BA T2 - Specific Sociological Theories and Societal Diagnoses (15 ECTS)
Die Vorlesung "Ausgewählte Paradigmen soziologscher Theorien " kann nur im Wintersemester angeboten werden.
- 230012 VO Diagnosis of Society
- 230120 SE Selected Paradigms: Media within Communicative Constructivism
- 230121 SE [ en ] Selected Paradigms: Comparative Social Policies - History, approaches, directions of research and developments
- 230122 SE Selected Paradigms: Neo-marxist Theory of Society - Pierre Bourdieus "Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste"
- 230123 SE Selected Paradigms: Georg Simmel's Sociology
- 230124 SE Selected Paradigms: Feminist Theory and Gender Studies
- 230125 WS Diagnosis of Society: The Society of Individuals
- 230126 WS Diagnosis of Society: The Evaluation Society
- 230127 WS Diagnosis of Society: Intersectionality of Ideologies - Nationalism, Sexism, and Antisemitism
- 230128 WS Diagnosis of Society: Un/wanted refugees? - Social constructions and societal positions in the context of asylum and flight
Last modified: Fr 28.06.2019 00:32