS)
PM-KonAst Physical concepts in Astronomy (8 ECTS)
PM-TP2 Theoretical Physics II: Quantum Mechanics (8 ECTS)
PM-NumMeth Numerical methods of Astronomy (8 ECTS)
- 280326 VU VU Numerical methods (PI)
PM-AstInst1 Astronomical instruments I (7 ECTS)
PM-ObsPrak Practical observations (10 ECTS)
PM-AstSem Seminar for actual astronomical topics (4 ECTS)
- 280454 SE [ en ] PM-AstSem Seminar Topics of the current astronomical research (PI)
PM-TAP1 Theoretically Astrophysics I (7 ECTS)
PM-BacSem Astronomical Bachelorseminar (10 ECTS)
PM-Nawi Special Topics of Astronomy and Related Natural Sciences (10 ECTS)
- 280483 VU WM-b-Planet Planets and exoplanets (PI)
- 280488 PR APM-c-Beob Practical in observation orientated Astronomy (PI)
- 280490 VO Solar system: formation, dynamical evolution and chaos (NPI)
- 280493 SE [ de en ] Public Outreach in Astronomy with the pop-up planetarium (PI)
- 280495 SE [ en ] Gaias survey of the milky way (PI)
- 280509 VO PM-Nawi History of Astronomy (NPI)
- 280510 VU [ en ] PM-Astr Theoretical and numerical models for galaxy evolution (PI)
- 280511 VU [ en ] PM-Astr Dwarf Galaxies: keys to galaxy formation and evolution (PI)
Last modified: Fr 11.01.2019 00:31